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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles · Kent


Im located in Kent so within easy reach of London so count me in plz. Always up for a good gb.
Quote by Onthebeach_1
i must say, i am bemused by some of the profiles that i have read reflecting the comments above. i am sure there must be on some occasions extenuating circumstances to a no must be my naivety or something, but i have read a number of profiles that talk about men pretending to be women, men pretnding they are couples, it is quite bizzare!. Perhaps there should be a group called. I like to pretend i am going to meet you!

Thats how some people get their kicks. Unfortunately its usually at the expense of others. Although they are usually quite easy to sniff out.
Quote by Cubes
I can appreciate how frustrating it must be and in fairness many things can happen on the way to a meet. Thankfully these type of let-downs are infrequent, but it was one of the drivers behind the development of the Shrep system, and is the specific reason that the Meet Rep part was built.
Shrep can't guarantee you won't get let down on a meet, but it can be used to provide some level of assurance if used properly:

Insist on the other person having their Shrep profile active. If they refuse, ask yourself why.
Check their overall Shrep rating. Are they well known on the site? Do they have mainly positive or negative feedback?
Use the Shrep meet option to arrange the meet. That way you get to provide feedback - good or bad - to let other people know if they were good to their word or if they messed you around.

Obviously it doesn't replace the need to apply common sense, but Shrep can be used to make an informed decision about meeting someone.

Some good points there. The unusual thing is all the people I have met since the shrep system came into play the meet aspect was never used. I guess on this occasion it would have proved useful.
If I get an inkling of suspicion now I'll asked that the meet be arrange through shrep.
Hi thanks for you advice. I do meet great people here regular, I guess I just dropped my guard slightly last night. I just hope my post above helps others spot time wasters and saves them a wasted journey. If you do get any alarms bells ringing I guess its best to decline the meet as politely as possible.
Hi guys,
I dont post a lot in the forum but I reeling after last night, I guess I should have heeded the warning signs.
I was messaging a couple back and forth as they wanted to meet in central London. There were some alarm bells, namely it was the first time I'd seen a profile with a bad rep and he asked me to text my age and what I was into at the meeting time, now surely they either agree to meet you or not so I don't see why this was necessary. Anyway slightly dubious I sent one final mail asking is this meeting definitely confirmed to which they replied yes. Due to being let down before, I will normally only meet when Im given a confirmed address and time and I'll show up as agreed. However as they were getting a hotel room I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
So after making my way into London from Kent in terrible weather I text at 2130, he replied 2230, suspicious I asked for the location now and I would be there at 2230, he just replied ok. 2230 comes and goes and now there is no answer to my texts or calls. I wait till 2300 and reluctantly trudge home.
Finally at midnight still on my way home I get a text saying they had broken down on the motorway. Now as a driver myself I know these things happen but this does not make sense. If they text at 2130 saying 1 hour then they must have been on the motorway, now given the nearest motorway to central London is 45min - hour surely they would not have planned to meet in 1 hours time.
Sorry for the long rant but I hate being messed around like that and it hasn't happened in a long time but its this type of rubbish that messes it up for everyone else.
Im staying overnight in the Bramley area of Leeds tomorrow tuesday. If any single fems or couples would like to meet a genuine vvvwe guy then please get in touch. I can accom and we can of course just meet for a drink and see how things go from there.
Im free next Wed and would to join your gangbang. Im a genuine non pushy discreet guy with plenty of gang bang experience. Pics and video for private use is fine by me.
Take care
It seems quite a few people have reservations about this system and I do as well. I am a long term member of this site and have had many fantastic meets and made some relly good friends. There have been quite a few meets I have had with members that I would prefer to be kept private. Like somebody else said I have had meetings that went well only for that person or couple to end up pestering me a while later. I dont particpate on the forums a lot as its mainly through chat and this does not seem to be taken into account by SHrek errr I mean SHrep. I have arranged a meeting before which I cancelled for what I believed to be legitimate reasons however the other person was not happy and under the new system I sure that would lead to a dispute. Slightly off track I have had bad feedback removed by ebay but it seems that wont happen here. There are many ways to meet people on this site and it seems that the people who attend group meets munches etc will surely benefit the most which does not create a level playing field as such. All in all the idea is sound but in practice I think it will only benefit certain people.
If anybody would like to meet for pre-drinks then please just send me a PM
Please add me. I have not been around for a while and I need a really good night out. Looking forward to meeting all you lovely peeps there drinkies
Hi Guys, just read your profile and you seem like a fun couple. Im available tonight and tomorrow to play.
Have fun.
Dave d
Hi all Im a 29 year old fun loving genuine guy. Ive made lots of good friends here on SH. Work brings me to Glasgow on Monday 2nd March leaving Tue 3rd.
I would love to meet up with like minded couples or single females for a fun night out. Im happy to meet up for a drink and see where the night takes us. I'll have my own transport with me so Im happy to travel. I have a lot more info and pics on my profile. Perhaps somebody could even recommend a club.
Have Fun
Dave d
Sorry I could not attend one of the previous ones but I know I def will not be working on boxing day so can you put me down for this please.
Dave biggrin
Apologies if this is in the wrong section.
Ever since the new look I had this nagging feeling that I was'nt getting my emails. I just taught it was me being paranoid then I checked my and recieved notification of new SH emails, when I clicked the link I was able to read the emails but if I go to my inbox here on SH they dont seem to be there ?
I got an email this morning which was actually in my SH inbox but the flashy mail thing was'nt there, not that it really matters but it just seems that things are a bit messy at the moment.
Is there somebody that could shed some light on this.
Dave d
I'm allowed out to play at nite and would love to meet you guys for some dogging fun :P
Hi all,
Im a single guy based in Knet, some of you lovely people I may have chatted to and met already as Ive been on here a while. Well Im off to the mids again Nuneaton to be exact on Nov 5th, I have a party to go to but not that kind of party lol.
If there are are mids couples or fems or groups who would like to meet a genuine easy going sociable guy please get in touch.
I'll be travelling from Kent using my own wheels so I could meet in Nuneaton or surrounding areas either the 4th 5th or 6th.
Have fun everybody
Dave d
Ps Im thinking of going to Chams Tue 4th
Hi Deal or no Deal, I would love to attend apparently I have a date on the night with J****Y.
Dave d
Hi peeps
I have'nt been dogging in a while now since I moved to Kent. Are there any couples or single fems who would like to meet a genuine easy going 28 year old male for some outdoor fun biggrin . Im quite happy to meet in a public place first and then see how we get on from there.
Quote by louise_and_joe

Ahh, a sweet talker lol
wave Daved btw :twisted:
Louise xx

kiss First drink for you Louise is on me:cheers:
Dave d
If you mean literally, then it'd have to be Bailey's. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Louise xx
:thumbup: That could get messy and fun :evil2:
Quote by louise_and_joe
Ahh, a sweet talker lol
wave Daved btw :twisted:
Louise xx

kiss First drink for you Louise is on me :cheers:
Dave d
Hi all, Norfolkcpl a SE London social sounds good and Im free then so yes I would love to attend and meet all you lovely people biggrin can you please pm me the details thanks
Dave d
Verity and James
Sounds like a good idea and I'll be having a well earned day off work that day so please forward me the details as I would love to attend. biggrin
Dave d
Hi, are there any cpls or ladies who may want to meet up with an easy going single guy tonight. Im based in London but can travel to surrounding counties. Im 27 with pics and video on profile. It can be a club meet dogging or a bit of whatever takes your fancy, maybe just meet for a social drink and then go from there.
Looking forward to hearing from all you lovely peeps.
Dave d
Evaglen - Hi how are you guys Im available Sat nite and I would love to join you for some sexy fun. Im clean shaven, slim, single discreet and not a timewaster Ive been on Swinging Heaven for over 2 years and enjoy meeting couples for gangbang and orgy fun.
Take Care
Dave d
Any more room for genuine single guy cos I would love an invite.
Dave d lol
Hi all, The Rios Gang sounds like fun so why not Sarah can you please put me down and I hope to see you all soon.
Dave d
My PM is sent, sounds like its gonna be a lot of fun and hopefully I will get to see all you lovely peeps. Norfolksbonnieandclyde a meet first in the hotel bar sounds like a good idea
Hope to see you all soon lol
dave d