Wake the son up, open presents
Phone family
Skip breakfast...
Travel up my parents for Xmas dinner, turkey and all the trimmings.. Desserts (not xmas pud) and wine
Few choccies in the afternoon,
And some junk for tea and trifle
Go home
More chocolate
More strongbow
Have a lazy shag
Go to bed...
Boxing Day
Skip breakfast
Tidy house in a half dazed fuss and wishing I had never offered to cook today
Prepare seafood and meat platters for boxing day tea
Send dek to the shop for that thing I forgot

Help son put together that toy that says its age 7+ and dek cant manage it
Wait for family to arrive, they are running late again
Drink wine while preparing, eating, cleaning up,
Watch film
Change drink to strongbow
Get the snacks out
Tell a few jokes and home truths
More strongbow
more strongbow
Pint or 5 of water then bed
Try to shag quietly as parents asleep in the next room