"and any boy racers within five quids worth of petrol distance"
proper lol'd :'D
considering the dates on this thread why is it still coming up?
How safe has it become in Derby when the old bill have nothing better to do than sit around in dogging areas and harrass folk?? Well dissapointing, anyone know of any good spots then please pm me.. :S
i for one have been pleasantly surprised of recent.. a few couples and little or no boy racer shee-ite... and only one, i repeat one high beam, uninvited knock on window merchant... whats going on? ;)
markeaton is dead... due to the cam up on the big pole at the end of the building looking over the whole carpark. the other one is equally as quiet but no cam that ive seen :/
that must be a DVLA first, not registered to anyone????
hmm.... must be the reccession. had a similar confrontation at a well known north notts site a week ago, couple turn up, she shows, get light signal, wander over, asked to touch and she starts sucking me off. then he says that will be a tenner, i pull away and say cheers but only looking for doggers, he gets way aggressive... i let him know ive made a note of his reg and description and he should go, now. shes quiet as he gets back in his car all mouthy and spins up to flick stones... red swedish car, heavy set bloke... after all, if someone damages your motor regardless of the hour and location, all you need is a plate and description and believe me the old bill are only too keen to nab someone at a site, especially for actual criminal damage as oppossed to sub zero cock showing ;)