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5 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 57
0 miles · South Normanton


have had some fun times in warrington but looking for more places, anyone know if theres more than just one? pm only please smile
hi folks, anyone know of some good sites in the stoke area? tried a well known park on the east side of stoke and kept getting stopped by the old bill. pm please
thanking ye all smile
"The issue came to a head earlier this month when a fake brown tourist sign, pointing to an "official dogging area" at Barrow Wake was put up." LMBO lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmmph... seems crime in that county must be at an all time low if the police have the spare time to go to dogging sites :sad:
no offence but its a really bad idea for several reasons most of which have been mentioned already. as stated if it gets out of control due to people being added to the list by doggers who would be better off in the pub then out dogging then the sheer numbers of people turning up would be enough to put even the most ardent 'greedy girl' on edge and not in a positive way either. then theres the major security risk too, if some asshole gets carried away and gets lifted by plod for whatever reason then plod can look at his phone (and they do) and find all his 'fun times' associates, knocks on doors by the old bill are usually an unwelcome event but even more so if youre guilty by 'group' association (que awkward question time). plus dont forget, all phone data is stored, forever as it were so anything you text is on tap to any law enforcement agency when they want to. all sounds cloak and dagger ill admit but i think the idea is great in an ideal world but unfortunately..... :sad:
Hi, have been out the last week in and around the fair city of Derby and found all the locations (that i know of anyway) nearly dead except for the odd regular doing the rounds. I have heard that there are some new sites in and around Matlock or maybe somewhere new I havent heard of?!?. If someone could PM me some new sites that would be great and much appreciated. smile
well, just like in derbyshire, crime must be at an all time low if all our militia dressed cops have to do is condone acts of mass vandalism by local councils to stop a lot of people wanking and shagging. imagine how proud one would feel being a member of the counter masterbational squad.... :/ its got to the stage in derby that the local council have mobile surveillance vans driving in and out of carparks after dark recording whose there and even stopping at your front bumper to video you... sitting there, looking back. if youre really lucky youll get approached by a plastic policeman sad
Just a quick shout to let anyone who has not yet noticed the sneaky camera in a well know derby location on a major roundabout smile at the gable end of the red brick building at the entrance, the end facing the field that is. Theres a cam mounted on a tall (well above eye level) pole that is being monitored constantly. It seems anyone having some naughty adult fun will be approached but anyone wandering around on their own at night wont... seems crime in derby must be a thing of the past if all they can do is approach couples after dark... :/
hmm, all too common in derby im afraid. the dogging scene has suffered a bashing from the old bill and now there are about 5 regulars who are absolutely crap. reckon you found 3 of the 5. sad shame really as derby was top until about 2 years ago. now have to travel quite a distance to find any decent sites.
Hi all, sorry to be moaning but im quite dissapointed at what I witnessed this evening in a well know 'park' in Derby. There I was sitting in my car neatly tucked in out of the way minding my own waiting for some company as is our dogging want lol .
Theres a silver hatchback (German I think) parked directly accross the car park from me.
In comes a guy obviously in a bit of a rush, pulls in and cuts off the engine. The hatchback which I have been watching with no luck, begins flashing interior lights in a frenzy and tapping his brake lights.
Said new guy jumps out of van and walks behind the car and into the bushes and begins to pee. As he walks back behind car to his van, driver of car with interior, exterior lights ablaze begins shouting at the bloke. The guy quite rightly proceeds on to his van looking back with the quite obvious surprise of somone who did'nt know what they had done. While he is still 20 or so feet from his van the car guy tries to run him down forcing the guy to grab the bonnet of the car to stop himself going under. Some words exchange and the guy continues to his van but the bloke in the car begins to follow threatning to run him over but never actually confronts him. From what I could see he was alone. The guy gets in the van and sits there till the guy in the car (having done 2 high speed laps of the park) sods off. He left before I could approach and ask what the hell happened and give him the cars registration number. Am I seriously out of date? Is this teasing the new thing? I've had some fabulous times in the dogging scene and would like to have more but if this is the new trend I can see any couples seriously having a second think. Thanks for reading folks and watch out for a silver hatchback around Derby.
No mate youre not alone, Ive more or less given up coz of the sheer numbers of impatient rude gits. Its as if theyre trying to get sorted so they can be home before the wife gets suspicious. There was me thinking that the boy racers were the problem, they seemed to have eased off to be replaced by the "lights in your face "lot. I used to use some good spots in north Notts but its just gotten rediculous now. Tried some other ones but the same results again... sad
Talk about removing civil liberty one pop at a time, mad we cant even hook up for a bit of adult fun away from prying eyes in our own land without some "issues" individual having a go. I know that people have a right to air their concerns but we KNOW there are more serious matters for our boys in blue to be concerned about than some folk getting their jollies from other concenting people al fresco in the small hours out of harms way.... besides, that sign looks home made to me. Looks like someone printed it on a home pc and added the local nicks number on the end, would be worth ringing and asking them what events have happened to make them put it there............... happy dogging folks biggrin
Absolutely excellent. DirtyDoggers, that has to be one of the funniest descriptions Ive ever read here. My face is aching from laughing, if you dont dont like your day job then by all means do comedy. Its all just so true.
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
he said to them "do you think this is appropriate behaviour for a car park" the other one said to me "would you like me to report it to you employer what you are doing on car parks" at this point i thought it was best to stay polite and calm and i replied "no" he then said i advise you to "fu**off" which i did
WHOOAAA!!!!! No offence to anyone about my language, but what the fuck does your employer have to do with any of this??? Isnt that blackmail? Harrassement? Abuse of position? As far as I know they are not allowed to swear either as it shows a lack of control and therefore proffesionalism. All they are entitled to do is move you on, however if youre dealing or generally being a prat then of course youre going to attract attention. Next time an officer threatens you make sure you get the numbers off their shoulders and remember them. We pay for them to stop crime like burglaries, gbh, theft. real crime, not people litterally socializing, effectively trying to pull.
mad rolleyes lol
got to agree with donny here. How do you know a trusted dogger? as for removing site locations, I see why but then these internet sites will lose the interest of new couples inquiring about something theyre willing to try. confused
out dogging on a bike in this weather?!! now thats commitment biggrin well done on loosing your dogging cherry :color:
I think its safe to say that blidworth is a lost cause! Ive been frequenting blidworth for 2 years now and it has slowly slipped from our dogging grasp as time has gone by. It seems that anytime from 7pm onwards till even 4 in the morning in some cases, its like picadilly circus on a weekend night. As if the constant traffic flow isnt bad enough it seems a lot still do the "herd of desperation" thing by moving about to any possible (as loose a term as i can think of) couples in loud full beam style. Now for the real kicker, it seems that blidworth has become poxed with a chav infestation!!! Im sorry, as an ex boy racer we spent thousands on our cars and were not inclined to attract attention when we met up from the old bill. A 10 year old rusted collection of fiat pandas and fiestas screaming around a car park late at night in baseball capped groups is a chav infestation. I find it a real pity as Ive met several really top couples and people there over the years and its only a matter of time before its on police radar big time. If anyone knows any good spots around notts or derbys then please pm me as I miss the unplanned excitement of dogging from the old days. lol :lol: :lol:
i must admit that peoples lack of basic manners is becoming a bit of a problem. sad whatever about folk having some fun, ever since the press has focused on something as unintimidating as dogging it seems to have brought some "real" freaks out of the woodwork. i dont get why a bunch of lads smoking and talking hang around a park late at night hoping for a show (which is now almost guaranteed not to happen at the sight of them) and then if some poor couple do give it a go they are surrounded not even by ppl into what theyre doing but just a bunch of loud mouthed lads that really havent got a clue. mad :x :x as for aggressive behaviour, to those who are aggressive and are reading this, ever wonder why most people avoid you? why you always seem to be on the receiving end of everyones dislikes? why plod has you catagorised and listed? GET HELP !!! counselling, knitting, obsessive masterbation whatever it takes.
good to know ppl see where im coming from, thanks. i just dont get the dozen or more, all smoking having a chat thing?!! its GUARANTEED to put off anyone and everyone. rolleyes :roll: :roll:
hi folks, im new on this site but have been an avid fan and dogger for 3 years now. due to my more recent evenings out and about i feel the need to update and possibly comment on some of the practices of so called "fellow" doggers. at a well know notts site last sunday i had enough of one individual following a couple like some sort of rabid dog. they were obviously becoming quite distressed at this guy parking so close they couldnt even open their door. i got so pissed off that when they moved off for the seventh time in as many minutes i pulled out in front of him allowing them to leave without being followed. needless to say he became quite irrate but to my surprise other doggers on site began heckling him calling him a stalker with the desired effect of him duly getting lost. now im not saying that we should all abuse anyone we consider a nuiscance but for crying out loud, if youre into our lifestyle and want some results then use youre fucking head and show some respect !!! (sorry if this is a bit strong but im sure there are some out there who will see where im coming from) happy new year all and have safe fun....... lol