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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 65


I would give St Osyth beach a try.
Msg me if you want anymore details.
I went to the lay-by last week only to find the Council have chopped down most of the trees and dug up the verge. Only a few guys there but I did not like the look of them so cleared off. I will have to save up and find a good club instead.
Yes, a lot of the trad areas will be full of guys, both gay and those waiting.
Its got so bad that when a couple turn up, they get swamped so they clear off and never come back just like St O.
But if you are prepared to put in the time then you will eventually get lucky. I hear reports from lots of sites both ways and for us guys its simply a case of being in the right place at the right time.
Not unknown at St O for a group of guys to spend hours watching a couple do absolutely nowt only to find out that 200yds away there were another couple at it like rabbits.
I would say this site is genuine, but there are quite a lot of 'false' people and timewasters also.
Take a look at the chatroom and cams they look pretty real to me.
I have met a few people here but then again this represents a tiny fraction of the adverts I have replied too.
My advice is to be patient and not set your sights too high and just go with the flow. If you have more luck in clubs up your way then yes you would be better off but I find them just as hit and miss as anywhere else.
I was at the local beach today and me and another guy were watching this couple and she was interested in him because he had a bigger cock. If he had not been there would I have got lucky or would she still not have been interested - who knows but I am starting to think as time goes by the latter.
Sorry if you didnt know where I meant by St. O its under this site via dogging locations but the details on this site are a bit out of date.
Gary, I didnt mean to put you off but just to warn people about what it is actually like there. I was there on Friday and was with a few dedicated doggers. They were all saying the same about the situation here and elsewhere. There was a couple who would have liked 'a bit of fun' but they were put off my the number of watchers and had to go early before the beach gets quiet. We kept an eye on another couple but she did not seem to be willing, whereas we learnt that the only other couple on the beach had a little 'play' session but nothing much.
You either have to arrive late to play or be prepared for the crowd.
Yes, I have been there twice.
The first time there was just one lady and she was mobbed - so not much fun if you didnt dive in first.
But then thats the big problem these days - if you sit back and give people their space to play then other dozy twats just jump in and leave you out in the cold, or do you become a twat and get in first and risk making these venues no-go areas for couples just wanting some fun.
Needless to say, on my second visit not a single female in sight, but the films are quite good and if you want to try cock then there are always plenty there willing to lend a hand or more.
Stay well clear of St. O if you are nervous and virgins ( to nudist beach ).
OK so it is a fair old trek ( dont waste on Car Park unless you really cant find anywhere else to park as the road up to the nudist beach went years ago but still they charge for just 1 or 200 meters ).
Find a quiet spot to settle down if you can be bothered, does not really matter because before you can get your kit off there will be dozens of blokes around you wanking.
Am I trying to paint a bad picture of St O. - no just telling the truth - I like it there just being spoiled by all the other single guys and no couples brave enough to play. However, if you are prepared to stay a little later then it sometimes does get a little quieter and you can relax a bit.
Best to decide what you are really into before venturing to this beach.
Hi & welcome back you been on hol?
If you keep me updated to who else is coming I shall try and make it at your most convenient time.
If you are visiting and need a friend then give me a shout also.
Hope to see you again.
Would you be interested if other guys here agreed to help pay the cost of a hotel room?.
Lots of views so far, but no replies.
If this looks like it will still be on, let me know and I will try my hardest to pop along.
You could try xxxxxxxxxx.
Still open just - the details on this site are a bit out of date.
PS Its not 24/7 non-stop action that has been reported is some other sites but very hit and miss so any single guys may be disappointed unless they want to explore their bi side - just ask for xxxxxxxxx.
Mods Edit - please keep locations to private messages. Also, this person may not want his real name displaying on a swingers site.
Never turned up b4 10 am, so its usually during the day / evening where I go ( basically 2 shifts ). Also never really tried it out of season either - dont want to freeze my balls off.
Thats why I prefer to stick to a site where I have the right to be naked. I suppose in the end it all depends what you were doing at the time. I believe we all have the right to do what we like ( within the law ) at any place or time - whoops nearly going into political speech mode.
Now if you had been going up to cars and sticking your knob at the window then yes I would be worried but again I believe as long as consenting adults are involved then there is no question of public decency being breached - unless you are openly flaunting it to all and sundry.
In my pre-dogging days I had my 'details' taking when I admitted I had been reading a porno mag when the cops pulled up in a lay-by because they thought I had been fly-tipping they gave the car a good going over and when they went to check the bushes nearby found a hi-fi centre that had been nicked and dumped ( so in someways they should have given me an award ).
Like others have said its best not to give them any reason to 'nick' you, I believe most are human and would rather be out doing useful police work.
No we cant name specific places but if you check the dogging sites listed here I am sure you can find one - HINT: take your bucket and spade. It even tells you where the best bit of the beach for you is. Hurry, not much left of the season only the very brave turn up in winter and get very cold ( me bits shrivel up too ).
Mainly single guys there moaning about the abscence of woman but some there are prepared to 'take you in hand' so to speak if it is very quiet or if you dont mind joining a group.
I dont know what the policy on here is about referring couples to couples but I guess if you searched the adverts for couples looking for couples with the word wank and essex in it you might just come across one from the next county who are looking for something similar.
Doubt if they can make it for Thursday at short notice and neither can I as I am off on Holiday ( but would have loved to watched all 4 of you ).
They refer to a site mentioned here on SH which I took them to awhile ago and it looks like they sneaked back without me - so I shouldnt really be doing them any favours lol :lol: .
However, the normal rules apply there that No means No or just holding your hand up to tell them to keep their distance usually works fine. If not, just stop pack up and move elsewhere then usually the guys sort each other out. What is more difficult is getting just one to join - the simple beckoning of a finger can be interpreted as an open free for all but then you just have to be firm and state what you want. I guess it can be frightening at first as you dont know what control and power you have but as you gain confidence you will soon realise you have us guys eating out of your hands so to speak.
As for the Police and other wasters well this sight is well out of the way so it is unlikely you will be bothered - only during the day by little boys looking to see when they are on their holidays.
Hope this helps.
Depends if there will be any other old folk ( 47 ) there or is it for just you youngsters.
Otherwise I will be off to the beach with me bucket and spade.
If you want to share her with some older men ( I am 47 ) or just want to be watched then I can take you somewhere nearby.
I was chatting to a couple during the week who told me about a location in Colchester that they had used during the week, but when I went their last year it was dead.
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
hey this thread has got the makings of a good one ,but what dissapoints me is the lack of newish members not coming in and giving some input so to all new comers why donnt you join in and get known :shock:

OK suppose I am a newish member and a single-guy dogger.
I can sympathise with all of the comments - over the hours and hours of waiting I have made friends with other fellow doggers and yes there are some out there who do think every woman must be up for it and gagging for as much cock as they can get. I have also obsevered others who are too shy to approach and are happy to watch from a distance.
As I usually frequent a 'public' place we have to share it with couples who are just there to enjoy the sunshine or wish to do it in private. I find by befriending them you get to know why they are there and can modify your behaviour accordingly as each couple has their own needs and requirements. It is my main philosophy that I am there for the pleasure of them and put them first and satisfy my needs as a secondary action.
With regard to politeness, yes I always like where possible to say 'Thank You' to any couples I have watched or a polite kiss or handshake with those I have played.
My only gripe with this site is that I find those who advertise are not polite in replying even just to say 'No thanks your too old' or '20 miles is too far away' but either they are inundated with replies or perhaps not genuine. Perhaps replying to adverts is like dogging - you have to answer many just to find a genuine one.
sad I Think North Essex is dead for Dogging. The best known sites are dead or dying.
xxxx in Clacton had/has a problem with Gypsies. I tried xxxx once and that was dead too ( not even another dogger ). xxxx has had coastal errosion so you can no longer drive to the nudist beach. I have not been to xxxx of the tide. I guess they have all moved on somewhere new and havnt told us newbies where. So if anyone else knows anywhere pls let me know.
mad :x :xDo you lot not read the site policy about specific locations in the open forum??? Do ALL this by PM :x :x :x