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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Nottinghamshire


I cannot believe that there is no dogging in Notts LOL. Please, Please could anybody steer me towards an active area. Message ang detail do not post on forum thanks, DPM
Hi everybody,
I have been dogging for the past decade, but have just moved to Nottingham with work. i have been looking around for the past 3 weeks with no success. Can anybody steer me in the right direction, it would be appreciated. Please message me with locations do not post them in open forum. Many Thanks.
I am visiting the Bristol area tonite with a couple i know from the area. Hope the weather is fine. Come on you Bristol girls get out and about and get your Bristols out.
regards, DPM.
Thanks JTS.
Not into guys LOL. Should have said couples. I will check out the tip.
Many thanks
regards DPM
I have been checking on a certain wooded area near bedford on the A6 recently and not had much success. Anyone know if it is worthwhile continuing to visit.
Any other locations between Bedford and Hitchen would be welcome. PLEASE remember to send them by PM not in open forum.
Hi guys,
I am moving from Hampshire to bedfordshire on 1 May. Would be intrested to know where there is still any action going on in the area. Let me know by PM if you want to keep it discrete.
Look forward to hearing from you.
regards DPM.
Hi Cheekey,
Hope i see you aound not seen much action recently :cry:
We've got a chatroom!!!! Well I've never noticed that before will have got and try it out.
regards DPM
I'm going to Alton Towers for the weekend as it's my birthday. Does anybody know if there is any action (dogging that is lol) in the local area. Travelling up friday returning Sunday. Please PM me if you have any information.
regards DPM
Rob & Jayne.
If you want forward planning then i'm your man. Can only make Friday and Sunday evenings thou. Allways ready to watch a show and rub the old stiffy to completion for you. PM me if you are interested.
regards DPM
Hi guys, rob & jayne PM me with the site locations and i will start to visit on my way though at the weekends. I am always ready to depost a load for a loverly lady as dirtydoggers would testify i'm sure.
regards DPM.
Thanks for the info guys. I usedto go slightly out of my way to pop in there at the weekends now i know not to bother. Please PM me if the situation changes.
Hi Rob & Jayne,
if you you are ever around the thetford area on a sunday night then PM me. I will let you know of a couple of locations to visit.
Just as silly putting it in your profile. It now appears in every post!!!!! Use private messaging for passing phone numbers.
Hi, anyone know if there is much going on in the Southampton area during the week? I am working in that area on weekdays at present and would like a little watching action if you know what i mean.
regards DPM
Hi Guys, not been on a lot lately. There is a lot of talk about bring condoms, but nobody has mentioned taking them away again. Have seen too many sites littered with the things.
Have Fun!!
No excuse for smelling this time of year there must have been loads given out at Christmas. I'm goint to try out my Xmas Smellies this weekend - LOL lol
Regards DPM
Thanks for that, probably didn't give it enough thought. Got carried away with the pat on the back from the dirtydoggers - LOL lol
Quote by partyman
Never a truer word said than the previous post by DirtyDoggers. And as I have said before, it's damned hard to prove yourself to be genuine.

Maybe we just have to reply others on the site vouching the validity of individuals. Afterall there must be some sort of network going now.
Thanks dirtydoggers for letting Blondie know I was allright. biggrin
Quote by dirtydoggers
we can vouch for dpmguy blondie.....great fun,genuine wont go far wrong there..

See you around.
regards, DPM.
Hi Blondie,
I work and live in Hampshire Mon to Fri and am having trouble with finding any dogging action during the week. I have pently of success at home in East Anglia at the weekend but have thus far failled in the deep south-west. Any chance you could PM me with a likely site.
Look forward to hearing from you, regards DPM.
I am married and do the odd spot of Dogging on Fridays and Sundays when travelling to and from work (wife does not participate). I will turn up if the chance to arrange a meet came about biggrin . But to be honest I get enough of a look at the sites I stop off at as Dirtydoggers could testify to. These guys who don't turn up don't know what they are missing, and as for those who misrepresent themselves I have no time. mad
Hi Guys,
Take Dirtys advice, you won't go far wrong. The idiots who tapp on windows need to be told to fuck off then ignore them. As a single guy I will wait until invited to move really close, just watch from a small distance.
Happy Dogging guys, don't let the idots put you off. If I am around the area sometime would be more than happy to watch you. lol
I travel from East to the South every week. I try to look in on likely dogging spots, if there is any one there and a conversation starts normally get welcomed. Not had the cold shoulder yet. But then again any shoulder cold or otherwise would be welcome if she was a naked buxom blonde, lol.
Quote by JunEric
We have visited a site in Colchester ............. I won't say here in the main forum where but if you PM us we will let you know.
We have been there 3 times and every time we have had doggers there watching and partisipating.
We have pics as well.

You have a PM look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry to hear that Diss couple. I was think of stopping in the Area on my way south.
Never mind always next time, PM with the area you will be in next time you are out.
I'm going to travel a different way tonight around the M25. Will try some new areas particulary near Dartford. "Thanks Dirtydoggers for the tip". Will let you know next time I see you how I got on. biggrin
Anyone out and about in the area of the x-ing please say hi.
Hi welcome onboard. I'm around the suffolk area most weekends maybee see you sometime .
It's a bit off dirtygirl only joined on 01 Nov 04 and giving out grief, unsolicited abusive PMs as well. Hope the Mods keep an eye on her!
Hayley thanks for all the e-mail's will keep n eye open for you if I am in the area.