Dogging is all about watching, thats how it came about and thats how it should remain. I personallly don't mind wanking off while watching some horny chick or couple getting it on. Guys participation is a bonus!!.
I am returning to Wiltshire later today. What area will you been in and I will come an watch. PM me with details.
Hi Guys
I am not in Wiltshire this weekend, but from Monday willl be all week and next weekend. If you want to meet up and need more details send me a PM.
Will be out tonight. A11 border of Norfolk and Suffolk, you know the place. See any intrested parties later!!
regards DPM.
The way ahead is for people to not post locations in the public domain when new sites are found. Word of mouth to publisize sites only when you know who you are talking too. long live the dogging fraternity.
Sorry, did'nt read your post properly. Will send details by PM.
It seems I always hanging round in Car Parks these days. Can someone tell me if I have a social like? - lol.
A young lady has sent me a PM asking if I can take her dogging. I have confirmed that this is genuine. If you are around the A11 Norfolk/Suffolk border at a weekend then keep your eyes open for us.
Couples would be welcome too as she has mentioned being Bi-curious.
Happy hunting everybody. See you around.
Wished I was closer to KENT. Boo Hoo!
I agree with Bluexx, Susan why so many questions. You clearly stated on the other post that you are not a dogger. The current climate for doggers is now to post general requests and arrange the details by PM.
I sent several hours abd quite a few miles driving around Wiltshire with no success. Saw several police cars at wooded areas.
Where are all you dogging couples and singles? I have responded to several posts with PM but you do not come back. If you are lookin for discrete action during the week in the South West then PM me.
Hi, I am a single male and would be very interested in partaking during the week. I am very discrete and willing to participate. PM if you require more details.
Would love to meet up. Have sent you a PM.
I'm still travelling at the weekends. Some journeys are really uneventful, fi you have any info on locations or want to meet up then in the South West then Private Message me for more details about myself.
All I hear on dogging outings in Suffolk, Cambrigeshire is can you not visit one closer to home. The answer is YES if someone could give me a location. Has any one knowledge on dogging around the Great Yarmouth area, them Private Message me. If you want to meet up sometime also PM me and I will send back some details. Look forward to meeting you like minded folks.
Have had some interesting times. But have also had to wait around alot. Patenice is a must!!!!
I travel from the South West to East Anglia every Friday evening and return on Sunday evening. Any couples who whish to meet a new individual along the A34, A43, M25, M3,M11, A14 private message me for further details of times and apperance. Look forward to making some new contacts.
Happy hunting everybody.
I with you all on this. As a single male I prefer to watch from a discrete distance only approaching regular couples that I have gotten to know. Joining in will only ocur if requested.
Come on all the lads paly by the logical rules.
Anyone know of a Dogging site near Great Yarmoth Norfolk. Would love to be more proactive, but have to travel to nearest known sites. Please PM me with any details you have.