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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
0 miles · Gwynedd


Warming the Bed
Hello, thanks for taking the time to stumble across us....
I'll give you a bit of background first:
She: 28, 5ft 9", size 10, & 36DD. Shoulder-length blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and stunning bone structure. Very long, slender legs, cute pert ass and completely shaven/smoothe. Very tactile, willing and naughty.
He: 28, 6ft, 34" waist, 42" chest. Short-dark hair, blue eyes and considered handsome. Medium-muscular build, strong legs, calves and ass, trimmed. Persuasive, slightly dominant and filthy minded.
Both of us are 100% genuine, D&D free, grounded, accomodating, discreet, friendly, etc, etc..
We are not a couple (as such), He is married (No, he doesn't have the consent of his wife) She is single. So, if that is, or could be a problem, please do not contact us.
We are both very sexually active and strive to enhance our sex lives, further.
She has had no physical experiences, with another woman, however has no anxieties about doing so.
Your only requirement is that you are blonde. No matter if it is the bottle-blonde shade! Pert tits, with large brown nipples and a full round ass would be a bonus, though.
It would be at your bequest, if He was to participate in the physicalities. While He is willing to do so, He will respect your wishes.
As We've said, we are 100% genuine and will not tolerate timewasters. We have pictures we can swap, after reciept of appropriate e-mail. If you feel that in sending us a picture with your e-mail, may aid or sway us, please do so, however at this moment a description of yourself will suffice, along with a bit of background etc, etc...
Please pm me in the first instance for an e-mail address.
Warming the Bed
I'll admit, you're probably not even making it this far, after seeing the headline, hardly grabbing, is it...well it's to the point.
I am unaware if my advert is still on here, i will give you a brief "lowdown" on myself anyway.
Down to earth, non-pushy, non-scene (what scene? i haven't found it yet!), fairly intelligent, courteous (yeah, my mum brought me up fairly well!) male.
Non-judgemental and very uninhibited, not just physically, but in all things in life.
Been a member on here for a while, have met a couple of interesting decent people and looking to broaden my horizons, again.
I suppose, friendship, or mutual respect for each other is the best starting point, I am not one of the "bewildered" people, who believe that a 10 word sentence, automatically has women clamouring for my attentions, knickers 'round their ankles...although...not a bad thought and obviouslly i wouldn't knock it back either...form an orderley queue ladies!
Anyway, gettin off the point...well physically, you can have a look at my avatar, not the best, but you get the idea:- stats. 6ft tall, dark hair, short, blue eyes, good skin, my own teeth, broad shoulders, muscular, 34" waist, 42" chest, footballers thighs n calves...cause i!....blah, blah, blah...
As the headline sais, I am looking for only No Strings Fun, which means to me...just plain f@#king!!! Of course, if anything else comes along, then....well....who knows
Well, have a read, have a look, then have a think...then let me know.
thanks and take care
Warming the Bed
Bumping my own message, sad aint it, surely there must be someone...
Warming the Bed
Basically as the heading sais.
You will be 20-50 Fully Dressed/Make-up Hopefully Versatile or Active Bottom
Able to accomodate or have a car/van to meet somewhere
I am 27 M Decent Looking Clean 6ft tall 34" waist 42-44" chest
Non-dresser, although have in the past. Versatile Top.
Not just looking for today/tonight but for anytime in the future.
Please pm me or leave a reply/contact e-mail address
Warming the Bed
Not really all that Scientific is it..?????

Well, it is....but we'll get to that....
Warming the Bed
Quote by Mister_Discreet

I like that sharp sense of humour, discreet!
Unfortunately it took me, about 5mins to get it!
And i was going to put intelligence as my attribute
Anyway, hogging my own thread........
Warming the Bed
Meant to say, those of you who know each other, feel free to comment on each other!
I don't know if a promt was required, now, as I'm sure you invariably will comment on each "jesting" lot!
Warming the Bed
Good morning all
Perhaps this should be seen as a little scientific experiment
Please state what you "feel" is your most appealing attribute
This can be a physical attribute or a.....erm....*tries to think of a good word for non-physical!!!*....non-physical attribute!
A kind of "letting other people get to know you" excersise
Oh, and aside from this, apologies for the "post" the other day...
I am withdrawing from nicotine and my deranged state of mind, got the better of me
Anyway, I'll begin.............
My most appealing attribute is my strength (non-physical)
Warming the Bed
I do in-fact mean anybody!
My ad does state, that I am seeking a woman, however my tastes do stretch outwith the conventional.
Apologies for the lack of clarity.
Warming the Bed
I know it aint that funny, but when your depraved form lack of is
And this is my pic
And if you find yourself attracted to it.....
Warming the Bed
Cleanliness(You've had a wash this week), Punctuallity(Maybe only an hour late), Sense of Humour (Oh, believe me, you'll laugh), Intelligence(Can follow directions) and Verbal(Not "nice weather today, aint it")
Anybody with a bit of initiative welcome to apply
Warming the Bed
Quote by secksy_cpl
very well said marcuso
one more thing to add
cock pics are not needed mad

Yeah, agreed and neither are pics of female genitalia *spelling*
Nothing irks me more, than a seemingly "good" photo ad, with a close-up shot of (could be the advertisers/probably not the advertisers) sex!
Both fact, there are some tri-sexuals on here...All sexes, take heed!
Warming the Bed
At a bit of a loose end this evening!
Either PM me or e-mail me if you're interested!
Sex or Sexuality unimportant, so long as you are into me!
Glasgow area, can travel, can't accomodate!
Take care of yourselves and each other now, y'hear!
Warming the Bed
she has great legs...slim at the ankle, neat calves and her thighs "branch" out into a wonderfully strong and robust shape!
The fact that she has ample bossom, complete with wonderbra, allows clothing (although, barely evident, sometimes!) To drape of her shoulders and hang from said bossom, covering her "beer gut!" mean you didn't know!
Well, she's gotta have some flaws...
Come a long way from that girl in eastenders, hasn't she...
Seems to like avid merrion, too...
I think she would look lovely wearing a shiny black strap...
Warming the Bed
...and in answer to that question, it is a self-abbreviated version of "dronology" ; a form/genre of music, first rearing it's head in the late sixties (some of you may remember those years!). It is best described as the sounds you hear when you are underwater or become partially deaf.
Anyway, i'm off to turn my stereo up "full-blast" and pop in my earplugs.
Warming the Bed
Stumbled across Roger' insights, late yesterday afternoon. As a new, single male, found it to be a great read and concur with fabio, that YES, it should be posted as a sticky somewhere on here, probably right under the eyelids of all the "new" single male members!
Please take 5mins to read this, mull it over and don't be put off.
Erm, kinda just wanted to bring this back to the top of the pile!
Take care
Warming the Bed
Name that tune..................shit, it's now going round and round, "like a record baby, round, round, right round".....
Take care
Warming the Bed
....please come forward, announce yourselves to all on SH, via a quick reply to this message, that YOU live currentlly in Scotland!
On second thoughts, this is asking for trouble, both for me and for those that announce themselves!
Originally, i was thinking i could get away with saying "this is for those of you, who are new and for those of you who have been away for a while/forgotten who the Scots on here are", but hell, trying to make out i was thinking of others, when transparently, only thinking of myself, was a bit degrading!
It would also ensue, all of you (probably more-so, the fairer sex), a whole host of unwanted PM's.
well anyway, you can PM me directly, as i'm struggling to find fellow natives...
Take care
Warming the Bed
Yes, I'm with Claire from Lincs (excuse the spelling!) it's getting tight again here 50/50 when i last looked......
Warming the Bed
Thats what I'm talking about robbie, perhaps this just happens to males, yeah i know the planets stuff is a bit mad and perhaps instead of HAWKWIND i was thinking along the lines of HOLST!
And yes i agree with the "caller" who said it was something to do with exaustion
I'm not alone on this one
Take care
Warming the Bed
Christ, i thought there would be a lot of people on here who get some sort of "extra sensory" stuff...I'm also trying my damnedest to incorporate music into my imagery...any suggestions?
Take care
Warming the Bed
Blue, I honestly can't re-collect if this happens on "chemical" nights, oh and children, i aint advocating chemicals....but seriously, this does happen to me, fairly frequuently although, more so during longer sessions...maybe it has to be built up to....
Take care
Warming the Bed
yeah, this thread went a bit "PREDICTABLE", perhaps "SUB-Servient" for next-time.
Closing my eyes, the first image i get, when i think of the word "Sub", is a female (typical!), bound in thin hemp rope, wrists tied to ankles, head between knees, arse in the air! This also leads onto, bringing "It" out from the cupboard, under the stairs, as and when required.
Already i see the problem, i am referring to the "sub" as an "It", perhaps the nature of the word i.e "being less than" is causing me to!
Yes, tricky one
Take care
Warming the Bed
oh and by a stroke of luck, managed to pair your cock up with your name, BIG G, without much prior knowledge (of either you or your cock).
I deduced it from your thighs, dead giveaway!
Erm, right....movin' on.
Take care
Warming the Bed
perhaps I am not alone! Wondering if anyone else has, when they are making love/fucking, experienced kind of swirly, abstract colourschemes with planets and a very overpowering serene feeling?
"Moderators, please proceed with me to the nearest loony bin"...."'re right, we're already there!"
If not, what odd lil' sensations (something outwith the norm, pls!) have y'all experienced?
Take care
Warming the Bed
As my tender years may be the cause of this, i ask you openly "How do you remove/find/decide upon, which is wheat and which is chaff" on the www?
Having a quick browse through the many photo ads on SH, i have came across a few things; 1. Many have no pictures, is this due to shyness, lack of technology or fear of social un/in-acceptance? Or, is it because there is no advertiser (at least not as they are claiming to be) at the other-end of the advert? 2. Now, as a relative novice (perhaps only in my head, as i had a fairly high score on the "kink-test", that that nice couple...i think they were a couple...were they a couple?)...anyway, the "kink-test", yes thanks to whoever led me there. Yes, novice, i have been mainly looking at the ads of women who seek men, no doubt in time and with a lot of patience, i may branch out into "murkier" realms, but women will suffice for now. Hold on, getting to the it common for a women/female/girl to advocate the use of such "strong" language in a photo ad? I mean, i'm all for the boundaries of our colourful dialect to be pushed to the limit, but when 70% (shall we say!) of feamle advertisers are using language that i have only ever heard in fairly low-budget porn movies, alarm bells start ringing! Perhaps it is my naievity, perhaps operating in a faceless community, has allowed these females to become cut free of the chains that they or society, has bound them by. I did have a point No.3....oh yes..3. So, How do you tell "who is for real" and "who is a timewaster", without subjecting yourself, to the endless sending of e-mails? Is there a "rulebook" to determine what a genuine person usually writes...i think not, but if anybody has any hints/things to look out for...please, i'm here...
Aside from that, can i just say, i'm enjoying using SH and all of you Take care.
Warming the Bed
Hi all...
Throwing myself to the lions and lionesses, here....
Here goes; single 27yr old Male, 6ft tall, short, dark hair, blue eyed, clean shaven, fairly good-looking.
Active, healthy, educated to a decent level and respectful of both myself and others.
"Sounds like a few other ads on here, I'm sure!"
I am under no illusions here, but letting you all know that i am "available" (for want of a better word)..."disposal" or "use" also spring to mind, perhaps painting an ill-fitting picture, however...
Anyway, have alook at my brief ad, if you are interested/keen to get to know me a bit, then my e-mail/messenger details are on my profile.
Take care.