£20 note
2 * £10 notes
£5 note
10 Euro note
post it note with phone numbers of people I worked with 12 years ago on it
Argos receipt for whirligig clothes line
Receipt for lunch from Frog Pub in Lisbon
Address of an accountant for a company I used to be a director of
Receipt from Watford Electronics
Ex's bank account details, so I know where to send the money when she bleeds me dry
bus time table from Nice airport to Cannes
Matalan card
Homebase card
Tescos card
BA Executive Club card
Switch card
AMEX card
Visa card
BMW emergency service card
Work ID card from a job I left 6 years ago
Egg card
Fuel card
16 business cards from various people
RAC membership card (expired)
My business card
2 more business cards from other people
Virgin one-account online services card thingie
BT Openzone WiFi access password card (1 month til it expires)
Portugal Telecom WiFi access password card (expired)
8 1st class stamps
Erm, that's it