hmmm, u sure you arent a double leg amputee steve? cant have u bummin around on here u know lol.
Can recommend them highly crazy couple!
Hi, we were hoping to find someone willing to host (and take part in) a gangbang in Leics tomorrow night (Friday 29th Dec).
Short notice we know but we find we have the night to ourselves so if we can find someone to help out, we would be very, and that means VERY grateful! lol.
If we do manage to find someone and there are others who fancy coming along for some fun, please feel free to get in touch.
The more the merrier!
Fi and Tony
Happy Birthday Ian, hope u had a good un. We wont forget your birthday in future, its the same day as our wedding anniversay (19 years today).
See u both on the 5th
Fi and Tony
So heartbreakingly sorry to hear your tragic news, cant even bear to begin to imagine what you are going thru. Thinking of you and sending lots of love from us both xxxx
Hi Louise, just been reading about this problem on the sticky at the top of the chatroom lounge section, seems everyone having the same trouble.
Its a git innit?! lol.
Hi Mids and Newt, we dont know you but we will be at chams ourselves tonight so will look out for you and wish you all the breast, oops, best!
Have fun
Fi and Tony
I dont post on the forum very often De Sade, and I have never spoken to you before but I just wanted to say how sorry we are to hear of your loss. Not keen myself (personal opinion) on the sick jokes mentioned but your post just absolutely made me sob!
We are parents ourselves and the thought of your friends poor kiddies is heartbreaking. We have lost people close to us so we do know what you are going through.
Again, sincere and deepest sympathies
Fi and Tony
We dont go on the forum much so have only just seen this thread. Just wanted to add our good wishes to Naughty, top bloke and really kind and friendly to me (Fi) in the chatroom.
Get ready for that cuggle Naughty! lol xxxxxxx
sorry, was meant to be a joke! phone sex - fax machine stuck - having sex with a fax machine!
:shock: Sense of humour bypass by any chance?!?!
I'll get me coat!
Sorry Will, would love to help but the last time I tried that phone sex lark I got the fax machine stuck!!!
Not keen on long hair on blokes personally (except Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, phwoarrrrr). Find shaven or cropped very sexy.
Have never found shaven or cropped haired to appear aggressive but then again I can see why some might. Tony is 6'6, built like a brick outhouse and normally cropped to a 0 or 1 and in his own words, he think he looks like a thug lol.
If its shaven tho, it needs to be kept up, or it plays havoc with my inner thighs!
Think that makes me Chitty Chitty Bang Bang then (or pretty clitty gang bang, take your pick). Old, noisy, likes to take off when you are least expecting it, floats well (both have decent sized water wings).
Or, as Tony thinks it should be, a 1962 mini. Little and rounded and a bugger to start.
It really is as simple as that, honestly.
Just another tip, the walls aren't very thick so shouting JESUS F***ING CHRIST can bring a few disgruntled whingebags knocking at your door lol.
Hope you have a great time
They might speculate privately about why you are booking into a local hotel when u live near there but there wouldn't be a problem, they wont question it or anything.
Personal experience with us and Travelodge has been.....check in as normal, one of you go out to meet your guest, both of you walk past the reception, give them a nice smile on the way past, and walk straight to your room. We have never been questioned or stopped.
If you are, its simple, you are going out together and your friend has come for a drink with you at the hotel before you go out! But I would be absolutely amazed if you were even questioned. If you were stopping for a couple of weeks and kept bringing a strange person to the restaurant with you everyday for a cup of tea and three straws they might be inclined to investigate but a single nights stay isnt worth a raised eyebrow! lol.
Hope you have as much fun in the Travelodge as we have had :happy:
Mods Edit - Removed avatar as it breaks the AUPs
Must be an East Midlands thing, we called it tig too
Hi folks, anyone going to Chams tomorrow night? If so feel free to pm us or come over and say hello or something whilst you are there.
We are quite easy to spot, Tony is the 6'6 bugger and I am the shortarsed little fat git with him! lol.
Would be nice to meet some folk off here
Fi and Tony
Speaking personally, I certainly didnt intend anyone to think that I was trying to suggest that all bad spelling, etc is a sign of ignorance, stupidity or "being thick"! Wouldnt pigeonhole folk like that.
It's just one of those things that we all have I suppose, stuff that does our heads in. As one of the replies said, pm or email messages where someone just hasn't even bothered trying and it's obviously all too much trouble.
We have only been on the Forum for a couple of days and have been really taken aback by how friendly and fun everyone on here is, if any of my comments caused offence or were taken as a "diss", I apologise.
I am a little fat git! I am sure that does other people's heads in! lol.
Nice to meet you all by the way.
lol sorry Rob but you missed an apostrophe in your first line! it should be it's
Have rechristened Tony's Ultraviolet Man by Paco Rabanne to Knicker Remover!!
Isn't time a wonderful thing!!!?!?!? lol.
Thanks for the reply, must say after reading through this thread what a cracking bunch of folk u lot sound!
Fi and Tony
Hi, I know we dont know you, and it's ok lol, we have read the rules. Been on this site for quite some time now and use the chatroom but not been much on the forum before!! Never really noticed it before, just tend to chat and post or answer ads!
Anyway, just wanted to say it sounds absolutely ace, good luck to you both on your marriage and hope you have a fantastic time!
Fiona and Tony