Same here, would appreciate the addy, as would my nearly turned girlfriend ( working on it )
ha ha ha
You guys really manage to instill a certain level of confidence in us new
Like none what so ever....
But like midlandsman says funky, I hope you find what you are after mate. It will be a while before I start posting for one on one meets. Got to decide what I am really after so as not to annoy too many
Have fun mate.
Me too....................New that is.
Like you said magicsponge, the people on here are definately welcoming and the advice is forthcoming.
Hopefully both of us will have a good start in this new "venture"
Maybe we should trade notes in a while, two minds are better than one, or so they say anyway...
Take care and have fun..
ok, so I may not be totally sure on the form still, but just sitting in the car.................????????????
They say it takes all sorts I
Thanks for the welcome guys...
Me, funny and humourous, I think you have the wrong Hopefully we will see each other about sometime but until then have fun.
Hi All..
Another new guy, I guess we seem to be everywhere these days. So how do I make my first , of what I hope to be many , posts on this site interesting and funny.....
Absolutely no idea
So I won't try. Just to say hi really and that I hope to meet up with people active in the suffolk area..
Have fun................................