Just thought i'd give this thread a middle-of-the-night-pissed-up .......bump!
Quote by jon1985
I'm going cant wait Izzy Joined guns n roses in new york the other night hopefully we may see more memebers join them in the next couple of weeks there was talk of a reunion at hammersmith months ago and now the hammersmith show has been announced made sure i got tickets for that straight away amazing 5 days a soon as guns and roses come of stage at hammersmith i am on my way to download
Quote by Kiss_Me
1) I'm wearing a strapon in one of my profile pics - havent seen another woman doing so! (If you have please get me their details as I like to perv!). :twisted:
Quote by singlegal
Oh Dear... I have to say that I just can't help myself when it comes to big brother.
I must have a very addictive personality!!!
13 weeks to come of me being totally boring and having nothing interesting to say apart from the goings on in the B.B House.... It's around this time of year that people tell me that they'll talk to me in a few months :violin:
If only someone would invent a Big Brother Patch!!!!
Quote by Darkfire
Hugs - oh my!! how bloody gorgeous are you??? :shock: Welcome to the world of SH socials Can we swap hair please?
Quote by sleazy
smoking. lots.
not eating properly before a night of drinking,
being too quiet when I meet new folks although i'm actually quite sociable (or lary...!),
picking my spots,
having to stay up later than everyone else,
looking scruffy (including wrecking new clothes to do so),
listening to music WAY too loud,
sarcasm + cynicism,
doing things at the last minute (work assignments, getting ready, turning up),
talking too much,
and being late. for everything.
always having to go back to the house when I've left cos I've forgotten something,
painting my nails just so I can pick off the nail polish,
laddering tights,
spilling food down my cleavage,
talking over music,
talking through films,
finishing off others' leftovers,
pink. anything pink!
talking too much,
and, increasingly being late (though I can blame Mr for that!)
Mr and Mrs Hugs
Quote by spurter
I like the idea of seeing a str8/bicurious lads face the first time his cock touches another lads cock while they're both inside a girl. That surprised look of ectasy at how wonderful it feels and the enjoyment of seeing another lad spunk and even getting another's spunk on their body.