May we be added for this ball please?
Thank You!
Mr and Mrs Hugs.
Quote by Marya_Northeast
the recpetionists ..... grrrrr
"what is it for?" - like i'm gonna tell you, you glorified pen-pusher .....
Quote by Marya_Northeast
the recpetionists ..... grrrrr
"what is it for?" - like i'm gonna tell you, you glorified pen-pusher .....
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Naaah, I vote we all just live off burgers and beer for the duration! :giggle:
Quote by goose35
Got a reply of admin who said much as naughty said
In order to switch to the annual subscription, you would firstly need to cancel the monthly subscription which debits your account on a monthly basis.
Therefore once your account membership runs out for that last month that you paid, you can then upgrade to the year subscription and also the extras. However as these are two separate upgrades, two transactions would be required.
Quote by john60
Since joining late 2005 I expected to be inundated with masses of people wanting sex with me..Woh ..How wrong I apperently dont work that way ...
indeed how wrong you were....
1) I found out very quickly that SW is very much an exhibitionist site in which you view and enjoy.
for starters, maybe, but there's so much more...
2) Not much actual "swinging" take place -most of the site is chit caht
How do you actually swing via t'interweb? Apart from the "exhibitionist" cams, and chatting and getting to know folks, you cannot physically swing via WWW....
3) Chat rooms are fun but are really like the old guys CB ( citizens banb radio) ie where are u ,how old are u etc exept with the twist of show uz ur jugs / conna cum now type carp
You may enjoy it is not exactly direct people contact
No, but it is what folks want from a swinging chatroom, and direct contact would be a real club, not an interweb chatroom...
2) Surely people who wish to have sex or exploit themselves on the internet must realise that other people will want to manipulate them for thier own wise there is no purpose in SWINGERS HEAVEN????
No, surely people who wish to meet other liberated folks must realise that sometimes, the people they are chatting to have NO RESPECT!!
3) It is very,repeat very easy to get "booted" by Gestapo style observers who apperently seem to choose their own style and method of policeing their is no consistency....Newcomers beware!!!!
We're relative newcomers and have had nothing but welcomes on this site from some awesome people who have helped us relax into the scene,and feel at ease
4) I get very , very p****ed off with people who want to see people wank off /f***k /and commit buggery on cam and yet they are sanctamonious enough to believe they are doing a servive by putting " NO DIRECTION" on a chatroom WHY??????
cos in some rooms ya can direct, some ya can't... seems simple enough...
5) THere is too much Non Directing in this site ------it will soon become just another chat site...IS THAT WHAT WE WANT??
Quote by rampantrabbit
Anywho, back to the original question - What do you SH ladies want from the site?
Have Fun x