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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
0 miles · Edinburgh


looking to hook up for some fun, any genuine place we can go for some fun. Arrive in hinckley on sun 13. hope someone can give us some genuine info

Looking for a WELL HUNG guy for the mrs to have fun with. We arrive on sun 13 for a week. Have fun guys

we are looking to go out dogging around Coalville, from the 6 sept thurs to the sat, any locations would be welcome.. Thanks

we are due to go to coalville in a few weeks time ,is there any good dogging sites near by ??

Quote by Lctnh
I need a min of five men aged up to 50 to cum all over me I want to suck your cocks and watch you wank all over me any takers? May do more if the mood takes us
Will your wife be there ?
------------------ ,really busy. thanks to --- and ---- and the guys that were there, hope to see more of you this week
Quote by hornywills
try or or even grindr
Methinks this is a site for swingers ........
Quote by Baps
Mrs Baps will be out this Saturday night, if you would like to bump into her send me a message and I will discuss details
Please note - as this web site seems to have more than it's fair share of timewasters, please do not reply unless you are prepared to provide mob number and picture, we will do the same. Sorry but trying to sort the genuine from the tossers
Stay safe
Great post
Quote by Thickcock45
When I'm local and want to cover her face in cum Mod edit: Do not post personal contact details in public areas of the Site! Mark
Some folk never learn
I would knock it the head mate, its not for her.. your are always going to get boy racers turn up, give it a bye
Quote by nicepear
Hi everyone, we need a little help .
Up to now we have had 52 poeple view are advert yet no takers.
we are clean genuine sexy funny and consider ourselves ok in the looks dept,however we have no takers.
could we ask those of you that read the advert, what is putting you off, could you please let us know
we wont be offended
Its not you that is putting people off, sad to say this site is gettin full of cam wankers and dreamers ( not ALL the folk mind you ), good luck on your search
Everything and everyone on here is genuine, 100 per cent.. everyone is shagging like rabbits ever night.
Quote by mickrenney
bit of a time waster she is in my opinion. Messsaged her on a couple of occasions when she has put an ad out askign for men. No reply. Shame...
Shame on you Mick,there are no timewasters on this site. wink
Quote by Bowlerskip
Is that right that if you mention the site loads of people go there???
Weymouth, Weymouth, Weymouth.
The place was supposed to be packed during the olympics, it's empty!
Sorry, couldn't help it ha ha
lol lol lol
Quote by mr_mrs_2011
Hi who is about to play with my hubby tomorrow Friday 29th June? I love hime playing alone and coming home to tell me what he has done while I am at work.
Please leave a message and we will arange xx
Jo xxx
Why not let someone play with your mrs, then she can tell you when you come home from work
Quote by mazdaman
Can't believe it went to a well known dogging location today near Wakefield. Pulled up behind a car with a couple in it, they flashed their break lights then set off down the road. They made it plain that I should follow so I followed them down a quiet lane where they parked up. I thought I would give them a couple of minutes so parked up near them but not too near. The guy who was driving put his arm out of the window and dropped a note on the floor and drove off!!
I picked the note up and read it, for a hand job, for a blow job then a name and mobile number.
Couldn't believe it has the economy got so bad that you have to pay for dogging, has anybody experienced this?
Do you have her number handy. lol