NO one wants to shag my wife 2mora then?/
i think shirley hills has has picked up now as weather is better. me and my wife went up there tonight and we met quite alot of new couples so its not just gays now. looks like were gona be going thursday again. would hope to have gangbang with wife otherwise will have some action with another couples. Quite afew blokes in the woods but think they were doing there own thing so that shouldnt put any couples from meeting up. Didnt see many boy races either, loooking forward to thursday.
hiya sorry for not replying to peoples messages we cudnt get out the other night. but we will be going hills 2night 100%. so if anyones around let us no?
im gna take my girlfriend up there this weekend hoping to come across some action. but lately its been very quite. hopefully the summer will bring it back. anyone is welcome to watch.
well im gona give shirley hills another try 2night if anyone is going up there and i will probally have a quick look at the streatham and clapham dogigng location aswel.. hope to meet up with any off the site.
thanks for the advice.. i might take a trip up top clapham soon see what going on up there iv heard quite alot about it.. not sure what it is use by tho. is it mosty gays? or couples?
im still going to give shirley hills another try as itis my local. hope it picks up as the weather gets better. last year is was packed.
thanks for all you advice.. nice to see how friendly people are on this site.
i'll deffently be using this site again