Quote by stevestoo
just a thought and wondering if other 50 plus guys girls or couples are having lots of meets with my age group etc seems that most adverts rquesting couples single girls are for the under 45 group when i reply to advert usually have no response are we being laid out to rest to soon lol ??? just a thought
I'm 40 and keep getting told i'm too old, infact only this morning a 34 year old lady said I was too old. Why should I choose an old man when I can have a young hunk, were her words. Its a dog eat dog world and I will always go for youger men she added.
Rather ironic when her partner is 39 I thought but I was polite as usual and didn't want to point this out. Instead I wrote a short email as follows :
" In 6 years time you'll be as old as me. I really do hope you do not have to suffer the indignity of being told your too old.
To imply that someone is in some way inferior because of their age shows a total disregard for that person. If looks are all you have and youth your mainstay, then one day when your looks have faded and your youth has passed - what will you have ?
You say its a dog eat dog world and it belongs to the young, with an outlook such as that you must look to the future with fear and dread instead of with hope and enthusiasm.
Be lucky, have a good life and try your best not to get old, lest the young mock your years ! "
A little naughty perhaps ? I try not to judge people by their age for age is just a number, a lady I know that is 54 is just as frisky and fun as any 20 something you care to mention. She may well have been written off as too old by some but I can assure you their myopia means they are the ones missing out.
Is 50+ too old ? Hell no.............only in the eyes of the shortsighted and uneducated.