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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 48
0 miles · Swindon


Quote by st3v3
If a system does come in it wouldn't be mandatory, we know from experience that most here like opt out options.
Also we are planning to have a few polls via members home pages to get feedback on any new features before we build them, that way we can focus on what the majority here would like to see in place cool

OK so I don't post here very often but I would like to add my thoughts to this thread.....
Firstly to Admin: :thumbup: Thanks for allowing all of the members that use this site to participate in the vote.
It may come as a surprise to a few that post regularly in the forum but many users never come in here. I personally think that is why when the verification system has been discussed in the past it gets slated by a few members in here yet many many folks that use chat and photo ads would really appreciate a verification system.
For sure the system should be opt in and totally optional, but for those of us that prefer to arrange meets through ads and chat rather than munchs and meets arranged in the forums imho I think it would add another valuable dimension to site.
I would also add that amongst the friends I chat with and meet with it would appear that most are in favour of a verification system.
Quote by sexkittenhfx
im not the friend, but i did see fems post in the steam room and looked at her profile, all of her face pics were public at that time.

For what it is worth my only face pic was also public untilI figured out how to delete my pics.
Maybe just maybe one day Admin will test an upgrade prior to implementing it wink
Quote by anais
I would like to make them private if we knew how !!! ,
And with these gliches , for the time being , delete them.
Help , please

Ok see what you mean now
go to - photos, you should see "create new album" second in the list, name your album, underneath it gives you a choice which photos you want to put in that album smile:
Ps if you click on a photo - it should give you the choice underneath to delete them...
Hope this helps.
Maybe this should be made a sticky until Admin sort out all problems? Anais thanks for your help I now feel alot happier having deleted my private pics.
Quote by anais
I would like to make them private if we knew how !!! ,
And with these gliches , for the time being , delete them.
Help , please

Ok see what you mean now
go to - photos, you should see "create new album" second in the list, name your album, underneath it gives you a choice which photos you want to put in that album smile:
Ps if you click on a photo - it should give you the choice underneath to delete them...
Hope this helps.
Maybe this should be made a sticky until Admin sort out all problems? Anais thanks for your help I now feel alot happier having deleted my private pics.
Quote by Theladyisaminx
so how does this room vary from an ordinary room that can be opened without the need to advertise it on the forum? dunno

It hopefully attracts people that tend to just use the forums, but is open for all to come in too lol
Ahh ok that sort of makes sense, so do folks still use the forums over the chat? Seems very quiet in forum land these days!
Quote by vauxy9
Two north west cpls who play together (vauxy9 and rallymad) please do not expect a reply as we expect quite a few replies to this topic

dunno Thats a little rude surely you can manage a thanks but no thanks? :dunno:
so how does this room vary from an ordinary room that can be opened without the need to advertise it on the forum? dunno
Quote by Lost
We did try one of those tens machines on my boll*x but the effect was a real disappointment with hardly any effect even on maximum setting confused

I suspect that your experience was a case of operator error or lack of decent probes!
I love my cock straps and electro box all very good fun!
As for sounds ..... its on my to dolist cool
I prefer the chatrooms during a weekday morning when I should be working but enjoy chatting!
Quote by flower411
OK, so here's a question if someone is behaving irresponsibly as the host of a room (for example kicking people without good reason) should they be reported to chatroom ops / Admin or should we just get on with it and ignore them?
I would normally opt for the get on and ignore 'em attitude but this of course doesn't help make the site a better experience for others?

Yeah !! this is important !!
All sorts of stuff can be overlooked on a regular basis. But when you decide to host a room you should know the rules and stick by them !!
If you ever come across a room host breaking the rules .......
Report Em !! as soon as ya can ...
OK I quite agree ...... but would this not overload the chatroom ops who are probably busy enough confused:
I personally would be happy to report mismanagemnt of rooms as it spoils it for all users but at the same time I am aware that ops aren't paid workers, are doing it in their free time and probably have better things to do dunno
To be honest ...If you are finding so many problems with room hosts that you think you might overload the ops ....
Maybe it`s you !! wink
A tongue in cheek response .... I hope :wink:
But to make a rather more serious point, lets say only a hnadful of more experienced / well known / more vocal :wink: members report at the moment if this increased by 2 or 3 times the number would we be creating a problem for the ops?
Just a thought?
Quote by flower411
OK, so here's a question if someone is behaving irresponsibly as the host of a room (for example kicking people without good reason) should they be reported to chatroom ops / Admin or should we just get on with it and ignore them?
I would normally opt for the get on and ignore 'em attitude but this of course doesn't help make the site a better experience for others?

Yeah !! this is important !!
All sorts of stuff can be overlooked on a regular basis. But when you decide to host a room you should know the rules and stick by them !!
If you ever come across a room host breaking the rules .......
Report Em !! as soon as ya can ...
OK I quite agree ...... but would this not overload the chatroom ops who are probably busy enough confused:
I personally would be happy to report mismanagemnt of rooms as it spoils it for all users but at the same time I am aware that ops aren't paid workers, are doing it in their free time and probably have better things to do dunno
OK, so here's a question if someone is behaving irresponsibly as the host of a room (for example kicking people without good reason) should they be reported to chatroom ops / Admin or should we just get on with it and ignore them?
I would normally opt for the get on and ignore 'em attitude but this of course doesn't help make the site a better experience for others?
They have them at Frankfurt airport .... "handy" if you need to while away an hour or 2 when your delayed redface
OK Guys and Girls not saying that c103 is for young 'uns or old 'uns ..... what I know is that a few years ago the Dance Academy was the best night in plymouth on a saturday .... I heard the crew (events company) that were runnin DA before it was closed are now running saturdays in c103.
I intend to have a blinder there next Saturday so will report back for anyone that is interested cool
Quote by Laff_n_Chilli
Servers do fall over, despiet everything we have back ups and slaves, all in all the site runs on about 14 servers, there's 3 people in the UK, 2 in Prague and a server/network specialist company in the USA on text notification, when anything goes wrong its picked up straight away.
When things go wrong most its often a new problem, sometimes loads get higher and one of the front end servers drops out, the site has been getting busier and weve been adding new servers as it does, there's also some more on the way.

For what it is worth I have also been experiencing problems. It's good to see that admin accept there are some issues and are working to resolve them.
However just a thought .... SH has been a "real business" for sometime now, so how about the owners being a little bit proactive and trying to anticipate the demand and increase in the number of users and expanding the system accordingly?
OK I know this is easier said than done, but this is a commercial operation and as such one would expect a little bit of demand forecasting and re-alignment or expansion of the system to cope.
Quote by helnheaven
whoo hooo so this old girl was right then eh :giggle:

maybe you were so have you been to c103? cool
Quote by fabioplum
I periodically get my old vinyl out for a play.......that doesn't sound quite right :-)
It always ends up making me feel a bit weepy as each record takes you back to a different time in your life but usually when you had feck all to worry about and had your whole life ahead of you.
My kids laugh at these huge plastic disks and think having to balance a little needle on them is hilarious.

The only way to listen to music is on vinyl! Take this from a vinyl junkie with well over 5000 12" discs. At the end of the day it's recorded in an analogue format rather than running it through a analogue to digital converter hence it sounds so much better biggrin
Has anyone else had ads that simply disappear after a period of time? Is there a new policy I am not aware about?
I have submitted two support tickets (one yesterday, one 2 weeks ago) and yet to get any response from either.
If I had something in the ad that was against the AUP surely a moderator would drop a one line message to me rather than simply deleting them dunno
Is there a good reason for this damn 5 minute lock out???
Those of us that use the chatrooms when traveling and connecting via wireless suffer if the wireless connection is not great when opening the chatroom for the first time if the connection drops.
Very very annoying ..... admin is there anything you can do???
Hi guys
If anyone fancies some late night bi fun in my hotel room near Heathrow tonight then get in touch.
Arriving late so email me your number and I will call you to arrange the meet.
Anything goes so long as we all enjoy it.
Very last minute I know
Anyone else in heathrow tonight? I am in a airport hotel get in touch if you fancy some fun!
bi/tv ladies all welcome
kinky eddie
Quote by st3v3
95% of the sites now running from the new servers, most of the images are on the new server but the ones that aren't are being copied over, any image that isn't on the new server shows the coming soon thingy, should all be moved over sometime this evening.
The site isn't as quick as it should be as everyone hits the site on the old rack and travels down a bit of wire to the new rack, before we point everyone to the new rack we need to test the new load balancer, probably Thursday during the day.

looks like this has notbeen completed in the usual swinging heaven timely fashion!
hi - I have also noticed this today for the first time. Admin can you pass comment?