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1 month ago
Bisexual Female, 113
Straight Male, 113


Apologises, we've been away and were hoping to be back, but its now looking unlikely :sad:
Have a great evening drinkies and hopefully we should be able to make the next one :smile:
lilnfil xx
Quote by Loved-Up
Hope so lilnfil. Be great to see you xxx

Yep, be great to see you two as well kiss
Quote by Katniss
Where ya been hiding?

If we told you that...... we'd have to find another place to hide :grin: :kiss:
Hiya , is it too late to ask to be considered for the guest list please? drinkies
lilnfil xx
Sorry we didn't make it :doh: but it was very sunny down south cool , you know what we're like, we got waylaid rolleyes :mrgreen:
Have a great wedding in Jamaica boink :bounce: and no doubt we'll catch up with ya both in chams over the summer kiss
lilnfil xx
Put us on the time wasters list gorge..... can't see us getting down
Have a great time
Gorge, put us down as hopefulls please kiss, 90% sure we can make it.
If we have to drop out, stick us on the time wasters list :grin:
Happy New Year :cheers:
Quote by Ste-n-Kez
ffs fil, if you told people what your like in your profile, you would never get a meet lol

You bitch Ste!..............that's the last time I take a dare from you flipa :mrgreen:
Quote by MidsCouple24
We believe that more is learned by what is NOT written in a profile than what is written.

Even Mystic Meg would struggle to learn owt about us from our profile Jed,............. never mind you ;)
Quote by Katniss
Just had a total complete nervouse breakdown at that remark lol
Think i could manage the two of you, Fil only wanks behind bins anyway bolt

Quote by Katniss
fil one could go off you ya know :fuckinghell:
and ste im almost out of retirement ;)

Awwwwwwwwww niss...........don't be like that kiss
I'll let you make it up to me Saturday blast :grin:
Quote by Ste-n-Kez
Whats on your Xmas Wish List?????? Im talking fun items not all deep and meaningful like World Peace and for everyone to love each other lol

I want a Kat for Xmas wink
Ste....the speakers are 20 quid.....too rich for me......but I'd risk a tenner if you want to share innocent
Quote by MidsCouple24
Getting it hard isn't a problem for me, I suffer from premature ejaculation, I was going to go to a "help group" about it but when I phoned them to ask the dress code they said
"just come in your pants"

Quote by Lizaleanrob

we certainly take profiles without pictures as suspect,

Busted!........Damn you! innocent
yep! you two are definitely suspect :eeek:
Who?......Us! :angel:
On 2nd thoughts.........guilty as charged ya honor! :twisted:
Quote by gorgeously-yours
Ffs not eveyones as old as you fil ;0) xx.

Oi poke I'll have you know I'm only 34 ........ I just like older women boink
Quote by gorgeously-yours
Ps you coming xx

No....its the way am sat ....ta boom tish rolleyes
Will the pool be open? xx
Quote by suede-head
Pop me on the list please Gorge ... will be back from my travels and it's a special birthday for me close by, will there be cake? ;)
Suedey xxx

Thought you'd already turned 50 m8y? innocent :rascal:
Quote by pookbunnies
we certainly take profiles without pictures as suspect,

Busted!........Damn you! innocent
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Gulp. Takes deep breath
wave Anyone else feel like a kid in a new school? This is so surreal :scared:
Avatar has gone though and no idea which of my 'puter's they're all on. dunno

HLB :smitten: passionkiss ltns ......yes....very surreal, but a very pleasant surprise :bounce:
Quote by sercher01
Hmm! nice paint job .................. what am i not alowed to say this time ?? :twisted: wink

Quote by Pete_sw
well well, love what you've done with the place peeps :wink:
Good to see some very familiar names, it's like I'd never left lol
Hope everyone's been keeping ok xxx

Quote by celestria

Now here's a blast from the past......god, how many years! :wave: kiss
Welcome home :lol:
lilnfil xxx
Thanks Gorge kiss an excellent night drinkies was good to see and meet friends old and new :cheers:
Thank's to Newgirl09 for spotting us walking up the front Saturday afternoon :kiss: we were looking for you lot and was going to walk straight past :doh: lol
Apologies for our unintentional early departure, again a :doh:......we went for a short stroll along the prom with the intention of returning but ended up making love on the beach until 4am :sleeping:....................what? dunno
And yes is true......I felt Liams ring in the gents toilet!.......are ya jealous flipa
lilnfil xxx
Quote by Busty_n_Lusty
Sun is shining in Southend... as is my sunburn!!!
Nearly partaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay time... whoop whoop!!!

Sunburn!..........I thought that was just the glow from the alcohol :mrgreen:bolt
Quote by gorgeously-yours
and I still don't know what I'm gonna wear innocent

topless sounds good to me ;o0 lol xx
gorge! smackbottom .............whose going to bail me out when I get arrested for walking up the sea front to the venue :whistling:
we can always have a cell party lolxx
mmmmmmm girlie cell there's an idea 69position
Quote by gorgeously-yours
and I still don't know what I'm gonna wear innocent

topless sounds good to me ;o0 lol xx
gorge! smackbottom .............whose going to bail me out when I get arrested for walking up the sea front to the venue :whistling: