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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Greater London


Quote by BrightbabeUK
You posted exactly the same post on another well known site. If you're having problems on both, have you thought that it's not the fault of the "unwashed masses"?

If you read the OP you'll note I classed myself among the unwashed masses, though obviously I don't mean we don't wash. Its just a tongue in cheek expression. If the hat and moustache don't suggest I have a sense of humour what will?
This is meant as a curious post not a whiny please help me post (looks like I missed the mark there!). I've posted on both sites in part to compare the responses as I know people on both sites. There's also an aspect of trying to determine which site is best for me. At the moment I'm spending far too long on both sites and not getting on with my life. Something I'm sure a lot of you can relate to.
So who are you on the other site if you don't mind me asking?
Quote by HimandHer
If you are wasting your time - then you are probably wasting other people's time too. Perhaps if your reason for being in the chatroom was to entertain yourself and others then you would not feel as if you were being deliberately ignored.

I really must remember to add my smilies. I'm obviously coming across as genuinely cynical and jaded! banghead :color:
Quote by HimandHer
I saw on one profile a comment to the effect "we don't reply to mails saying hi I like your profile please look at mine and let me know if you're interested". It leaves me wondering what else you should/can say in an introductory email?

Yes basically. We always reply to emails we receive - but that is because we are not up our own arses. However, when we do receive a standard email, we do write a snotty reply, and if that means our reputation drops in the mind of the person who sent us an email that was composed for them by the site - then we will live with it.

I don't mean standard manufactured emails though I guess it could be hard to tell the difference sometimes. Not everyone gives you enough to go on but they might still be worth getting to know.
Quote by HimandHer
Probably - I won't argue that point with you, what I would say is if you stopped sending emails at all, then you wouldn't be missed. There are loads of others to take your place.

I was looking for a meow smiley here but this is the closest I could find poke
That said the truth hurts. smile
Quote by HimandHer
So what would people recommend saying as the best way to introduce themselves and what would they like to hear that the unwashed masses just aren't giving them? :-o

Firstly I would read their profile, and judge whether I had anything to offer them. If I did not, and simply wanted to let them know that I had read their profile then I would tell them so (if I felt that I needed to - whether it be a good or bad).
If I did have something that they wanted then I would set myself out to offer it, not a hard-sell or anything, but just an offer, which they were free to accept or decline. It doesn't matter what the offer is - it could be an invitation to chat more, either by mail, chat, phone, webcam, msn or whatever else.
If they respond then the rest is up to you - if they don't even bother to acknowledge your existence then firstly check they have opened your mail, and a reasonable time has passed, if you are satisifed that they are too ignorant to even reply then simply don't give them any more of your time.
You simply must remember that many people on here are not what they claim to be, and sometimes an email, telephone, webcam offer etc can set them off guard as they are clearly pretending to be what they are not - it is not a case of them being ignorant, it is a case of you calling their bluff.
Nevertheless - if someone does not acknowledge you on the internet, it is similar in many ways to not being acknowledged for real. Rise above, move on, and don't compromise your politeness for the lack of someone elses.
Well said. Thank you.
Quote by Big_Fraser
I usually add a joke, my jokes are bad, hence why I get so few replies sad
Good luck and if that doesn't work say:
"Brucie knows where you live - its me or him"
should work a treat

Hey, that one's pretty good. Mind if I use it? My comedy porn star tash might come in handy as well :haha:
Egads! You are a scary man! rotflmao
Quote by brucie
i find this works
"hello, i know who you are and where you live. unless you have sex with me i am going to expose you as the sick perverted sex maniacs you are to everyone in your community, work and your childrens' schools. by the way, safe sex in not required. love brucie".
Lol. I see he's quite quite a character. Perhaps I shouldn't use the photo with the dodgey 70s porn star mustache as my avatar after all but I found I was taking myself too seriously. If it makes one person laugh its worth it.
Quote by tweeky
Still haven't found this mr. staggerlees
Hi all bye the way smile.
I had to look at that just to get the URL for you :scared: When you look at that then also empathise with the pain that Tweekys eyes took for a fleating moment lol
I'm finding this site hard work at the moment. When I first joined I had more time to waste in the chat rooms. But it seems few bother to responds to emails even with a polite refusal.
I saw on one profile a comment to the effect "we don't reply to mails saying hi I like your profile please look at mine and let me know if you're interested". It leaves me wondering what else you should/can say in an introductory email? The longer your here and the more cynical and jaded you get the more your outgoing emails are going to take that form aren't they? So what would people recommend saying as the best way to introduce themselves and what would they like to hear that the unwashed masses just aren't giving them? :-o
Thanks Anais. It worked a treat.
Who's Staggerlees? Sounds like a Nick Cave song to me.
Dumb noob question but how do I set my avatar? I can't find a button for it anywhere?
Oops. Clearly I do have an avatar set so I should be more specific. How do I get a photo to appear above the IM button on my profile instead of the blank camera icon? Is it a size issue?
This should really be in the FAQ...