It could be that "normal" people assume women dont have a naughty side and are pushed into it by the male.
In my limited experiance it only takes a little nudge and and the fem can see the plus sides in it. But then I guess its down to the person and what their moral stand is, I've spoke to mates about what I get upto and they look horrified and others ask all about it.
As was said the laides are changing and I have been approached by girls in pubs and clubs asking if I would like to join them and a mate or bf. But I think the footballers "spit roasts" of the early 2000's brought group sex into the lime light and what the stars do everybody else seems to follow.
So I guess in the 2.4 children house hold where everything is on the moral high ground, then us pervy men are the driving force behind our sordid fun! :twisted: