as above, i am interested but dont want to pm you as you might kill me or somthin!! LOL
can you maybe.. contact me .. i swear im not the tosser you think i am.. ;)
i will send you what you want .... only if you ask..
mr lume
Oh!! ok. so i should really put an add on here.. but it never know what to write and since my partner is not into the idea.. that makes me a sad lad on his own.. which i know there are hundreds of fellas out there in the same boat.. i was really intested in seeing what goes on.. since its a bit scary and exciting at the same time.. which im sure that why people do it.. and bluexxx i really am sorry.. i just dont read the rules!!
err it seems i havn't got the hang of this.. posting on the forum.. im new to this and just thought I could PM people.. sorry to bluexxx for pissin her off.
err .. i will stop writing the silly ( not including this one! ) messages since i clearly dont know what i should be sayin..
so i am truly very sorry..
mr lume
oh dear... sorry im new on here.. didnt mean to be a tosser just interested in whats going on!! didnt mean to rub anyone up the wrong way! Sorry blue!!
can i get another chance?
yeah its friday.. and people are out there.. dont know if they know i was there... but all i can say is brugandy vauxhall. and i think they know who they are..
this is my first time... if 8 people can check out my post and are interested in delamere make it a special trip for once.. show me somethin..!!!!!!
i havint done this before and am intested.. pm me and i will give you the msn details.
if you feel you need to chat..
see ya soon
mr lume
time is a tickin. and its a nice night, message me for msn details.. and fun.. in delamere cheshire.!!
you know where.. im waiting..
as above..
its a warm nite any one in delamere tonight?
if you are in the northwest why didnt you let me know!!!
I would have been there!!!
let me know when this happens again!!
mr lume
hi,, just out and about.. would like to know if people are still in delamere cheshire.. if so. i wouldnt mind watchin if thats okay.. im . 29yrs and dont mind to watch.. my partner is not into this so im on my own.. of people are still going to delamere. contact me on my email. and im sure we can sort somthing out..
mr lume..