You see... slinkyhips can give a disagreeing viewpoint without calling me names and swearing at me! I am absolutely fine with that. I also notice that she has not been moaned at with it being her first post because she is on the same side as the moaners! A first poster with a viewpoint that doesn't follow the overall trend and the moaning about joining just to make the post is made!
If members choose to go off on a tangent giving me all kinds of grief about cheating and not romancing my wife and doing the wrong things then fine - but accept that I will come back and defend myself against postings that people can't possibly know to be true. if you look back I was pleasant and polite but honest in what I was saying - I don't need to apologise to anybody - I was straight and fair and not the least bit rude in replying to people giving me advice that I didn't ask for in the first place.
You see.... you got me posting again and I didn't want to.
I suggest you all start your own little forum where new people are banned, only swingers are allowed and basically stop being members of a site that on the face of it is solely for swingers but then is now happy to take the money off single guys, married guys and whoever else you can think of.
I am sure I won't be allowed to post much more considering one of the moderators called me a sad bastard.
I thank you for you support Lucifarious and duncan. I wasn't going to post in here again but I felt I needed to after reading those two - especially yours Lucifarious.
It has upset me that people have drawn the conclusions they have about me. It has made me stop and think why they have drawn those conclusions, but I have no answer. I defended myself as I thought fit, but misjudged the fact that I was asking people who mostly have open and basically happy marriages, relationships and lives, so they are not the best placed to comment on my situation perhaps.
I wish they could meet me and see how I am for real - but I don't think there would be many takers!
Over the years I have posted around 6,000 messages in the various forums where I am a member, never has a thread I have started or contributed to developed in the way this one has. The odd OTT or agressive comment is posted of course, but as the vast majority of members are not of that nature, it is quickly quenched.
Of course, people can give opinions that differ to others, but perhaps there are better ways and manners in which to voice those opinions. I don't know.
JudyTV- I am not sure how many different people have berated me in this thread, but I would just like to point out that 6 different members have PM'd me with their support, not wanting to publicly post due to the reaction they may receive. Not all from single or married men, either! That is not a good sign for how people perceive the members of this web site.
A general and genuine sorry to those who have formed the opinion they have of me, but not an apology for what I have said. Perhaps it needs to be remembered that we are all only reading words - personalities are hard to fathom from letters on a screen. Maybe one day I have the chance to change that opinion.
Once or twice a week is not constantly wanting sex... every day is constantly wanting sex and I have clearly stated in here that is not the case... and my wife knows that.
In fact in the discussions I have had with my wife about this subject, I have explained that once a week is fine by me... but it doesn't have to be a ritual and become sex for the sake of sex.... that causes a whole different set of troubles! I just want it more than 6-7 times a year!
There are all things we enjoy doing in life. We need something to look forward to. If playiing tennis or squash on a Wednesday night is your thing, you are likely to spend the day looking forward to it whilst at work, it improves your life.
For me sex is something I enjoy, something to look forward to, helps the day to go by. Is wanting sex once or twice a week with the lady I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with really so bad?
Hi Cheetah
Thank you for taking the time with your posting. It is nice to have your support and understanding. I really didn't expect the responses I got and this is obviously not the place I thought it was . However, it wasn't all bad, and even those that doubted what I was saying put across their thoughts in a (mostly) constructive manner - even if I feel they missed the point!
Not a completely bad thing - well balanced debate is healthy, but sooo many incorrect assumptions and comments were made - a lot based on what others had said whilst ignoring the fact I posted a simple question!
Thanks again.
byron, what you are problably not reading is that all this is not taking place every morning, noon and night! I said an average of 6-7 weeks. If it is coming across that I am trying something every day then I am sorry - but having sex only 6.5 times a year is rather frustrating, you must admit?
The obvious problem is two competely incompatible people when it comes to sexual needs. As I have said, it was a light-hearted question but I am peeved to read that so many feel (including men) that I really am not making the effort, am not doing the things that will turn her on, am always expecting that if we go out for a meal that a shag will follow and that I have obviously not tried to speak to her about it - and all that must simply be the reason she doesn't want sex. Why? All that says to me is that most think that if I was doing all of the above she would be falling onto the bed with legs open wide every night I come home from work!