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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 63
0 miles · Skipton


The MSp in question is not a Right Honourable, or even an Honourable.
Anyway we should all decry any newspaper focus on swinging as who knows who may be next. We are all entitled to a private life, even MSPs.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
rolleyes But you are assuming that we have additional disposable income to fund these increases...
Some of us work on a tight budget and this sort of thing means that we have to re-evaluate our spending...
Not everyone has a bottomless pit of money you know :roll:

But if things are that tight you can save the extra cash by driving a large vehicle (4X4, sports car, luxury limo) a little slower (perhaps at 60 rather than 70). And it's not an attack on 4X4s - that's just a media portrayal - several 4X4s aren't hit - just the one's with big engines that pump out lots of pollution - as do large limos, sports cars etc.
Quote by Steve_Mids
Having just read all the new rates for road tax I find that my tax has gone from £165 a year to £195 a year.....
Fukin outrageous..... mad :x :x

It's only 60p per week - I fail to see what's the big deal.
Quote by Steve_Mids
Having just read all the new rates for road tax I find that my tax has gone from £165 a year to £195 a year.....
Fukin outrageous..... mad :x :x

It's only 60p per week - I fail to see what's the big deal.
I thought the forum was a market place, like the Athenian agora - a place where ideas are interchanged between people.
7th December - is that the anniversary of the changes?
Quote by westerross

never quite understood why if a sign stays 30..... you have to do over 30
or if a sign says 50... you have to do over 50....
or on a motorways is the national speed limit is 70... why people have to do 85...dunno

This got me thinking a bit. So I did a back of the fag packet calculation (please don't say 'why do you have to smoke?' wink ).
If the average cardriver does 10,000 miles a year and let's say that they are in a hurry and spend 50% of that breaking the speed limit by say 10 miles an hour - that means that they save 10,000 X 0.5 divided by 10 = 500 hours a year.
Now the value of journey time savings on average is calculated to be just under £9 an hour (last time I looked) so that person is gaining £4500 a year. That might be the answer to Fabio's question.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not advocating breaking the speed limit - but it could be part of the reason, don't you think?
Sorry, you have made a huge errror in your calculation.
If someone does 10,000 miles a year their saving will be a fraction of yours, depending on their average speed (with a 10% uplift and 50 % of the time).
Thus if they average 40 mph their saving is (10,000 / 40 x 10%) X 0.5
Thus they may save 12.5 hours, which at an average £9 per hour is
Of course the extra speed will add to their fuel consumption, reducing the saving. Further, in towns at least, much of the saving is illusory - they just wait for longer at the next red light.
Quote by westerross

never quite understood why if a sign stays 30..... you have to do over 30
or if a sign says 50... you have to do over 50....
or on a motorways is the national speed limit is 70... why people have to do 85...dunno

This got me thinking a bit. So I did a back of the fag packet calculation (please don't say 'why do you have to smoke?' wink ).
If the average cardriver does 10,000 miles a year and let's say that they are in a hurry and spend 50% of that breaking the speed limit by say 10 miles an hour - that means that they save 10,000 X 0.5 divided by 10 = 500 hours a year.
Now the value of journey time savings on average is calculated to be just under £9 an hour (last time I looked) so that person is gaining £4500 a year. That might be the answer to Fabio's question.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not advocating breaking the speed limit - but it could be part of the reason, don't you think?
Sorry, you have made a huge errror in your calculation.
If someone does 10,000 miles a year their saving will be a fraction of yours, depending on their average speed (with a 10% uplift and 50 % of the time).
Thus if they average 40 mph their saving is (10,000 / 40 x 10%) X 0.5
Thus they may save 12.5 hours, which at an average £9 per hour is
Of course the extra speed will add to their fuel consumption, reducing the saving. Further, in towns at least, much of the saving is illusory - they just wait for longer at the next red light.
Whilst I have not been selected as one of the lucky few, yet I hope that Bouncy enjoys her treat.
Does anyone go to Pennine Sauna in Shaw.
I have been on mixed nights in the past, has anyone been lately?
I know Bouncyx, we met earlier in the year at The Cross Keys and have chatted from time to time.
I would love to come!
It's my tragedy that on a night when I am free, and have a car with a full tank, that I've never met you.
One day perhaps.
I shall look out for your last minute urges, only trouble is, I'm 45 minutes away from Mcr.
Wow - great way to ensure people's anonymity.
Why not just pass his name onto the Screws of the World!
I am a 43 year old male from Skipton.
Average build, normal looks, not a lot else to say, except I would love to attend your meeting near Knutsford.
I would love to attend your party.
I am a single male, and Iknow that you do not know me, but I am very sociable, and quite house-trained.
Plesae consider me if there are any spaces.
Sexy Steph wrote:
Did you get their phone number hunni? If so just call them and ask them to understand that any pictures belong to the people in them and if they go somewhere they should not then you will not hesitate to sue.

Unfortunately copyright rests with the person taking the photo. Which means if they wish to sell to the 'News of The Screws' then they can. That's why photography is not allowed against the BCCN code of conduct for naturists, and why e.g. Cap D'Agde bans camera work.
However anyone using a camera phone obviously has no manners, apart from which the quality is abysmal.
Just 10 - but I am sure that some members will amass a huge total.
Sorry - very true - rather short on info.
Anyway I am a 43 year old male - living between Skipton & the Lancs border.
I am happy to meet anyone - I just wondered if anyone wanted a social meet.
Does anone want to meet for a chat, or lunch, or anything, Tuesday 5th. Anywhere in the NW OK.
This is a wonderful post - no wonder single males find it so hard when we are competing with such an erudite master.
In addition he does not even live up to his nickname, since when did a 69 only involve one way oral?
The trouble is that many people utter these inanities since they can't be bothered to think.
As A E Housman put it, "A moment's thought would have shown him. But a moment is a long time, and thought is a painful process"
Good Question.
I am a naturist, and started off simply as a naturist who enjoyed being nude in the sun.
Then at Studland I realised that more could be available with a couple with whom I was talking on the beach. I now find that a session of swinging after being on the beach is a good way to round off the day.
I am sure that others have had similar histories.
Thanks Silk,
At least I know now that it isn't all in my imagination.
But someone surely has been there.
Hi all,
I am down in Kent for a few days shortly, and have heard of this place as a naturist centre from ages ago. Somone I know suggested that evenings may have become more interesting there of late.
Does anyone know anything?
Morality -
Surely it is objective according to Kant's reasoned description of the Categorical Imperative.
This makes sense as a subjective morality allows us all to decide what we want to do, making societal cohesion impossible.
Actually, and with increasing despair on my part, NO. Some people just never quite get some things.
Consider Shrodinger's Cat - there are some for whom it just never sinks in.