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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
Sorry, tried kat, but had to answer the ladie, I hope that will be the end of that one, I`ve never had to open my mail box so much, lol.
Warming the Bed
Hi walnut.
I agree, and I would never dream of calling any woman who loves sex abnormal, There are men aswell who love sex to such a degree that they feel they cannot get enough, and i certainly would not call them abnormal either, I fall under the same catagory otherwise I would not be into swinging.
In fact the only point at which I mentioned women was to point out that not only can there be men that would lie and decieve, or just simply mess people about, but their are some of the fairer sex that can be guilty of the same thing.
it was a case of being fair to both sexes about comments that were made.
Someone said earlier about how easily things can be taken out of context, and I believe that this posting is basically going nowhere but getting peoples backs up through reading what they want into it rather than seeing the points for what they really are.
but i do take your good advice onboard and would have basically said the same things, in a roundabout way this is the essence of what I was trying to tell mils.
Warming the Bed
I fully agree, its getting a bit stretched and boring now, I have had my say people can either like it or not, I don`t care either way, and will say no more on the subject.
Warming the Bed
On that Point I will agree, there are those who lie and decieve and they are the bane of the site and our lives, but we must not forget that there is also the same point that can be made of (not wishing to offend)some single women and some couples (or pretended couples)
We would all hope that sites like this would be visited and used by likeminded people but this is not an ideal world and there are those out there male & female that can make things miserable for others at times.
I do understand your feelings on the matter, but it is something which we cannot stop,
How do we stop the piccy hunters, do we stop posting pics, stop sending a pic to people we would like to meet, Pictures are a big part of what we do in our hunt for sexual fullfilment, and 90percent of ads state "no pic no answer", so we have to put up with the piccy hunters, and if at times there is some lonely soul sat quietly jacking off over them take it as a compliment that you are good looking enough for them to feel the need to do it in the first place.
We are always going to see and fall prey to the ones that mess people about but as in anything else we must take the rough with the smooth.
I do understand, and I understand the fact that you are a single as I am, I was not trying to be negative in a nasty way, I was just making the point that there are genuine guys who could take offence because of the way in which we are slightly stimatised anyway,
Being single and putting an ad on a site like this, then sitting there and answering lots of ads, sending pics etc. and getting no answers can at times make even a genuine single bloke feel like one of those you describe, sometimes I feel like a sad muppet and I freely admit that I keep some of the pics of people on here, but that is when I have answered their ads so I know who they are and what they look like, (a good thing when you have answered 8-10 ads in a day)(mind you, have you seen vix, Yes I have saved her pics from her site etc, She is georgous, what red blooded male wouldn`t want her pics.) But then I think to myself "ok, so they have no intention of replying, but there are some genuine people on here, sooner or later I`l click.
Its all in the way you look at things, if someone messes you around move on, if someone is collecting pics, move on, it does`nt have to get to you, ok people have put their faith & trust in some of these undesirables but that`s life it happens to us all and we have to move on, I do!.
all the best.
Warming the Bed
and i need to learn how to spell, or how to stop miskeying
Warming the Bed
Thats ok steph, I realy wished to point out the same point you have just made, in that in the third para of mils post, and the manner in which he has put his opinion, it may be take badly by many of the single blokes that use this site.
I think sometimes we could all do with sitting back for a moment and choosing our words more carefully.
We anrn`t all that sad, I cry sometimes but its not from being sad, its usually over some of the hilarious posts in this forum.
all the best.
Warming the Bed
sorry, thoughts/advice and opinions, especially the single guys as it is more relevent to them.
it is in no way abusive, if so can you point this out, just an answer as asked for on what he has wrote.
no more, no less.
Warming the Bed
Steph, its not an attack it is an opinion related to certain things stated by mils.
we all have the right to our opinions, he has stated his and I in turn have stated mine as he has asked for opinions.
Warming the Bed
Sad social retards, Unsavory characters, whilst I understand your feelings in other points you have made I do not see the need to say such things of people you evidently do not know or the circumstances of them being in a situation where they are on thier own in front of a PC.
When I was younger there used to be a tramp that lived on some waste ground behind some local shops. All the kids used to torment, taunt, and abuse this man simply because in their eyes he was a sad old tramp.
The truth of the matter was that this old man was, some years earlier a proffessor at the university, He lived in a large splendid house and had a wife and three children.
Then one day his life ended when a drunk driver caused a crash and his wife and children were killed.
But there he was, A sad old tramp, to those who (Thought!) they knew him.
There are a multitude of reasons why some of the people on here live on thier own, either in bedsits, flats, Houses or a tent, Some have had bad splits and probably feel they can`t trust a partner again, some have probably been through a dirty divorce and been cleaned out, or some may even have been through a real trauma like the old tramp.
Yes, one day you yourself may even find yourself in the same position and have to listen to knowalls who paint a picture of you and your life without even having a clue of the truth.
I myself never judge anyone, and certainly don`t judge a book by its cover. I believe everyone is an individual and has a right to live thier lives in a way that seems fit to them without the need to justify themselves to others,and if that means some bloke sitting in his bedsit giving himself hand relief over some pics on the net then thats fine, its his own affair and he`s hurting no one in the process, which is more than can be said for the accepted normal type of bloke who goes out and gets pissed and then physically hurts someone for nothing. I also live in what you may deam as a fantasy world where I would like to see everyone tend to thier own business and get on well with others.
I will not ramble on further I have had my say, its my opinion that I am entitled to as is everyone else.
Warming the Bed
I am a newbie and I have spent the last two days sitting here until I`m seeing double, reading your postings. There are some serious subjects and some helpfull advice, But I have to say I have never seen so many comedians in one place, I have never in all my life laughed so much or shed so many tears of mirth so that I look like I have cried like a baby. I am glad I live alone because if anyone was about to witness the goings on over the last two days, I would have been looking at padded walls by now.
Absolutely fantastic, what a site keep it up guys your brill.
Has anyone else noticed that on average swingers seem to be more happy, open and honest, not to mention sociable than most other people. By the way, Hi to you all and
I really hope I get to meet some of you even if its just a chat or over a sociable drink.
rotflmao Mike.
Warming the Bed
Would I get killed in the rush if I said I`d come and sort them out for you, "I Think So!!!"
Warming the Bed
Well ! ........ If I could find one over here like some the American ones I would most definately have a play, but all I have seen over here (no insult intended) is that they still look like truckies in womens clothes, (I`m gonna get shouted at for that, redface I know I am. but its just an observation, what I have personally seen up to now. Sorry!!!)
Other than that I have to agree some TS`s can be very horny and a real turn on. :rascal:
Warming the Bed
I can see bothe sides of this argument as I was a smoker and gave up some time ago, But there is one thing we should all think about before we have a go at smokers,
The government make millions each year from the tax on a packs of fags, baccy, cigars, pipe baccy etc,
If Everyone gave up smoking those millions would be lost, But would have to be replaced from somewhere else.
How many non smokers out there would relish the idea of paying those millions back along with the smokers that have stopped, because it would all be put on everyday things so we all got hit for it.
The gov would definately want to make up the loss from somewhere !
Don`t we all pay enough tax on nearly everything other than fresh air? confused:
Warming the Bed
I was 17 and the woman in question was 38, though believe me she looked 19ish,
it was the most sensuas moment of my life, she was careing, gentle (until later)and the best teacher I ever had.
I am lucky in that unlike a lot of others I can truly say it was as it should be, the most memorable and enjoyable sexual encounter of my life. :rascal:
Warming the Bed
Nice one.
A fella goes on a date with a women he met on the net, he gets her back to her place and they go to bed.
As they don`t know eachother that well and she is shy she wants the lights out.
So in the darknes there the bloke goes down for desert and starts to munch away, After a short while he realises that there is this wierd odour, so trying to be polite he says "is there a window open, there seems to be a funny smell."
The woman says Oh! I am sorry its because I have arthiritis in my shoulder.
The man who is by now puzzeled asks, " whats that go to do with it."
She says "it stops me reaching down to wipe my arse."
Warming the Bed
Hi Tommy, I`m a newbie aswell and feel the same way, Don`t worry about the age I`m 45, and these women dont have it all their own way mate, even some of us fellas get better with age, like a fine wine.
You younguns look out the oldies are here and we`re fitter, stronger and faster,(faster but last longer I hope, lol.) We can still shake an apple out of the tree.
Have fun.
Mike. lol :lol: