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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 51
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Hi Babe
I live in Nelson and can make it on Fridays. I am five seven stocky, Six inch cock, Love slow sensual touching, kissing, teasing, licking, sucking, fucking, ky wanks, butt play, cum facials. I prefer bareback but ok with condoms. If interested let me know and I will get back to you maybe we can arrange something for this Friday?
X x X
I posted a topic a little while back based on an observation that many people have made about Michael Barrymore and the TS on Celebrity Big Brother...i.e did anyone thing that Barrymore fancied her? A simple question based on something that obviously channel 4 think it's suitable and my initial post was not meant to offensive but rather a fun and diverse chat to see if anyone else felt the same...but hell no one of the mods blocked it...
I stayed on here becaue Minx sent me a very nice PM persuading me to give it time and get used to the site....which I have done...
So the question is why would a moderator find that offensive and block the thread? Why is it that Steph whom I've not met was about to be kicked out? Surely I have read and witnessed more offensive material in the chatrooms?
Censorship, Power Trip or will this thread be closed down too? In which case a site that is meant for liberated adults that censors Freedom of Speech isn't really so liberating is it?
It would appear that I was killed by five white police officers in North County...I shall come back to haunt you
Quote by
jesus what scares me is when people consider a hollywood movie to be a religion and lifestyle guide.......matrix my arse...... lol

Hmmm! If you can ignore the violance in the film you will note that the trilogy makes consistent references to Eastern/Greek/and Bhuddist philosophies; in one or more of the scenes love and karma are two of many subjects that the film deals and that was my point of reference on the earlier thread. I can assure you that the Matrix isn't my lifestyle and/or religion so don't be scared....however you are entitled to your opinion easyease but I can assure you that an extremist evangelical preacher in the middle of OHIO would probably have something similar to say about the swinging it really depends on your view of the world based on what you know and how you understand our individual "reality" which is often based on knowledge acquired from social conditioning and subliminal messages that bombard us each and every day. We then create our own experience within our own virtual world and environment.... so on this occassion lets agree to differ for in my opinion which is just as valid as yours the same logic of reality applies to love amongst other things, hence, why I drew an anology from the Matrix film(s)..... but please don't be afraid. I am not trying to convert you...not yet anyway!!
Maybe it's time for you to choose which pill to take either the blue pill or the red pill?
karma, kismet or destiny,
which do you mean, man makes his own karma in past action, destiny is determined for us by the three woman spinning.
Do we have choice over our end or not. Do we just determine the colour while fate determines the shape.
Which of the world's philosophies do you follow or do you pick a bit from here and another from there. How can you choose a bit from there when translating it, the word into English it changes the meaning so much.
How right you are as a given example of the term "Fate" or "Fatae"
Greek and Roman mythologies include three spiritual beings called in Greek Moirai, or in Latin Fatae who are meant to control the destiny of a person. There are references made by Shakespeare in Macbeth: The three witches have been linked to the three spinners from the old English term weird which has been translated to "destiny". The three "weird sisters" are the fates that controlled destiny...
The term Fatae is also referred to within the theological context of the "science" of demonology by the catholic church wich isn't surprising really because it is derived from Latin.
As one noble bhuddist said to have many ways to climb a mountain but when you get to the top the view is the same but the perception may differ.
Quote by osker99
Personally i agree with a lot of the comments above but at the same time you can understand his decision to lie about his sexual preferences. Although as long as he is not involved in anything illegal, I would base my vote upon policies, political history, public presence etc, that is not the case for a large proportion of the voters in this or any country. I spoke with a colleague about this subject yesterday, while we both agreed that the main issue was the fact he had lied in initial questioning was the main issue, when I offered the opnion that quetsions like that really have no place in politics, what peopel do in there spare tiem is really none of our business ( and that goes as far as teh issues of divorce etc because you can never truely appreciate the situation, and therefore should make no comment or pass no judgement) , my colleague said something that really suprised me "well if he's gay who knows what other deviances he mnay have."
I consider this person to be open minded and accepting but although he has no quarrell with the gay community he still feels that it is some way wrong and that his sexual preference would affect his voting.
When in the media refusing to answer a question is seen as an admission, and when you're overall aim is to become voted prime minister by the Uk's public, I can understand the decision to lie considering the underlying and unspoken homophobia among much of the british population.
It's not right but how would you deal with it?
Quote by osker99
Personally i agree with a lot of the comments above but at the same time you can understand his decision to lie about his sexual preferences. Although as long as he is not involved in anything illegal, I would base my vote upon policies, political history, public presence etc, that is not the case for a large proportion of the voters in this or any country. I spoke with a colleague about this subject yesterday, while we both agreed that the main issue was the fact he had lied in initial questioning was the main issue, when I offered the opnion that quetsions like that really have no place in politics, what peopel do in there spare tiem is really none of our business ( and that goes as far as teh issues of divorce etc because you can never truely appreciate the situation, and therefore should make no comment or pass no judgement) , my colleague said something that really suprised me "well if he's gay who knows what other deviances he mnay have."
I consider this person to be open minded and accepting but although he has no quarrell with the gay community he still feels that it is some way wrong and that his sexual preference would affect his voting.
When in the media refusing to answer a question is seen as an admission, and when you're overall aim is to become voted prime minister by the Uk's public, I can understand the decision to lie considering the underlying and unspoken homophobia among much of the british population.
It's not right but how would you deal with it?

I think that you took the words out my mouth...I think that you have to read between the lines and understand that other MP's have been ousted and in some cases taken to court for perjury for all sorts of reason namely though for not admitting to accepting gifts, sleeping with prostitutes etc. The guy "lied" in a time when those who represent the public are meant to set an example. It's a shame that Tony Blair doesn't get the same treatment over the Iraq war....An illegal war that is costing innocent lives more so than under Saddam if the situation continues with the current casualties.
I take my hat off to Paddy Ashdown for coming out an admiting to having an affair with his secretary. If I remember correctly he wasn't too damaged by it all. But I stand to be corrected on that one.
As for Labour's LIES LIES LIES.... If here were in the Labour Party he would get a chance to make a come back as Secretary to Northern Ireland...once the dust is cleared...I am sure the Labour propaganda machine thinks that most of us suffer from amnesia..
Quote by Smoking Muff
Pleased to hear that you are both okay after this incident.
Have either of you broken any mirrors lately ???

You will have to ask Jim as I don't know if he has gone near any mirrors rotflmao
But I know that I haven't broken any at all.
The main thing is that you guys are ok. Sometimes the universe has a way of tapping you on the shoulder to remind you that all we have is the "NOW" and nothing matter how far ahead we plan it can easily be taken away from us in a split second. I am glad you guys are safe...but just believe that it happened for a reason...I've had some freaky close encounters on the road working as a courier for three years....don't let it put you off driving. I've heard more people are hurt in their homes due to accidents than on the road. Best wishes to you both.
Quote by easyease
jesus what scares me is when people consider a hollywood movie to be a religion and lifestyle guide.......matrix my arse...... lol

Hmmm! If you can ignore the violance in the film you will note that the trilogy makes consistent references to Eastern/Greek/and Bhuddist philosophies; in one or more of the scenes love and karma are two of many subjects that the film deals and that was my point of reference on the earlier thread. I can assure you that the Matrix isn't my lifestyle and/or religion so don't be scared....however you are entitled to your opinion easyease but I can assure you that an extremist evangelical preacher in the middle of OHIO would probably have something similar to say about the swinging it really depends on your view of the world based on what you know and how you understand our individual "reality" which is often based on knowledge acquired from social conditioning and subliminal messages that bombard us each and every day. We then create our own experience within our own virtual world and environment.... so on this occassion lets agree to differ for in my opinion which is just as valid as yours the same logic of reality applies to love amongst other things, hence, why I drew an anology from the Matrix film(s)..... but please don't be afraid. I am not trying to convert you...not yet anyway!!
Maybe it's time for you to choose which pill to take either the blue pill or the red pill?
Quote by Steve_Mids

Don't loose any sleep over it will you..

I wont..
Quote by migsymalone
.come on I know we are buddies

In an alternate dimention maybe
Quote by migsymalone
but it has to end is my farewell kisss.....XXXXXXXX

:violin: :violin: :rose:
Quote by Steve_Mids
This site is bullshit!!!!!

Guess we wont be seeing much of you in the future then ..... :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
Don't loose any sleep over it will you...come on I know we are buddies but it has to end is my farewell kisss.....XXXXXXXX
Quote by Darkfire
This site is bullshit!!!!!

care to elaborate? or was that the extent of your contribution? rolleyes
I don't need to elaborate I think most if not all the points have been covered on here by most of you. Lilmis kind of said it all really1 I don't find this site friendly, I don't find the people in the chatrooms friendly. Trying to have a normal conversation seems to be beyond the grasp of most people. Those who choose to exhibit themselves on camera choose to and like honey to a beehiveit attracts the bees of the male variety. A shortage of women, and couples compared to the number of men.
Most clubs in the real world would restrict the number of men joining but who am I to say anything.... I don't think I can tolerate this site much longer...There are ten to a penny sites out there and have found one or two where people actually do talk to each other in a friendly non sexual way, u know normal shit.
No instead I sit there tuning into the most revolting individual exhibitings themselves whilst been cheered by the sexual hooligans who unfortunately are frustrated from replying to ads that would elude them based on the basic concept of probability and numbers oh and did I forget honesty.
I guess I do have a choice and that might very well be not bothering with this place. So lets try the ads....hmmm One thousand men for every lady that is available.....
Statistically it is said that only 14% of the male population are endowed over 7", I just find it amusing that most of the single men on here would fit into that category judging by the number of responses the advertisers claim to receive. I also find it amuzing that most of the Size Queens would appear to be on here too...hmmm I smell bullshit! Though being fair there are far less women to men or so it would appear.
I can't comment on the couples, gay, lesbians or any other sexual orientation that might be categorised on here. ..
cannabilism I tell you....stop it at dirty lot your not aloud to have that much fun...tut..tut.. wink
Quote by Lilmiss
Any matrix fans will tell you that love is a word and the semantics of the definition is based on personal experience and perception. We define our own world from our own childhood experiences and the subliminal conditioning that society exposes us to, however, we are also influenced by a host of other sources such as books, films, friends, ex partners and so on. . The definition of love varies according to the culture, belief system (if any), customs, and social etiquette. For example in some countries a man can have x amount of wifes etc whlst in another the same man would be considered a bigomist. Acceptance of the norm or questioning it would bring you closer to discovering who you are and what you expect from yourself and others.
Love is just a word; what really matters is the meaning that we give by definition based on your personal experience. With love comes expectations, illusions, dreams, comfort, reassurance, hurt, pain etc.
Whilst I am still a virgin to the swinging scene. Transactional Analysis may offer some of the answers to the question initially posted here. Most couples who are into the swininging scene have reached a state of adult consent that brings into play "I am OK You are OK". Isaac Newton would argue that the sum derived from a "positive number" and "a negative number" equals a "negative number". So for a couple to enjoy the swinging scene both partners would have to be in agreement based on the law of action and consequences derived from their personal values, and their definition of love which may differ anyone elses definition.
Love in my opinion is a child like emotion that is experienced through our childhood giving us our sense of worth and self esteem. So the dynamic of two child like personilities giving each other consent to be naughty can also be derived from transactional analysis. As humans we evolve and we make choices that would appear to be the right ones at the time based on our circumstances, environment etc. However, if at any point you begin to question the choices you've made then doubt might just creep in and then there is a danger that you could start to project your doubts on to your partner and that's when things can get very tricky.
As for one group of people with a "label" loving more than or less than another group is pure nonsense..I am afraid that we will never know the answer to that one because it is human nature to feel one thing and reveal a series of smoke screens to the world. Who would question the old couple who are not swingers but have just celebrated 40 years of marriage, and they still walk down the beach hand in hand. Have they loved less or more than a couple who happen to be swingers....That would depend on the dynamics of the relationship. Which brings me to my final point in that "relationship" is yet another word that gives meaning to a set of protocols that differ from couple to couple and does not necessarily involve "love" as habitual conditioning can also be a symptom of being in denial that one's relationship has passed it's sell by date but we continue to accomodate and even agree to certain terms that may not be favourable because of our fear of the unknown

Well.... i obviously haven't watched matrix!!! rolleyes
WTF.... is all that about.....? Nobody has ask what's the definition of LOVE or what it mean....He asked......
So i ask myself is it that people who swing do not love, have not found love, or do they love more.?

Lets deconstruct the above sentence shall we the first instance the person is asking themselves if people who swing love, have found love or they love more? My point being in the "WTF" I wrote is that everybody has a different perception of what love is and considering that LOVE is the subject of the question in relation to swingers. Thus we should begin to answer the question by analysing what is meant by the word LOVE. The meaning of the word means different things to different people based on our own experience and perception so therefore the replies would differ depending on who you are and what your outlook is on the subject or would you disagree with that?
For example leyla/Snesh made a very concise definition of her experience and definition of love within the context of her relationship. A set of protocols and I would imagine Adult conversation has enabled them both to enjoy sex with third parties, based on trust, loyalty, etc. Whilst this might work for Snesh....stating the obvious I might not work for everyone else if you are in a relationship then you need to define what love means. From the outset I kind of figured that the guy who posed the question is not really asking us, he is asking himself, so might there be a slight element of doubt? Who knows?
As for the Matrix...well I guess that I didn't need to add that on but if you've watched the bit with the trainman you may have understood what I was implying.
Quote by PoloLady
POLO Marriage Guidance Services
Communication is the foundation of any relationship and failure to communicate often a key factor in other issues seeming to be irresolvable.
The situation you describe is quite a prevalent one amongst married men who join swinging sites without their partner’s knowledge.
Whatever you feel the problem is – it is a secondary issue to your wife’s reluctance to talk. There lies the issue you should focus on. By refusing to discuss a situation which you are obviously not content with, your wife is demonstrating she has no interest for how you feel within the relationship.
When somebody doesn’t want to talk there is a reason.
Some typical reasons for the ‘shut-down’ behaviour include:
• Your wife has found a new lover who does the business really good.
• Your wife has a suppressed lesbian sexuality and finds just the thought of you fucking her repulsive.
• You just don’t push her buttons and she is sick of trying.
One good thing which you can take from any of the above reasons is – at least she is keeping quiet to avoid hurting you feelings.
There are of course alternative reasons why your wife may have decided to ‘shut-down’ communication:
• She has found out you are using a swinging site and thinks you are trying for sympathy shag by telling a bunch of stranger she is crap in bed when she can be bothered to part her legs.
• A medical condition.
There is only one course of action regardless of the reason – keep trying to open up the channels of communication.

In reply to the above thread I am absolutely in agreement.
I would ask you the following questions MacMan
When was the last time your romanced the lady?
When wast the last time you bought her a present?
Have you made the effort to take her away somewhere just you and her?
When was the last time you took her for a meal?
"Treat a lady like a flower and she will grow and continue to be beautiful...stop nurturing her and she will droop, and before you know it she'll be gone"
Be warned my man don't make the mistake most of us have made and trust me there is a poin of no return...
You can either wooe her again....or you can aproach it from the point of view that there is a problem...
Do you want sex or do you want her? Are you making love to the woman or are you just treating her as a dump for your frustration?
What are you expecting each nite? Are you on her case to the point where she feels like you don't listen to her, hence she has stopped to all important art of communication?
How does she dress that's usually a clue as to how people feel about themselves...
Good luck whatever that may entail
Quote by blonde
I've hit 3000 ........... in less than a year :bounce:
So that only goes to prove I am a chatterbox :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Phew! There is me thinking that you meant something else there for a moment...don't worry I've put the calculator away...
Quote by banlwales did you manage to write all that without getting "auto-logged-out"
well done..!!

Thank you! It's my time served with the Open University and quick typing skills....LOL
Quote by Lilmiss
You put a post asking....
"So i ask myself is it that people who swing do not love, have not found love, or do they love more"????
And to 1 of my Q's... you replied...
She swings I swing, but not together. We talk about it but not what we have done. She know, she knows I know. The rules seem to have built themselves over the years. She prefers not to know my what, who, where, when. I would like to swing together, we respect each other wishes.
And then you accuse people of "getting personal".... because you didnt like my follow up answer to this.. confused
Nobody is getting personal... and Yes...I don't know you.... But you chose to put this up for open discussion... and I voiced my opinion... Just like everybody else that has replied to this....

Any matrix fans will tell you that love is a word and the semantics of the definition is based on personal experience and perception. We define our own world from our own childhood experiences and the subliminal conditioning that society exposes us to, however, we are also influenced by a host of other sources such as books, films, friends, ex partners and so on. . The definition of love varies according to the culture, belief system (if any), customs, and social etiquette. For example in some countries a man can have x amount of wifes etc whlst in another the same man would be considered a bigomist. Acceptance of the norm or questioning it would bring you closer to discovering who you are and what you expect from yourself and others.
Love is just a word; what really matters is the meaning that we give by definition based on your personal experience. With love comes expectations, illusions, dreams, comfort, reassurance, hurt, pain etc.
Whilst I am still a virgin to the swinging scene. Transactional Analysis may offer some of the answers to the question initially posted here. Most couples who are into the swininging scene have reached a state of adult consent that brings into play "I am OK You are OK". Isaac Newton would argue that the sum derived from a "positive number" and "a negative number" equals a "negative number". So for a couple to enjoy the swinging scene both partners would have to be in agreement based on the law of action and consequences derived from their personal values, and their definition of love which may differ anyone elses definition.
Love in my opinion is a child like emotion that is experienced through our childhood giving us our sense of worth and self esteem. So the dynamic of two child like personilities giving each other consent to be naughty can also be derived from transactional analysis. As humans we evolve and we make choices that would appear to be the right ones at the time based on our circumstances, environment etc. However, if at any point you begin to question the choices you've made then doubt might just creep in and then there is a danger that you could start to project your doubts on to your partner and that's when things can get very tricky.
As for one group of people with a "label" loving more than or less than another group is pure nonsense..I am afraid that we will never know the answer to that one because it is human nature to feel one thing and reveal a series of smoke screens to the world. Who would question the old couple who are not swingers but have just celebrated 40 years of marriage, and they still walk down the beach hand in hand. Have they loved less or more than a couple who happen to be swingers....That would depend on the dynamics of the relationship. Which brings me to my final point in that "relationship" is yet another word that gives meaning to a set of protocols that differ from couple to couple and does not necessarily involve "love" as habitual conditioning can also be a symptom of being in denial that one's relationship has passed it's sell by date but we continue to accomodate and even agree to certain terms that may not be favourable because of our fear of the unknown