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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 44
0 miles · Greater London


I was wondering if there were any swingers on here living in Italy, because i've moved out here. Or even anyone on holiday??
Sorry to intrude on this conversation..... Just thought I would share my story... The other day I told my best friend exactly what I thought. I fancy her like hell and couldnt stop thinking about her. Lots of things have happened between us in the past, but we have always been in relationships with others, so its never gone too far. She turned round to me and said that I shouldnt have told her cos it has made her think loads and that it has ruined are relationship... We have always been open with eachother, very open. Should I just leave it like that or as i think, there is more too it.. What do you guys think??
Thanks guys
I will try and keep you all updated with my adventures. We could start swingers heaven worldwide
Bye bye everyone!!
I know I have only been a visitor in here a few times, but it has been fun and interesting. Chatted to some very wise people who have been great. Well Im of to go do a bit of travelling now, but will try to pop on the forum to see what the latest is. So all behave yourselves and happy swinging!!
Kisses to all
Ive got 3 days off work and need to do something to pass my time. So thought I would put a note up here and see if there were any ideas going round. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I fancy a bit of fun and if you want to join me, then please do
Oh yes, only 9 more working days till my contract ends, then its me out of there and setting of to Italy for 3 months travelling. I hope I can still log onto this website and catch you wonderful people
With my ex in the car on a country lane, late at night, being watched by 2 policemen who had pulled over next to my car without us realising. They were having a very good perv into to the car. We realised someone there looked at them and they just smiled. I cracked up laughing and the girlfriend never moved so fast in her life.
Really sorry to hear about the news of a loved one passing away. My thoughts are with you. Sorry I cant help with the mp3. Im sure someone will be able to help you out on here. If you ever need a chat or anything, please drop me PM.
A friend sent this to me knowing that I havent had sex in ages. I just wanted to know from all you pro's out there if these are true. It makes me want to find out more and if theres any volunteers
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes.. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.
8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and ha y fever.
What ever you do, dont go to the hotel in Haringey. I wouldnt advise anyone to go there or stay there. You put your life at danger if you go there and nights there are very scary, even just driving through. I live near there, so am just passing on my knowledge
Quote by equi-princess
Having read all the posts..... I still reckon China. So much to see and do, plus a worthwhile job teaching the children.
I'd ask the guide which paths lead to disappointment, he must tell the truth, so would give away the correct path to take....... am I right??????
equi-princess xxx

Very right indeed. Disappointment is all part of the experience though
Quote by McCloggie
If we can leave the transexual/chick with dicks thread for a moment........
It really depends where you are going to go in China - I have worked out ouf the south of China with european guys and it is OK. It is becoming almost like Hong Kong - lots of bars etc. The women will be all over you!!! Other areas are still very traditional and not many people speak English
Thailand is far more comercial - women all over you at a price!
Chicks with dicks? Easy to spot in the far east - girls are smaller and go for males - transexuals are a lot bigger - it realy is so obvious compared to the local females.
I would go back to the far east tomorrow.
So,where do you you go? I would say Thailand if you have never been in the far east before but south China (Shekou) or Shangai is where I would go back to having worked there before.

Good advice!! China has something about it that appeals to me. It one of th ose places which hasnt been fully discovered yet, but is up and coming, so that could swing it for me (pardon the pun on the website).
Quote by Calista
serious practical answer ......... have you checked out the political situation in each country? what about the current economic situation? Are there any warnings issued about travelling? Which offers the best living costs? Transport routes? Ex-pat community on the areas? What standard of living are you looking for and which of the three options gives you the nearest?
C x

When I go there, i will get free accomodation and also a basic salary to keep me going. So thats all sorted. With the rest I am very free willed. I love travelling round and discovering new and random things. There are no serious warnings about travelling to these places. I told myself I would decide by tomorrow, but Im nowhere near deciding now as when I first put my comment on to the cafe.
Quote by rachel-lane
at the minute im going by myself, but that could change. The chicks with dicks, aren't my kind of thing, so will give that one a miss if i go to Thailand

errr i think you,ll find that we are called Trannsexuals!!
chicks with dicks grrrrrrr smackbottom :kick:
Sorry didnt mean to offend anyone. I apologise
I knew you guys would give me some good advice, but its just making the choice even harder to make. You lot know your stuff
Quote by equi-princess
biggrin definately go to China. They don't get an awful lot of ppl going out there to teach. Great scenery, fabulous food and culture. China every time. ps. can i carry yr suitcase?????

Princess, you can carry my suitcase!!! fancy a job?? China 2 - 1 Thaliand. This is harder than I thought
Quote by deancannock
thailand is fantastic......great sites....lovely climate..great people..georgeous beaches ......and i been on holiday there 10 times in last 14 years.....need I say any more.....there is no comparison.
What part of Thailand is it you looking at working?
Any spare places ?

Thats great advice deancannock. so far 1-1!! Its about 150km north of Bangkok. not sure the name. There are loads of places
at the minute im going by myself, but that could change. The chicks with dicks, aren't my kind of thing, so will give that one a miss if i go to Thailand
Hi all
I said my hellos to the wonderul of this site the other day,and now I need some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Ive been given the opportunity to go to 1 of 3 countries in Asia, in September and teach english to kids. I just cant decide which country to pick. My options are China, North Korea and Thailand. What do you guys reckon?? At the minute its between China and Thailand. Just need more excuses to pick one, so if you lot got any ideas which help me decide, I will love you forever
Oh yes. I can picture it now, the carnal kisser and the intense kisser. Hands everywhere, mayhem. What a joy
Im a carnel kisser
For you, kissing is just an appetizer - and a brief one at that.
You're a highly sexual person and not ashamed of it.
Bring on the intense kisser
Thanks for the welcome guys. I have a feeling im going to enjoy this place. Im easily persuaded, but it was libra-love who gave me a nudge in this direction
Hi everyone
Finally plucked up the courage to register for the forum and after being easily persuaded. Just wanted to introduce myself to all. Im 24, from london and have heard lots about the forum. All very good indeed