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I fancy the pants off you!

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Following on from SRNE's great thread about rejection and you handle it, can I now turn this round and ask how do people let someone know they, to put it bluntly, 'fancy the pants of them'? (I just love that saying) lol
I know I should start this with an explanation of how I would normally do this, but to be honest, I have never yet made that first move. :shock: I have always waited for the invite from the other person possibly after getting to know them very well on a social leve first, and then if we (Mr NWC and me) both feel it is right we would then consider taking it further.
I know some people are fairly up front and can say exactly what they feel, or would just send a pm or a wink, but some of us are a little more hesitant at coming forward, especially when it is someone you havent actually spoken to.
So come on, I need your help. How do you break the ice and let the other person/s know that you fancy the pants off them.
Edit - just thougth I would add, this post is a result of a pm conversation I had with a friend yesterday when I said I was becoming being much more daring in saying exactly what I want/felt. Only then I realised, that I couldn't actually make the first move if there was someone I wanted to get to know.
aww hun, TBH I'm not much help....but I would love it to happen to me lol
so if it (ever) does...i will let you know :lol2:
from your very own profle NWC
" We dont do pre-arranged meets as we enjoy doing this on the spur of the moment, "
maybe we're reading the whole thing wrong but it seems that if you dont do pre-arranged meets then at some time you must have to say that you fancy the pants off some one just to get the party started so to speak.
perhaps we just reading it wrong .......
Quote by Laff_n_Chilli
from your very own profle NWC
" We dont do pre-arranged meets as we enjoy doing this on the spur of the moment, "
maybe we're reading the whole thing wrong but it seems that if you dont do pre-arranged meets then at some time you must have to say that you fancy the pants off some one just to get the party started so to speak.
perhaps we just reading it wrong .......

Ahhh but thats dogging and it doesnt really matter if I fancy them or not as they are not invited to join in. Our dogging trips are just me and him, dark car park, car doors locked and if someone wants to have a nosey they can.
This is the serious stuff Im talking about - proper swinging :twisted:
I wouldn't have a problem telling someone I fancy the pants off them - but asking them if they want to actually play, I find quite difficult.
I'm ready to take notes here!
Watching the answers closely lol
What if they have no pants on??? :P
Quote by Sarah
Watching the answers closely lol
What if they have no pants on??? :P

People don't wear pants? :shock:
Then I'll be watching even more closely! :twisted:
I would agree with you NWC. I would find it easy (ish) to tell someone I fancied the pants off them if we started to chat in a social/ chat room setting but I would never contact them I would just hope that they would come to me first, with me it is a confidence issue, possibly the fear of rejection.
So im really sorry NWC I can`t be of any help to you as I seem to be in the same boat. lol .
Taking notes on any "helpful" answers tho. :notes:
lol lol it seems there are a lot of members poised with pencil and paper, waiting for someone to post a shiny golden nugget of info......... cool
Quote by Freckledbird
Watching the answers closely lol
What if they have no pants on??? :P

People don't wear pants? :shock:
Then I'll be watching even more closely! :twisted:
Im suprised any of us ever get up to anything as we are all sat here waiting for someone else to make the first move lol
If I know someone fairly well, I can make little jokes about being very naughty with them, and hope they respond with a 'lets take it further' line, but if it is someone I haven't met, or someone who I have actually spoken directly to, then I just could not make the first move to even say hello (never mind the 'drop em blossom' line).
I only ever once made a move on someone I didn't know and that was because I was very tiddly at a social, and I just walked up to this person, and stood there stroking his arse (well, he didnt move away, so I didn't stop) :lol:
I tell people I fancy the pants off them.
Then I spend the next few days dealing with the rejection! redface smile
There you are two threads in one!
I don't think there is a 'way' as such. It depends on the recipient. If they are a straight talker then the chances are they'll respond to some straight positive vibes. The more timid will be scared off by a direct approach. :shock:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
... but if it is someone I haven't met, or someone who I have actually spoken directly to, then I just could not make the first move ...

I think I find it easier to make the first move with a relative stranger than with someone I have got to know. Possibly because I'm not that bothered what they think of me or if they reject me as I don't know them, right? dunno
Whereas, I care to some extent what people I know think and possibly feeling a bit awkward if I bump into them at future events if it all goes tits up! lol
I always find that if I get the feeling that he/she's up for it and we start snogging, then usually neither of us actually has to say the words "do you want to take it further". It just becomes an unspoken agreement! :twisted:
But then I don't swing all that often so what do I know wink
How about:-
HI xxx I fancy the pants off you, want a shag?? :twisted:
Quote by Sarah
How about:-
HI Choon I fancy the pants off you, want a shag?? :twisted:

Well thank you! But you could've put it in a PM! redface surprisedops: wink :giggle:
I have donned two pairs of pants just in case the person who fancies the first pair off me is a bit of a moose.
Quote by Stormwalker
I have donned two pairs of pants just in case the person who fancies the first pair off me is a bit of a moose.

:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
lmao@ stormwalker.
Well.. Again being ones for taking rejection so well we also have No Problems letting someone know we fancy them either...
Can be direct and say ... Guys your stunning we want you both and NOW ... Or subtle like: We would very much love to get to know you better but don't feel pressured at all.
Why have a problem.. can only say yes or no eh?
Mike xx
oh ok then....
Quote by westerross
I tell people I fancy the pants off them.
Then I spend the next few days dealing with the rejection! redface smile

Seconded :thumbup:
Quote by Mallock2006
I tell people I fancy the pants off them.
Then I spend the next few days dealing with the rejection! redface smile

Seconded :thumbup:
awwww bless boys :therethere: :therethere: kiss
Its nice to know its not just us girls who think like that sad
Also poised with pen waiting to see some more answers
NWC - my PM box is always open!! :rascal: :rascal: :rascal: :smitten: :smitten: wink
Quote by Sgt Bilko
NWC - my PM box is always open!! :rascal: :rascal: :rascal: :smitten: :smitten: wink

Tart rolleyes :roll:
::giggle: bolt
Bloke asks: Have you ever seen anything sillier than a bloke wearing a pair of pants on his head?
She says: No!
He replies: Then give me yours, darling, and I'll show you!
I am probably the worlds worst at making the first move. I am also particularly awful at spotting the signals that there is an opportunity to make a move. I have always assumed that any female that shows any interest in me just wants to be a mate. I often ponder how many opportunities I have missed through my life. I have also wondered why. A certain amount of fear of rejection for sure but also I have never considered myself to be attractive enough that a woman I have just met would be interested.
For the record my ex made the first move and so did my current GF.
This is a really interesting thread. I thought it was just me that was scared of making the first move, and yes I do mean 'scared'.
I think it's quite curious that here we are all swingers together, and what we have, or should have in common, is a healthy attitude towards sex and sexual attraction, and yet we're all terrified in admitting that we find someone sexually attractive.
I think the bottom line is that we're all still bound by the gender stereotypes, where men feel we have to make the first move, but it's really women who decide where it goes.
There are a number of women in here that I find attractive but would be too scared to tell them, and so I do what most men do which is we wait and wait until you get some hint from the woman that there's an interest. If she's interested she'll give a hint and then you can help it along, but ultimately I'm a coward and the slightest hint of rejection and I don't try again for days, sometimes weeks (months even).
It also doesn't help that I'm very shy, so I don't think I'm god's gift to women, and I'm usually quite surprised when a woman is interested in me.
Bonedigger can't you take a hint? Why do you think you're my pin up girl?
BBW_lover, get your coat, you've pulled!! :twisted:
ooooooohhhhh that was easy....... that must be how you do it :twisted
your turn now hunny bun biggrin :inlove:
lots of ;ove Mrs B xxx
My own way of telling someone that i`m interested is too flirt like mad in a funny , jokey kinda way and see what the responce is.
If you get totally blanked or get a one worded yes or no responce well i guess youll already know he/shes not interested, and you can move on adding that it was lovely to meet you without having humiliated yourself too much.
Tryed and tested and never fails me , i know if the chat and banter continues on both sides it can lead to some great meets and some great future meets via pm and the chatroom .
hope this helps lulu xx
ps think this works for me because im very outgoing and not the slightest bit shy, mind you a few drinks always help lol
Quote by lulu
My own way of telling someone that i`m interested is too flirt like mad in a funny , jokey kinda way and see what the responce is.
If you get totally blanked or get a one worded yes or no responce well i guess youll already know he/shes not interested, and you can move on adding that it was lovely to meet you without having humiliated yourself too much.
Tryed and tested and never fails me , i know if the chat and banter continues on both sides it can lead to some great meets and some great future meets via pm and the chatroom .
hope this helps lulu xx
ps think this works for me because im very outgoing and not the slightest bit shy, mind you a few drinks always help lol

I agree lulu, its a good way of testing the water, and seing how the other person reacts. If they blank you, at least you havent lost face.
Bonedigger hunnie! I've pulled!?? How did I do that?????