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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 53
0 miles · West Midlands


happy burfday to one of me bessy mates on ere
have a grreat day loves ya lots and lots
see ya latersssssss
happy birthday tillie
have a great day xxx
trace u a muppet lol xxx
date sat 16 july
come along they usually end being great nights
ty all you lot are the best
has had the best birthday month ever celebrating for las 3 weeks ending up by the seaside this weekend with me bessy mate and her lot
like i say bring on the NAWTY FORTIES can things get any better
meekooooooooooo have a great day mate guess for one day u deserve to be spoiled .... lol
happy burfday shexi ladyyyyy
can u confirm lee_uk for me pleaseeeee
and add on richiebaby_brum as a couple pleaseee from other site and confirm them xxxxxxxxxxxx
only me !!
....Bukkake occurs when a group of men, perhaps 50 or more, manually stimulate themselves to climax and proceed to squirt warm ectoplasm onto the face, hair, body, or into the eyeballs, ears or mouth of a waiting and willing female......
jus thought i would add onto this thread so peeps can read and understand
something i have always wanted to do and as i am gonna be 40 this month thought this would be the best opportunity
a bukkake means i WONT be playin with everyone ( i shall be mostly playing with myself lol) and they WONT be playing with me if there any guys i wanna play with then yes of course i will but it isint gonna be a free for all sorry guys
tis my burfday treat and my rules smile
i do want it to be fun though and good times
i do hope we can sort this out and everyone can have loads of fun from it
see ya there
nawty xxxxx
happy burfday liam hope u had a great day and gonna have an even better night
loves ya always
nawtyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxx
can i confirm me myself and i plsssss baambiiiiiiiii xxx
guess i best cum lol
ooooo petey put me down plssss wouldnt miss it for the world mate xxxxxx
pls can ya add a "friend" on off another site as a single guy
fanks xxx
woop woop play well ermmm am sure we can find ya somewhere to rest ya head.....
unsure whether u will sleep though
erm dean u know it does lol
no worries fb and be good to meet ya naughty xx
dont tell anyone but am gonna be the big 40 next month
i know it short notice but week before xtasia am off up broad st
saturday 7 may
need to danceeeeeee and av a larf
obv tis a normal club ( where we always end up) we can all let our hair down so to speak the following week !!!!
if anyone fancies cumin along feel free more the merrier
jus add ya name will let ya know time and place
nawty xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ooooooooooooooo i sayyyyyyyyyyyyy
happy burfday ya weeeee man
bout time ya showed ya face down ere again
am at the party and need some new meat is there any single guys out there who fancy coming to play
bambi has her cam and she wants to use it and i need some new pics for me profile
happt burfday ya big bad bear roaaaarrrrr
cumin soon to give ya ya burfday ......
have a great day loves ya alwaysss xxxxx
happy burfday bambi
hope you have a good un ysf xxxx
wahheyyy me too please week before me 40th so gorra make it a good un
very well said have to say agree totally
after being on this site as a single bi fem and a couple i have seen the different way single females can be treated too and sometimes it makes you stop and think
we are all here for our own means and gains but shouldnt stop people realising everyone has feelings as well and it is not nice to be used by anybody , couples have each other to talk too make decisions single females have to make there own mind up
still love it here though
nawty xxx
omg never lol
dean have a great time out there am sure you are we all know you far too well lol
happy burfday from nawty lots of snogs xxxxxxx