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Over 90 days ago


Quote by foxylady 123
newbies cant be fussy its not allowed
now bend over

Yes mistress. May I be permitted to moan in pain?
Quote by cuddly-catlin
mmmmmm i like a good smackbottom wink biggrin

nice to hear :-)
Just the sting without the lasting pain, i presume? I'm not into pain myself. Especially not if it's me on the receiving end (though i can tollerate giving it, if I know it's welcome).
Quote by foxylady 123
Ah, i get it now!!!
So what was the debate all about, now we have established the subject?

The first post linked to a website where people were describing how bad their towns were. Now you have to go find yours :-)
Quote by tanglewood72
:welcome: from one newbie to another biggrin
(general query to all - when does a newbie cease to be a newbie?)

when those that have been here forever decree it so.
Quote by cuddly-catlin
Hi Nick and welcome to the mad house.
have fun biggrin :D :D

Yes, that seems to be about right. Already a clean and quiet thread has been hijacked and turned into a whipping room for all and sundry. *nicholas ensures he's one of the whip and not one getting smackbottom*
Quote by foxylady 123
what is a chav????
someone tell me do!!!

A chav is basically anyone from about 10 to 25 but normally about 15-18 who hangs around the grimy parts of towns (or grimy town in general) and fits one or more of the following stipulations:
- Wears a hooded tracksuit or similar
- Has a Vauxhall Nova or Corsa, or a red Ford Escort (either their own one one they've nicked)
- Cannot speak comprehensible english
- Collects their kid's child benefit during the school lunch break
- Chavs travel in groups of three or more - you'll never see a lone specimen unless they're being taken into custody
- They think drinking and smoking are the bees knees, but can't actually get hold of beer or cigarettes
- So they smoke weed instead
Quote by davej
There is a small Hertfordshire contingent here Nick, we are just quieter and more sensible . Most of us have been sprinkled with dust which falls from the blossoms of the sensible tree, only found in this county. I'm lucky, having one growing next to the Strawberry cordial stream that flows gently past the bottom of my property.
Enjoy the cafe, it can be fun.

Well that sounds rather idyllic - all I have is a dirty great big tree and a lot full of weeds. If anyone wants some 'sexy' wood, you can come and have mine. Just make sure you don't leave any behind :-)
Thanks for the quick and polite replies. As it happens I am originally from Nottingham - there seem to be a lot more people here from Nottingham than from Herts. Perhaps I should go back home :-)
Hi, I'm Nicholas, 24 and from Hertfordshire. I have been impressed by the civility of the board members here, so decided to sign up. If I should step out of line, please let me know gracefully and I shall make amends, though I think it unlikely that would happen.
For those who care, there's a photo of me on my website (click www button below). For those who don't care, I won't subject you to my ugly mug :-P
Well my town (not by choice) is listed and given a quite thorough whipping:

If I open the windows the smell of weed usually drifts in. Either that or urine. There was even an article on the BBC News website about how many people get beaten up here.