My mission impossibles
to go out for a "swift Half" and only have *one* half
to finsh projects I start
to listen to an entire album from start to finish
As for the sprouts, when I was at uni one of my house mates made a sprout curry. Boy did it stink, and so did he the morning after
yeah im terrible I dont keep cars long.. I get bored easily, think the longest Ive had a car is 6 months (normally more than one at a time)
HHGTG will never live up to anyones expectiation for the simple reason that no amount of quality acting or special effects will be better than ones own imagination
As for some of the other comments (the maltese flacon etc) I can realte to the point but the style is completely different
what gets my goat tho is remaking an already classic file....
for example
The alamo
Italian Job
Why try and improve on something thats already perfect? what next they gonna remake cassablanca or breakfast at tiffanys?
coffee wont do anything to ease the headache, if anything it will mkae it worse
sorry another straight bloke 32 from the braintree area