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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52


I wanna be a professional
means I can have big hair, drive a ford capri and slide my ass accross the bonnet lol
done the mile high club thing
best one has to be on the pool table of the bar I used to run, unfortunatey she was a bit of a gusher and it took ages to get rid of the stain on the baize redface
My mission impossibles
to go out for a "swift Half" and only have *one* half
to finsh projects I start
to listen to an entire album from start to finish
As for the sprouts, when I was at uni one of my house mates made a sprout curry. Boy did it stink, and so did he the morning after
yeah im terrible I dont keep cars long.. I get bored easily, think the longest Ive had a car is 6 months (normally more than one at a time)
My first car was a mini 1976 1275GT in black biggrin love that car
My First Bike at 16 Honda 1983 MTX 50
Cars Ive owned thru the years
Mk1 Escort Mexico
1983 XR3i
1986 XR3i Cabrio
1993 Xr3i 130
1997 Nissan 200sx S14
1994 Toyota Supra Twin Turbo
1970 MGB GT
1984 Renault 5 Turbo 2 (the mid engine nutter mobile that I was a fool to sell)
1987 Renault 5 GT Turbo Phase 1
1991 Renault 5 GT Turbo Phase 2
1982 RD80Lc
1986 RD125Lc
1989 RG500Gamma In pepsi livery
1886 VFR400NC24 Rothmans
1992 VFR400NC30 Castrol
Theres Loads more
currently in my possesion (In Various states of repair)
1969 Triumph Spitfire Mk IV (getting a renault GT turbo heart transplant)
1995 Renault Clio RSi (daily driver)
2000 Ducati 748 (gives me an excuse to wear tight leather in public)
1991 FZR400 3tj (more leather mmmmm lol
Picking up a rather cheeky red porsche 924turbo from ebay at the weekend smile
HHGTG will never live up to anyones expectiation for the simple reason that no amount of quality acting or special effects will be better than ones own imagination
As for some of the other comments (the maltese flacon etc) I can realte to the point but the style is completely different
what gets my goat tho is remaking an already classic file....
for example
The alamo
Italian Job
Why try and improve on something thats already perfect? what next they gonna remake cassablanca or breakfast at tiffanys?
Ive been tied to a cellphone for the last 15odd yrs, I have to admit ill be lost without it now, but I have to agree with Judy its the height of bad manners to text someone while ur having a conversation.
Why not just sneak of to the loo if ur that desperate for a bit of txt action biggrin
Ill be up for a bit of this....
Im a noob on here but im sure by the time the paintball comes round ull all be looking forward to "poppin a cap" in the T_I_G lol
I totally agree with the comments on here, seems to me everyone wants to txt people and if you dont reply with 2 mins u get the "u not tlkin 2 me then" text back. Last message I got like that I replied back "Sorry hun but would u really wanna talk to me while im takin a dump?"
Look out theres a grumpy opinionated noob about