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Over 90 days ago


The Kent Host calling:
Swinging Heaven Forum suddenly shows itself to be guilty of inept and pointless Political Correctness.
I see that the not-so-busty-club has somehow created a 'chair'. I am glad the club has something to sit on. It would be good if it had a chairwoman, a chairman or a chairperson. Using the noun 'chair' to indicate a person's job is so offensive to any here with half an ounce of education and common sense I am amazed it hasn't been jumped on by the mods.
Harrumph !!!!
Rant over.
Byeeeeeeee from
funny how it's the blokes that offer to take pics
never hear from a female photo enthusiast, do we
actually, H and I woud be keen to have some new snaps done - something extremely naughty - so, lady photographers out there .................... ???
excuse the partial hijack
the kent host/ outdoorfun
On the basis of a year or two's research (yeah, right !) it is blibdingly obvious that HIGH MAINTENANCE ladies make the best lovers.
As for origin: then North America every time - failing that, Londoners of course, hotly pursued by Scots lasses.
All this of course excludes any consideration of my current flame.
(Ducks to avoid the flying brick that got launched before she read the last sentence)
aka The Kent Host
Really good fun, this not having rowing thing - should have given it a try years ago
I save all my vitriol for winding up prats in the chatroom and seeing off boy racers from car parks.
outdoorfun (aka The Kent Host)
Right, thanks to all the executive assistants -
rabbit is in the briefcase ready to be transported on Friday
best ever fromm
The Kent Host/Outdoorfun
Probably too far, for you, Pink Princess
but the best we know is just a few miles from here
Sandwich Bay is accessed through the town of Sandwich. It's a long strip of sand dunes, sometimes frequented by swingers towards the evenings - it is about 15 minutes hike from the car park at the gates to the Prince's Golf club.
Well worth a visit for good soft sands running out intothe relativeley warm waters of the bay.
details from us if you need them
The Kent Host
Now come on folks, some of you must be heading to or from france on hols about now !!!
Swing by the Charente - nice part of the country and help these expats out.
Swing by us in Dover if you feel like it too
T & H
Hi all
Like so many I need to be able to
1, switch the bugger on and not mess about with stuff
2, know it'll work every time without fail
3, pay a reasonably low sum to someone for the service without getting sales people trying to flog me more stuff/services
I also need to
Not have to memorise jargon
Not have to mess with passwords beyond reason
And have service providers that understand that if I py for same I want it there, simple and without fail and if they
So, thanks for the site thingy that tests your broadband speed - but I tried it and it gave me information that I had no way or indeed wish to understand.
When I buy a can opener I expect it to work
When I buy a wardrobe I expect it to work
When I buy an oven etc etc etc
Why not the same with internet services ??
Rant Over
Someone tell me where I put the coal into this laptop, the screen is getting a bit dim
So you think your time is being wasted -
well to avoid that feeling, just prepare and pass on at first contact a text to say you aren't prepred to take any time at all to put others at their ease - that way you can be sure that you only proceed with people who have the same attitude.
good luck. you will need it
Also regards to those that sent apologies for absence or told us they were tied up.
To those that said they'd be there and weren't and did'nt let us know - do you really expect to be on the list anOther time ???
Anyway, a good time for us, and for our freinds (the other couple) and for the guys that showed (we understand) -----------------all and the bonnet of the Nissan is still OK - just !
H & T
We tried exactly that once, Blue, and of the bunch of folk due to show up, only two did, both far too plastered from being in pubs and late-licence bars until 2. a.m. - total wipe-out - do it in reverse we'd suggest.
There again ,the folks in your part of the world might have more endurance - nevertheless beer fumes do not make for a good atmosphere do they ?
Well, right, I do use my own given name in emails and pm's. My Gf doesn't. That makes us about normal.
I use the chatroom nick The Kent Host - as it
1. describes where and what
2. is more interesting than 'mediumsizedcockthatstays hardforjustlongenough'
3. catches peoples imagination
In the Forum WE use outdoorfun as it describes one aspect of swingin that we enjoy
In general we have noticed lots more dogging Daves around this summer - last summer Kent was awash with dogging Steves
Best wishes to all and no disrespect to the Daves (2 of em) we expect to see tomorrow nite.
The Kent Host
aka outdoorfun
Sympathy to the chap looking for a classic essex Girl - but I must coment that every female from Essex who has visited us here in East Kent has been a Lady in all respects - mind you they came here for greedy girl nights. so maybe I'm being too gallant.
However, HornyEssex. - you can always try a pulling trip around closing time in one of those oh-so-stylish clubs in dear old Southend.
Good luck and if you meet a couple called Linda and Paul who come from your town -= problem sorted.
Hi folks, tough keeping up with the pm response - oddly enough no-one free the actual days in question - rats !
Yes some of the regular spots aren't worth the trouble these days. But down this end of Kent (east of Canterbury) it's usually quite good news.
H and I will be out Thursday at a place we will tell you if you pm us.
We'd be pleased to hook up with other couples - H of ciurse will be most cheered up if some polite spare blokes show up. We were at Ripley a week ago, lots of watchers but no do-ers... most upsetting for her - and we don't get to go ut to play very often!!!
The Kent Host and Heather
Hi there from The Kent Host (ad 109995) and Heather (ad 108126)
We are a cheerful couple who suddenly have a couple oi unexpected days free this week (bot hsets of kids off with respective exes)
We are , in brief: Bifem, jolly and cuddly and Str8 m. medium build, not youngsters, definitely not beginners. And we would wlecome the company of a similar couple/ bifem for a raunchy time down here near Canterbury. We enjoy indoor and outdoor fun, full-on but not sleazy or pushy.
Take a mo to check the ads.
Be nice to hear from you
Usual statement - we do sometimes meet up with single guys, but we have that side of things covered right now, thanks.
H and T
Oi Neil !
been wondering where you got to
chatroom not the same without you to have a pop at
regards from one of the southern tendency
The Kent Host
My good friend pointed out that as fullface pic as an avatar would
1. scare everyone off
2. use up one of my total of 2 pics (ok, there are some of the Host about the net here and there, but mostly all they show is how spotty the bum is and therefore how much I need to increase the fruit and veg intake)
3. make it tough to exlain things to the kids if they fell onto the site somehow
In connection with the last - it's scary but true that if you feed your email into a google search you sometiomes find your S_H page or ads showing up in the results - not cool.
I'll just have to go find a graphic or some such
The Kent Host here -
we have recently been given a beaten up old Nissan Prairie and it's a whizz of a motor for doggin - sliding rear doors and a bonnet of perfect height.
But there is a problem with the lights and although that hardly matters when at a spot, getting there and back with iffy lights is going to be a risk -
So if anyone locally can offer some advice, pop the Host a pm please.
Regards to all as well
Hi there Jane, Paul
Us too please.
Are you thinking August ???
Heather and Terry.
thanks for the help, folks.........
once more we see with s-h that it's like anything else, read the instruction book first
will now proceed to download the avatar-sizing-thingummy - right, gottit -
bugger, where did i save the damn programme.
The Kent Host
As that place is more or less en route between my lady's place and mine, it would be criminal not to give it a go. Let us know when you've done a user test.
The Kent Host and Heather
Right then, as this is gathering some interest how about -to-shag and Heather as joint targets - plus Raven as alternate if she can make it down. If no Park springs to mind - then our playroom here at Host-Towers will do the job . Up to you chaps now, methinks - someone organise the team (minimum a dozen I think) and let the girls know.
The Kent Host (Heather's partner, unless she gives me hard time for pushing this ahead)
(PS, chaps, top band of the holdup stockings is a good place, got the hint ???)
Ok, each to their own and all that but how can any fella expect to be in an MMF and not come into contact with the other M . If you don't want to be handled or more as well, then FFS say so.- . Come on folks, really !

The help you need is 'hidden' away on the ummm HELP page ;)
Yes, well nice for the guys who claim tantric/control techniques of a superman. Yeah, right, fellas, we all beleive and admire you great reigning sex gods.
Frankly I agree with most of the girls on here - it sounds like a bit of fakery to me. We all know how to give the old hampton the right kind of twitch to simulate the real thing and ashow apprecision or be just plain polite (especially if the footie is about to start on the box)
And what the hell's the point ? My gf relishes the, er, output, and who am I to say no.
The Kent Host