Don't know about Tantric Sex, but most of the ex wives sure knew how to do Tantric Shopping
The Kent Host
You have a pm from The Kent Host a.k.a. Outdoorfun
Reese, welcome..........
I am not surprised you had grief using ither adult contact routes, even the two good ones we know of are not a patch on SH.
I cannot comment on your sexual orientation, you business folks and yours alone, but I recognise your comment that you wish to experience things entirely as a couple, two bods and one spirit. Carry on in that mode and I think you will find more than just fun and a heap of casual recreational sex. ut do remember that there are plenty of folks in the lifestyle who specifically want nothing beyond the shagging. On he other hand we've made some good friends too over time.
Yes, yes, there are a lot of single blokes out there (but surely not the 95% another poster referred to). And yes you will get lots of mails/pm from them. Part of the deal, mate so put up with it, don't let yourself get twitched by it and ignore em. Let's face it, your post shows at the very least far more intelligence than the crap the sad singles send out. And the Dick pics - I've seen a few in my time and they's need to be really stunning to impress the lady or me. (In fact the only truly mazing one ever spotted belonged to a 67 year old guy from Dover which got a round of applause at a greedy girls nite - from the blokes) .
Do stick around at this site, you'll find it rewarding. Check the munches and socials, try an ad here. Even use the chatroom if your mind-set can cope with the jocular abuse - and interminable single blokes 'on the pull'. And it won't cost you a red cent.
The Kent Host
Slight thread hijack and Host here putting in his oar again
Personal safewords (e.g. Mr-D's example of cauliflower, an old friend's use of egg-and-bacon) are fine BUT there is a universal, 'RED', that is recognised as the house safe word at serious players' bdsm clubs in the UK and even Belgium and Holland. (so now you know why the Host lives so close to the channel ferries!!!) RED is simple, easy to understand even through sobs and is the third component of the Traffic Light scheme, also wellknown in public play in the clubs referred to. The advantages the system has for SM can print across to any non-consent scenario.
For those who want to use it:
'Green' - rarely used, means 'happy to comply with the scene' and 'prepared to take this further' depending on context..........'Yellow' - I am enjoying the scene, but that particular activity is beyond my limits, desist and do something else....
'Red' - Stop the scene totally, not just the activity.
But safewords are only one half of the correct prep for a BDSM scene. Setting of Limtis via discussion (described as negotiation by some) are the other half. Clearly that should apply to a playrape scenario.
Hijack over.
But one more time I will decry the real abuse by force or coercion of anyone female or male as a heinous crime.
The Kent Host
I guess this kind of thread must come up now and again. These comments are not intended to encourage anyone in any way and particularly not meant to encourage people who have a less than fully committed partner (come on, we've all met them at parties - couples where one is there to 'please' their other half more than for themselves)
No kind of magazine article or survey therein can be taken with anything other than a pinch of salt or two, surely. But it is clear that a 'play- ' situation can potentially be a seriously outre thing to do to while away the long autumn evenings (hint to partner who has expressed interest) . If both parties are fully seized of the implications and if the good old bdsm safeword/signal routine is followed then what harm can it bring (assuming always that neither partner has a history of real-life abuse) ... ?
How realistic it gets to be is up to the couple involved, but whatever happens, informed consent has to be the way.
Remember also that the Law is not going to be friendly to you if a scene of this kind occurs with someone you are not close to and that person has a change of heart/mind during the event.
And still 'on-topic' : there are plenty of guys around who might enjoy the tables being turned in some way - but I'm not sure I fancy being chased through the local woodlands by my gf with a scary strap-on shining in the moonlight - but, there again ...........
have fun, play safe and don't scare the horses (or anything else that lives in the woods)
the kent host
from sandwich (lots of secluded woodlands round here, ho ho !)
For those that havent been to Fuerteventura, let me add a plug:
The Zone of the Dunes stretches for about 20 miles south of Corralejo in the north east of the island. The dunes area is anyting up to five miles wide. Wonderful scenery and it looks like you are in the Lawrence of Arabia movie. A good road runs parallel with the beaches and it's anything from a five to a fiftenn minute hike from parking places to the very many bays, some with decent beach bars and small restaurants. Clothes are rare, though it's usual to pop on a loose top if going into the bars.
At the north end of the dunes area are two large-ish hotels, usually full of German tourists. If you find yourself taking the sun au naturel don't be surprised to see large numbers of mahogany colooured Germans wearing flipflops, hats and shoulder bags and nothing else. They hike the full length of the dunes every day, or seem to. A call of guten morgen will be cheefully returned.
The sunshine fair beats down there but you will be cooled by the breezes that roll across from easte africa.
So, next time, forget Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and the rest, go enjoy Fuerteventura.
Adn leave your footprints (Knee-and-hand prints too maybe) in the side of a sand-dune - they make a great photo for the album to look back on in years to come.
The Kent Host
Well we dug out the can of mousse in an idle half hour at the weekend. The opinion stays the same - simplest and easiest way we know
The lady says it's going to be the house rule keep it that way. Hmm, why not, eh ???
from the newly smoothed Kent Host
Anyone asking for more than a nominal contribution to costs is in it for gain. Avoid.
NB for those thinking of charging even only cost-share money for party entrance at home, if anyone falls down the stairs and sues, your house insurance will not cover the bills. Beware. Be a shame to go bankrupt for the sake of a few quid.
The Kent Host.
A plug here for our local beach at Sandwich Bay.
Like all good spoys it's a good 15 mins hike form the carpark but worth the walk. A mile of gentle slope clean sandy beach backed by sand dunes - swingers in the middle part of it, gay male pot at the far end. regular nudists at the first part.
The carpark is a reasonable doggin spot after the pub shut.
PM of details if you want
The Kent Host
The Kent Host here to add a plug for Sandwich - we like the bay in particluar
Pop us a pm if you wnat details.
All the best from
TKH and H
(out tonite with a bit of luck)
Used to live in SW London. Others may have more up to date info.
Wimbledon Common has had a bad reputataion for at least four decades. Some bits were always parking-up spots for couples from way back in the Sixties and the rangers would do their best to disturb all that activity , as I found out when I took as a teenager i took my gf's there - in a bubble car and yes it can be done if you are that young and flexible. Doggin did not have name in those days, but we were aware that some folk would be watchin from the bushes. By then WC had also become well known as a gay crusing/pickup spot. It has always attracted the attention of both the Met Pol and the council- paid Rangers.
Nb also that it used to be that the place local yobs would go to do a bit of Womble-bashing.
Nice to see a new approach - bit difficult with nowhere to keep the screwdrivers though, one would think
ps: this a free site and it doesn't tolerate commercial operations, so it's be nice to knwo that the 'service' is free
naughtykentcple & lovebug - you have pm's
Let us have the bank details.
And remember, feet and knees together and elbows in (i.e. quite unlike any swinging heaven experience).
The Kent Host
FAI B licence holder, 300+ jumps and getting shorter bit by bit
it'll be interesting to see hat if anything changes when 'Mars' has edited it
ho, ho
The Kent Host
P>S> Oh yes, best to post in couples for couples, but having seen Venus holding court at the bar last saturday surrounded by five guys with a look of hope in their eyes, maybe it should be in the 'for groups' areas ?
Stormingly good 'do', Marcuso.
As for dates: well, you mentioned October.....late in the month though it may be, how about the closest available day to Hallow'een - and you have a built-in theme that way.
Personally, hallow'een is always a jolly-ish day for yours truly - wedding anniversary of the first-time-round... she said I'd never foget the date - too damn right.
Greetings to all encountered last Saturday
Best ever from
The Kent Host
from The Kent Host and Heather
If you're good with a camera and the opportunity comes up, make contact as we need some new pics and there just might be time to do some at the party/munch,shag-fest
You'll spot us easily - heather is the jolly one (, the host is the one with the long grey ponytail (ad 109995)
see y'all there
H & T
Good comments from rictrac - particularly the bit about couples lgiving clear signals - we tend to encourage a little polite conversation as it relaxes any newbie blokes out there (boy oh boy does she like newbies !!!) - plus if a watcher can string a few wrods together it helpd to establish he is not a nutter of some variety
AND politeness goes a hell of a long way -
as does the absence of beer-breath fumes and a clean and tidy 'presentation' -
enjoy and play safe folks
The Kent Host (aka outdoorfun when H and I are out and about)
We are leaving South London at around noon and will b hacking right through the middle and up the Finchley Road to join the M1 at the North Circular Road.
Space for two.
Will check for pm on this at the end of the day.
The Kent Host
Heather wrote above:
"My Hosty can keep going for 2 and a half hours at last count. "
I would like to point out that she would prefer me to improve on that and so i have to keep up the training regime - no doubt H would thank anyone who would wish to help the programme
Regards to all - not been a big forum user up to lately - damn sight more fun that watching Henman flundering again. And fascinating to find oneself dicussed - Heather, Hun: always surprised here.........
The Kent Host - aka outdoorfun when the mood is right
Heather seems to have left a lot of basques and stuff here from time to time - maybe the host should read something into that...............................
The Kent Host
Sorry to disappoint but Sutton has absolutely no wothwhile fetish clubs anywhere nearby. But from there you can get up to the regular london venues - see the lists here and also try a web search for 'londonfetishscene' - easily sorted
If you want advice, (im)moral support etc go give Heather a shout here in the forum... she knows about the south-of-london places - she my even take you under a wing
if you just want to be around a bunch of folk in fetish mode but not feel obliged to get involved (i.e be tourists) then hang on for The Rubber Ball in October and pay out plenty of dosh for the tickets, thus supporting very very good causes - there is usually a number of after-ball activities and if you show up looking sorted and don't gawp too much you might get invited along - take care
best of luck
the kent host/ aka outdoorfun when in the mood
While respecting the coments that started this string, I would point out to the authors that the established scene you seem to want to experience just isn't how you wish.
By all means set up your own fetish night. And if you make entry rules about age and beauty, then you're in for an empty club or pretty close to it. not to mention the gales of laughter when you tell folk.
The best known clubs are full of real people of all sizes, shapes, kinks and passions. Character, personality, commitment and, to a great extent, experience are what make a good fetish night. Not self esteem on the part of the organisers.
So here's three cheers for diversity.
The Kent Host (time-served fetish hound on three continents - 50plus years of age and having more, better and weirder fun every year)
Thanks for the comment, Mal
Us humble non-mods are totally aware that the mod job description is about as loose as the host's nuts after a long session .........but we are aware that modding:
1. is thoroughly laudable
2. not be undertaken lightly
3. a fine and decent service to all the randy sods who have gravitated to this den of iniquity
And if that doesn't get me a pint or two, I give up
terry/the kent host/outdoorfun
From The-Kent-Host, also known as Outdoorfun when it seems a good idea.....
I don't get in to the forum much (more so since teaming up with the lady who posted lots above this message) and it is very interesting to be so fully discussed. Heather, hun, you
For those looking in and wondering (i.e. have nowt better to do)::::::::::::
Heather and I have been going together to events and the like for a month or so now. And we have heaps of fun in a one-to-one situation. And as she says we seem to talk on the phone a lot and if we have time to spare we like to spend it together, accompanied by a variety of others if we're in the mood (not unusual,that). I leave it to you to judge whether the BF/GF initials apply. WBB seems to have figured it out.
We will be at Marcuso's motel naughtiness next weekend. Given that we'll not have been together for a week or so by then, we'll be the couple shagging like crazy in a corner somewhere - but we'll be happy to say hello to y'all.
Hugs and flowers and kisses and several rude thoughts to Heather
(ps - did all of you know that Mods have a life outside of keeping this forum thing honest ???)
The Kent Host
Economy of expression has it's place and time.
just not here and now
Absolutely no question: Veet - fast, painless, effective - just beware clogging the shower drain.
And even tho' wig makers will pay up to £8 per gram of long hair, there is no future there as short curly wigs went out with the Bay City Rollers.
The Kent Host
Can't tell you what makes for a choccy flavour, but zinc mineral supplements help to make it glow brigher under uv lighting - something you may care to check out next time you're on the dancefloor....Any takers ????
The Kent Host
Any other cples about this evening in the area??
Bifem/Str8 m, cple in East Knt