I may have let myself in for a bit of a surpsrise or two. Just so you know:
As far as I am concerned my image of strapons involves , herself, myself and a female third party -
G'day all from Outdoorfun.
Well this Heather girl that I am so very attached to keeps the pressire up more than a bit !!!
I am not at all used to having our future fun and games debated in advance in a forum.
But if that's the way she wnats it - who am I to argue.
Right, Heather - this'll sort it ....
my fine lady is keeen to try this out, so , we'd be happy to hear from those who would like to help out
this excludes trannies with bigger shoulders than mine and scary couples with eyes like Cherie Blair
and there I was looking forward to a quiet weekend after last weekend's party
from the land of the politically incorrect
good point Jags
the mods do come in for a bit of stick from the jokers who use this site, so pleeeeeeeease, genuine users, give em a break and don't be like the example Jags gave
of a gen user
remember the mods are unpaid volunteers and give up scads of time to keep this the best swing site of all - and it free, remember
and if some of em are a bit sharp-edged at times, then that's just like real life, isn't it
(hmm, looks like the above is a bit of a 'crawl' - ah well it might pay off in pampering from my loevely lady Heather - hint, hint)
it's of course a good move to report suspect ads to the mods - and i know (because my lady is one of the mods) that they do follow up on reports very quickly and thoroughly -
i gather that it sometimes the mods are snowed under with their own lives (like when there's a big munch going on and it can be a wee while before reports get looked into
if you want to know the outcome of your reprt then tick the box in the report window
regards to all
Adding to Heather's notes ;
the house insurance issue is very important
IF there is a problem, say a simple one like a lass busting an ankle per high heels and a tirp hazard, and the resident has received any form of benefit beyond a reasonable contribution to the party fare then the insurance carrier could make a case of refusing to support their insured in any action taken against same.
Sounds unlikely, doesn;t it, BUT
at the last two parties we attended an ankle injury did occur
our insurance carrier, when asked about the extent of cover, stated quite clearly that even something as prdinary as receiving 3 bottles of vino would be viewed as a benefit equivalent to an entrance fee
so have a care folks
Maybe it's the boss arranging it all and masquerading as a lonely IT drone
However, dear writer, ilet us know when the party is because it's a long time since her or I had a shag on a boaord room table, or even a Xerox machine.
TKH x 2
Well yet another odd ad - but I would think it's probably a fake.
Perhaps a passing mod will read the hidden email address and check against the hookers list.
regards to all
Thanks to the folks who pm'd so far
Details will go out as advised to those who have/do
thanks to those who pm'd
we'll be sending out the info sat noon ish
In all the to-ing and fro-ing today I didn't notice that this here old reprobate has made it to 100 posts.
Hardly makes me an old hand but some kind of milestone I guess.
regards to all
from terry
don;t think anyone has mentioned the MUNCHES
always a good way to get to know folks
check in the letsmeetup bit
maybe we'll see you at the next in your area
Blue said
"Wooooo hooooo..... wait til you get to the big ONE YEAR!.... I wonder what he has planned for that! "
Well, I will think of something to top the last formal evening and if Blue and partner would like to come down and help ...............
And oi heathergirl - nothing so mundane as a car park - think rolling sandy beaches and the lights of Ramsgate in the distance (thinks, must get some more padding for the bonnet of the nissan)
thanks for the info geezers
i guess that since people are sleeping next to their pc's waiting for my pm's then they have always so far picked em up straight away
thanks for straighteneing things out, neiliepops and luce
2 fine pals, y'are
Hello all
several pms to forum members seem to be stuck in my outbox bit - does that mean they haven't gone ?????
and can i force them ???
expert opinion please
the kent host
And another weekend shot to hell for TKH and Heather. And by the look of it for the other ten or so Swingin Heaven types we saw there - not only the usual suspects but also regulars whose less well known pelasures and preferences got an airing.
This is to say thanks to the folks who helped to make our visit to the ball enjoyable and to hope you all got a chance to sample everything.
TKH's most perisitent memory is the bizarre couples playspace which had a bunch of flute, cello and sax players wandering round playing their instrumentsr- fine for a while but too funny to be able to carry on when one of them set up a music stand with light and started sawing his way through popular pieces of Elgar. Sort of last night of the proms with folks shagging away in heaps all around.
LIve entertainers and fashion shows absolutely abysmal compared with The Rubber Ball. But a far better selecetion of furniture to play with
Congrats to DH and L of DandL for getting a good flogging for charity and where can I borrow a grope-box for our next big party. Had trouble getting my lady out of the one there.
What were your high spots ??
The Kent Host & Heather.
A word of thanks for the kind comments people have flt moved to put in this thread.
As Heather is at work right now, I take this opportunity to send her my own huge HUG to greet her when she gets home and logs in.
Host here will be offline until Sunday as I don't fancy lugging the laptop to the SMBall and leaving it in the cloakroom.
Maybe see you folks there.
just recovering the equilibrium after a few more minutes
the host here is not at all used to being romanced by forum post
all sw hevean forum types who are at the SMB tomorrow will be able to spot us - Heather will be looking like a large pink fairy in a tu-tu (or so she says) and I will be the geezer with the grey ahir standing proudly at her side
xxx to you H
(oh jeez this is getting as gooey as SS and babe47 on the chatroom - enuff !!!)
Terry TKH
Some good may come of this piece you refer to.
With luck it'll keep the rest of the journalists away from the fun and games.
happy doggin, folks
the kent host
ps serious group effort in our part of the county saturday week - watch for info
Heather and I do go out from time to time in East Kent and we at least are keeping things going in our own small way. We do find that the trick is to set things up in advance which is a shame as the whole fun thing of STRANGERS kind of disappears that way. .
And we now prefer to be out and about with some certainty of there being another couple around.
We're planning a team effort Saturday week as we have friends from Sussex coming for the weekend. Watch for an 'announcement'
The Kent Host and Heather
Steph, m'dear
thanks for the suggestion
hug for you in return, or a snog, you choose
Speaking as an ordinary bloke (size, shape, age and income )..........
The Host here has had the pleasure of organising parties and from time to time special evenings for ladies of a greedy nature and at the latter only one truly memorably large dick showed up - attached to a gentleman of some sixty-six years of age. The moment it appeared it was so impressive that it got a round of applause from the rest of the chaps.
All this bullshit about size and stuff is a bit misleading - it's not the only thing and effort and commitment seem to go a long way round here - mind you, you'd need to check with m'lady to be sure.
the kent host
Just while I remember it, here is a classic from the 1930's
There was a young lady named Gloria
Who was had by Sir Gerald Du Maurier
Jack Buchanan, Jack Payne
Sir Gerald again
And the band of the Waldorf Astoria
Greetings from the Kent Host (109995 is the ad if you have nothing better to do with your time than check out the mugshot)
Well it's like this - we have an awful time keping tabs on folk we've planned to meet with/invite for the weekend/rendezvous in carparks - y'know the scrore - and we wonder if anyone knows of a simple record-keeping system we can use on the laptop to keep track of things - somthing like an electronic rolodex - that way we'll have fewer problems staying in contact with folk whose names and contact points are scribbled on various bits of paper littered around the place at Host Towers or odd scribbles made on the back of off licence receipts jottted down in the gloom at parties -
Plus of course one would avoid the embarrasment of getting in touch twice with folk who have passd up on a get-together or vice versa
So, please, if there's an infotech whizz out there who can make life a bit more organised for us, get in touch.
Have fun all, 'n' play safe
Terry The Kent Host
My lady spotted this thread and was quite taken with idea. Very inventive of you. But I had to warn her that it could just be one very sharp bloke who will keep leaving the room then coming back wearing a differerent hat.
Good luck
The Kent Host.
Hi from The Kent Host and Heather
Locations off the M3 - Hmm, well not too far is the famous layby and woodland car park at Wisley tho it is locked off at night so you have to park up and walk in.
Better and nearby is Ripley Green. We we there a week or so back - with another couple who are also keen on making evening use of picnic tables - there were about eight single blokes there -. Pm back for details if you like.
At Wisley you will find plenty of folk there on spec. For Ripley you'd be advised to put the word out.
Hope you have fun.
See you at the Ball..
Here's a vote for Heather and Venus as the scrtinising commitee
The Kent Host/Outdoorfun
Lots of banter but no-one defining or joining - apart from Stevg and Nieliepops in Leeds and his post was ambiguous.
So, to help get this moving and on the basis that it would have been nice to have had to say 'Honey, just saw when if it gets too much' once or twice,
The Kent Host