never mind the morse, what's all this about webcams from bluexx and how come we haven't seen neil's stripes yet ?
hijack over
This is the Kent Host, that's the male bit of it.
Thanks folks for the advice on the ads thing. In fact we do have one in the couples seeking women bit. As that one comes into my email, I can weed out the blokes, so H never even gets to hear of them let alone see em.
Heather, hun, how come your posts to this forum are so much more interesting than mine ??? Eh ???
Past guests (that's the ones that came to the soirees before H and I met) - do not despair, I will one day start those greedygirl evenings again - that's if she and I find any spare time.
In case anyone fancies making up their own suspension support, here is a link to an interesting maker of a portable system which solves some of the stability issues -
and go look at the tetrus unit
I stiil think the frame base elements need dogging down.
The Hosts here are lucky that our playroom features a gnarled old oak beam at just the right height for attaching all sorts of things and newbies.
Newbies, ahhh, such joy..
Right m'dears - the definitive information;
Before we start - the stand-alone kind are fine BUT be sure that you fix the base firmly to the floor as many that exist jhave such small base dimensions relatiove to height that the whole dam issue will roll over when you get a good rhythm going- bad news for all concerned. Fix-downs can safely be achieved using substantial saddles over the base bars but they should be fixed through the floorboards and into the floor joists.
If you intend to fix a swing cradle to the ceiling be sure that once again you get your fixings into roof joists and that the eyebolts and shackles are 'rated' - minmum M10 for the eyebolts, minimum 6mm pinfor the shackles
Sources of swings without frames :
(storming firm anyway)
anything that is cheap is unlikely to be of good quality
Also a visit to the monthly Fetish Fair in London will find you a maker or two.
In the final anaylsis, I'll be reasonably happy to draw a frame system for s-h folk - then you need to find materials, budget and tools.
A final thought occurs but I need to look up the references and post again in a bit
happy days !
Cheerful experienced couple seek the company of other couples for joint dogging outings in Dover/Margate/Canterbury triangle.
Single guys quit at this point - when we want to pre-arrange somehting we'll put it in the forum.
We'd be pleased to hear from other local couples who are up for it !!!
She: Bifem and very cuddly, He: straight medium build m. Car: bonnet is at the perfect height.
Both cheerful and enjoy all aspects of fun in the outdoors.
We get to go out once or twice a month, weekends usually. Now where's that picnic table ? ? ? ?
and from us too.....
a very happy birthday from H & T
Please add us to the list.
The Kent Hosts
Thats Heather the Mod and Terry the reprobate with the grey ponytail.
The Kent Hosts would love to join you.
That's Heather the Mod and Terry the reprobate with the ponytail.
Heather is looking out the equipment bag right now.
Hmm, now, Matron and The Professor persona again or ? ? ? ? ? ?
This looks to be a bit far beyond the rules, or at least their intentions, to me.
If this chap wants to peddle his bum, then Sh ain't the place
So Neil finally got to find out how much fun it is !
God man, neil !
Well done Blue
well venus, it looked like he was carrying you without using his arms hun
i will reluctantly post to say that nieliepops is a kind of alright sort of geezer as far as one can tell -
however, i have posted to venus's thread to say that he should be given a break
so there
Right Mc G
As an ex south londoner I agree about that transpontine lot - funny bunch up above the wet bit in the middle of the city, mate.
Thanks for the suggestion about Rio's. Never been there so maybe, who knows.
You be nice to my mate Neiliepops.
Or I'll tell everyone about your BIG mistake at the aprty the other weekend.
Heeee heeee
From the kent host (who will remember for ages the lovely way Venus's niples reacted to the cold sea swim when her and her fine partnerwere down recently) - oh joy !!!
regards to Si, bae
ah - what a menu to choose from
frankly we much prefer a good old car-bonnet moment
trouble is that with herself lying forward on the bonnet and her pick of strangers doing the necessary, your truly has to sit with the back to the windscreen to get the benefit of a decent bj - sounds fine until you get your arm stuck in the windscreen wipers and run the risk of having to go to the A&E with a busted wrist !!!
note for new doggers - we thoroughly recommend the bonnet height of the nissan prairie range - far better than our old lotus.
have fun and play safe
well, we don't understand this
there are plenty of dogging couples in this part of kent and we kinda like having another couple with us for outings
and from posts above there are folks who like to go out in other bits too
indeed, friends of iours travel from sussex to enjoy the local facilities
like Jackie and Ben we prefer this to be ad hoc
but sometimes it's nice for one of us to arrange a meet so that we can get straight to it
couples/ skilful chaps, get in touch
h & t
109995 and 108126
Given that the pub will be closing at normal times, anyone have ideas for after. We will eventually have to track back down the M2 at some point.
Heather and Terry
Given that the pub will be heaving us all out at usual hours, anyone have an idea or two for after ???
Heather and Terry
today's to-do is to remember to charge the mobile up - i seem to have missed a very intriguing invite to a certain discreet and serioulsy jolly carpark last night
Now come on Neil, nothing like a new adventure or two.
looking forward to the photos of you in some of Satin's spare wardrobe
I just heard that MIKE has been more than a touch unwell lately.
What with FUNIN getting sick right after her party in Bournemouth a while back, they both deserve our best wishes
So, this is to wish a speedy and full recovery to two of the nicest folk we've met through the site.
Terry and Heather
Right Mal, yes we kind of got the message about Blue's 'do' - but this was meant to try to start a longer term thread.
And maybe folk will comment on the 'how it worked out' side of things.
Best ever to all
I see - six posts so far and two of em are well into the 'being dominated' notion - nice to see that things are exactly how one thought they might be
Go for it girls
(hmmm, where is that 'special' toybox, Heather !!!- where'd you put the clamps, girl ???)
Heather, m'dear we can do better than that - we'll pop off to the RedLight bit in Amsterdam some time and I'll hire a window for you for an hour or so - just for me though, or maybe, hmmm, er, well, we'll see.
This is getting rather jolly.
well, there is a bit of a downside to Sheaven in that the place is bothered by (Mostly male) pic collectors.
I will pm you details for Bedr***1*6 - rather jolly post-your-own thaat does have some UK folk about.
Good to see some posts already..
fem_manc_cple - what a broad spread - woohooo, enjoy you two
bluexxx - thanks for the comment and yes a switch role can be very rewarding, just ask Heather (hee hee) - hope your weekend is a huge success.
We spotted, at an msn group 'site' a section called 'sexy plans and how they work out'
Frankly, the stuff posted was mundane/banal/unadventurous.
It's a good chance that SwingingHeaven types can do better - so, here's a chance to list your aims and fantisies. After all, even the crowd of randy reprobates here must have SOME fantasies left.
So, let's hear them, eh ?
To start the ball rolling :
My fine lady Heather has been nagging me to set up a greedy girl evening for her enjoyment and if I can manage to sort it properly I will be there incognito as she is hugely entertained by the idea of yours truly being just one of the guys. As a quid pro quo, I'm hauling her off to Club Doma in Den Haag as soon as work and finances permit.
T (109995)
H (108126)
Hosting in Kent from time to time
can anyone suggest a free spyware prog that i can run on my laptop without risk
Right Neil
Some bloody pal your are !!
All very well to have this weekend's fun and games discussed by a bunch of you, but do I get any input in this ????
Or choice come to that - maybe the NW lot will thunder down the M6 to rescue me - tally ho