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Over 90 days ago


Right then: we're from East Kent , in the Dover/Canterbury/Margate traingle and some of you may have met us in the past.
We don't get out very much so when we do we want things to go well. We are a bit bored with the spots we know and with pre-arranged meets.
We'd love to find new venues in East and North Kent and also closer in to London as we are often travelling late evening on the A2/M2.
Places we could arrive and at the spur of the moment with a good 'population' of cheerful doggers and no jokers. Ok, might be a tall order!
And with a few trees around - at this time of year the wind blows a bit hard across the sea at our favourite seaside locations and we're looking for somewhere sheltered.
Couples who would care to join us for outings feel free to pm.
outdoorfun couple
I absolutely confirm the efficacy of a jpeg mug of chicken soup - ah! the joy.
(Well, some enjoy cybersex, so what's wrong with cybercossetting)
If it doesn't work on him tj, tell him you're off out with a brace of hunky firemen for the evening. That she get him up and about again - for one reason or another.
best to you and hope he is fit for duty soon
I have a feeling that whoever ends up owning the ever fragrant but probably slightly worn Neil could get some of the investement back by hiring him out for a modest rate at satin's birthday party.
Unfair on Neil !
you might all want to take into account hisfeelings while he is waiting for his gender reassignment appointment at Leed General. I know he's keen to be done with it before satin's party and diy chores would not go well with that
Unbelievable !
There I go and fix my lady up with a full-on gb for the weekend and she can't even wait 72 hours but is off asking a bunch of geezers less than half may age where they are located.
Oi !
Ekky bloody thump !
Much more of this and I'll be feeling a bit miffed.
Always amusing to see who repsonds to certain threads . heather ! oi !
(mind you , not surprised)
and bluexx - was that really just a moddie type bit of checking - hhhmmmm
Absolutely agree with Steve-G
Have arranged maybe ten such situations over the last year or two -
Getting enough guys who will
1. commit to the same time and place
2. actually show up
3. actually get at it when they show
4. cope with being in a room full of geezers with their kecks off and a hardon
5. rememeber that the point of the exercise is the pleasure of the lady in question
is bloody difficult - - -
and if any of 'em are under about 30 - forget it -
thank heavens too for old george from dover - 66 years of age, fit and keen, polite and gentlemanly, shows up on time and buys beer - plus, so well hung that it usually gets a round of applause from the rest of the guys
ps - please fellas, no requests to join in
Must-do is Fun4two at Gouda (half hour by train from amstedam centraal)
Jolly place if a bit over-organised.
Nice mix of Dutch, Belgian and German couples. No singles ever as I recall.
You could also try a websearch for 'parenclub'.
general observations gathered from various women tkh has been close to, married to, whatever, is that extremes of size are a problem but us medium guys still have a good reputation (medium would seem to be anywhere between 5 and 7 inches)
a common other thought was that a biggie is apparently good fun for the occasional visit but not somehting to live with
any my own take on the issue is that IF SIZE MATTERS, then , hell, girls, so does tightness
un-pc as ever, TKH
Absolutely agree with WBB and with damn good reason based on experience
having been a 60's hippy and lived on a for-real commune then, I recall the jollity of it all for a while - BUT the real world impinges -us all - and the relentlessness of the relative squalor and having to put up with everyone else's agenda is just too much to cope with on a diet of lentils and in the kind of atmosphere where the rule is that everyoneone is due the same praise no matter how inept they are ..
oh and by the way - the sex was pretty good too but i've been enjoying my fifties much more than my teens and twenties
been there
done that
got the kaftan (still fits)
forget the sandals - no-one wore em , wellies working better
load of hooey
Three point five cheers for Busty, loos that work, electricity when you want i, and chocolate from Belgium
H & T
Dx of surreycouple -- is spot on, but there again, folks don't have to have english a-levels to be worth having sex with, do they
I always think of the cumshot bit of porn movies as the money-shots (ameriacn phrase) which gives me a quiet laugh when one remembers that those close-up shots of poloticians at party conferences we've seen lately are also known in the trade as money-shots.
And anyway, there are a few lasses out there of the host's aquantance who have expressed a wish to see the 'end-product' arrive. Onto lacy stocking tops has been called for in the past.
rambling over
Please be aware that any use of pet names on my part is done in an ironical sense and intended to discourage H from getting gooey in emails (well, to reduce it a bit)
and you kind folks sending suggestions ARE NOT HELPING, dammit
Geezer butting into a girlie thread ..........
well, girls, my lady uses makeup sparingly except for lipstcik fromtime to time
So, please remeber for the benefit of all the uncivilized males out here that TOO MUCH RED LIPPY will do it for us every time.
And when it gets smeared onto one's , er, er .......-you get the picture.
So here is a vote for trashy lipstick from ane enthusiast's viewpoint
Aha! So Nielipops thinks he's on a cert, when the truth is he'll just be tied to something and tickled with one of Ken Dodd's cast-offs.
Heee heee heee
Well Marcuso, this is such a good thread of advice for the singletons that I added this to bump it up the list.
A word from the Host too, tho'
Single Guys - personal cleanlines will get you a lot further than a good line of chat or a championship length of dick.
Look at your hands - are your fingernails clean ? short ? smooth ?
Look at your clothes - do you look like a pikey from the roughest pub in town ?
Look at your shower room - have you used a good amount of soap and water in there before a meet.
Do you smell of beer or tobacco.
Even doggers need to be tidy !!!!
Simple stuff but it all makes a difference.
Well, Reese, yes, seems like heaven has smiled on you.
And if it is a journalist, well, they shag too y'know. Just be sure to get a couples of clear closeup pix.
And insist of three courses, minimum.
We say again to all our thanks for the good wishes and all.
Just 'cos we're getting all romantic, her and I, doesn't mean we aren't up for a really naughty weekend now and again.
T of H&T
bloomin 'eck, bluexx
that test takes ages and i'm not sure what to make of the results
might have to reconsider the outfit for your party
not to worry surreycouple, the dear old rubadub ball is pretty tame compared with other events - but it rasies huge sums of money for the charities
and ususally you can find something to go onto afterwards - all atstes abound
sadly tho' the ball itself is much the haunt of fahsionistas and posers, not players, these days
best ever to all
venus, hun
aol have a low-ish cost broadband service that they will charge on direct edbit to you
and if you already had broadband from bt, then the broadband hookup will still be available whether or not your line is on incoming-only or indeed actually cut off.
call the host on the number you have for more info
thanks again to all who have sent their good wishes
as it turned we didn't get the chance to crcak open the champagne to celebrate six months since we MET
so we're going to do that to celebrate six months since we first , er, you get the picture.
the kent hosts
h & t
It seems like just a few weeks, really. So far we've hosted parties, attended parties, gone out in the evenings (for ordinary stuff too) , made some great new joint friends, shagged some 'em, visited galleries and museums and it's been great, apart from pcicing up the speeding ticket on the way to a meet.
Heather hun, HUGE hug from me
Keep us posted blue, H and I have it in mind to join the cam mob.
And we are most gee'd up about this high resolution studio we heard about in rotterdam where folks go to be on live cam for the whole world of perves out there AND TAKE REQUESTS !!!!! cool, gonna have to do that
H&T - plotting and scheming as ever