Quote by postie
Have you been licking said toad by any chance?
Quote by Him'nHer
LeedsLad, by your own admittance you've had a shit year, and some of what you have written (particularly your inferance to Law and Order) is true. But remember this site is A BRITISH site not English, so don't forget all the Welsh, Scottish, or Irish members.
Maybe the best thing to have done would've been to forget the poll and just posted the words you wrote in the steam room, that way you would not have run the risk of people ripping the shit out of what you said..........
I hope you like NZ.......... it's a great place but after the UK will possibly take some adjusting to, and do remember your nearest neighbours will be the penguins in Antarctica.
I suspect you are relatively young, why not stay here and try and make a difference?
Oh and :welcome: to the site
Quote by givemeahug
Ok thought about this last night and thought i'd ask ....where would u most like to have sex.....i.e your bosses desk...(doesnt have to be with your boss)
or on your ex b/fs car with his best mate...or just a ramdom place like your local pub car park...lol
Me i have just done the bosses desk of my perfect partner and it was kinky as hell but i would love to do it on a car bonnet down a dark lane....or on a warm beach on holiday....
So over to u all...............