OK, points taken on board.
So how about a little role play. Imagine a car with a couple in it, The lights are on and the hormones are flowing. They don't care who or how many are outside.
But you are one of those guys outside, along with 6 others. Another car pulls up. Out come 3 yoofs in their late teens, or early 20's, hoods up, and head towards the car. One of them pulls out the camera phone. You ask him nicely to put it away. He ignores you. You raise your voice to make sure youare heard, and ask nicely again. You get ignored again. You tell him in no uncertain terms a 3rd time, and not a blind bit of notice is taken....
...over to you. What would you have done?
A few ground rules...
1. You are on your own
2. There are 3 of them
3. You can't rely on the other people there because everyone is a stranger to everyone else
4. You want to preserve the car park as a place for couples to come without fear of it getting a bad name for this kind of unwanted activity.
5. Positive responses only please. What you WOULD have done, not a list of things you wouldn't have done.
Just had a barney with some kids who thought that a show that everyone else was being "respectful" to was a great photo opportunity. It's not often that I get upset, but when some yoof in a hoodie, (who him and his 2 or more mates have taken to dogging since it became "hip") ignores 3 requests to put his cameraphone away, then I'm sorry, but I have to act. I WILL NOT stand for a camera to be within 100 yards of me in this game.
I had a go at ripping the phone out of his hands, but was stopped by him and his 2 mates, and in the end other doggers had to get between us. His phone never came out of his pocket again after that, but the lack of support from the other guys there made me think, was I in the wrong, and is photographing a couple putting on a show (without them knowing anything about it) what this game has come to now?
What do you think? Should there be "honour amongst theives" and some respect for the "privacy" of couples be self regulated in the spirit of what goes on, on the car park, stays on the car park, or should we all roll up with our zero lux cameras and camcorders, and record everything that we see now?
Was I in the right or in the wrong to take action?
It'll be interesting to hear your opinions.
BTW, if anyone does want to be filmed or photographed in the Birmingham area, look out for a silver Vectra, with blackened out rear windows. I'm sure that the (usually 3) lads in there won't let you down.
I think that this "BRA WARS" thingy that the EU (nay, Peter Mandleson) has gotten usinto is all a load of pants!
Don't suppose this place is any different to most other places, so it's people you know best who get listened to most. So if you're new, don't be surprised if you don't attract so much attention, whereas once you've psted some contributions to other peoples threads and your name gets known, you'll get more.
But yeah, in an ideal world, something topical, of mutual interest, attracting a diversity of views, and also something well written will usually do the trick.
Fancy meeting car-loads of yoofs looking for trouble?
Well guess what, you've jiust sent the invitation out to them. Well done!
Don't you realise that school's out and these kids have nothing else to do all night, and monitoring sites like this for free nookie at best or queer/dogger bashing at worst is happening all the time?
I've no doubt one of the Mods will be having a word about this to you too.
Isn't GROSS indecency illegal by its very nature anyway? SO if you are watching GROSS indecency going on, thats like inciting its perpeptuation, therefore also being illegal. Goes without saying.
We're NOT talking about GROSS indecency though when referring to dogging, unless where you are you have fathers bringing their young daughters to be watched etc.
There's a difference between indecency and gross indecency, and questions abound over just what indecency is in the first place.