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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
0 miles · Oxfordshire


my sh name is first part nickname then my age then my height,not very xciting but it works biggrin
A very good friend of mine suffered terribly once a month,she found that by taking primrose oil regularly it really calmed it down,at least made it bearable :!:
definetly shoot but if it was shag you would have to ride her confused:
Quote by marriedmale
shag shoot and marry, although not in that order !

shoot marry shag confused: :!:
Quote by dambuster

Now the subject has been mentioned she may find it difficult to cope with you if you dont take it any fruther?

Shag her ! !
just go for it,you only live once and all that,i have a very good friend and we have got "busy" on more than one occassion :!: we still get on fine,
Quote by dirtytwo
my nickname was " tiny" :!: ,as it should be seeing as i am 6ft 5 tall and all in proportion lol

I LOVE tall men :twisted:
Thanks biggrin
my nickname was " tiny" :!: ,as it should be seeing as i am 6ft 5 tall and all in proportion lol
guns and roses, rocket queen,you can actually hear a groupie being done by the band in the studio while they record it ?
AC/DC on the album dirty deeds there is a track called "squealer" :!:
I wonder how long before its recognised as an olympic event confused:
Quote by Sharif
Do the mother and daughter have to be related ?
Coz im sure i've fuxed someones mother at some point and im also pritty sure i've fuxed someon else's daughther too... smile

lol :lol:
Quote by Sharif
Do the mother and daughter have to be related ?
Coz im sure i've fuxed someones mother at some point and im also pritty sure i've fuxed someon else's daughther too... smile

lol :lol:
has happened to me,but not at the same time,but it was the same year,so close but no cigar confused:
when i was 18 i borrowed the old mans car one sunday night,it was freezing cold and i ha d no money,so i picked up my then girlfriend and we drove off to do what 18 year olds do,well when i had finished a threw the condom out of the window and we drove home,
when i dropped her off her parents were just arriving back from were they had been and her dad came over for a chat,he was ok but then he got a bit funny,and made the girlfriend go in without saying goodbye?
when i got home i realised why,stuck on my door was a used condom redface
Quote by constance
Camera phones are brilliant !!!!
Except when you loose them and they have pix on there that you would rather your staff , friends and general public didnt see!!!

i have to agree,my mates phone can do 30 mins of good quality video,that is something you definetly wouldnt want to fall in the wrong hands redface
i agree with you,but they dont,which is why i ask the question,
bearing in mind how common camera/video phones are,and how sophisticated they have become,i wonder if any one has concerns about where any images taken on these things end up,or indeed they no if they are being filmed,i ask because not eveyones partner knows wot they might be up to,
Quote by Sarah
Try here, endless hours of fun
:P :P
(only trying to be helpful)

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
What you have to remember is that everyones take on humour is different,what is funny to one person may not be to another,different strokes for different folks?
have to say being a relativly new member,and after studying the forum for a couple of weeks now it seems to be used by people with a V G S O H , biggrin
v good,read in the paper yesterday that it was made for an upcoming channel 4 programme,and it took 18 months to make
Quote by hisandhers
When I was younger I spilt some salt on my Grandmas table. She told me to through some salt over my shoulder for good luck

thats because the devil stands behind your left shoulder,and when you throw the salt it gets him in the eye
Quote by hisandhers
Anyone superstitious? I walked under a ladder the other day & my friend told me I'd have bad look for seven years. I thought you got that if you break a mirror dunno

you dont look that bad, seriously tho,when i was younger i used to aviod the cracks in pavements? that was supposed to be bad luck to walk on them confused:
Quote by PoloLady
which makes my signature kinda apt,wouldnt it be boring if we were all the same,what do they say? its the quite unnassuming(shy) biggrin ones to watch out for,

Correct, because everytime they uncover a pile of dead bodies in a garden or cellar somewhere the neighbours always say....
"You just wouldn't have imagined it - they were always so quiet and unassuming"
as my old dad used to say,them with all the talk have done nothing,those that just sit there nice and quite ? well they have proberly done it all,thats spooky cos all my friends say"he is such a quite man" if only they knew lol
which makes my signature kinda apt,wouldnt it be boring if we were all the same,what do they say? its the quite unnassuming(shy) biggrin ones to watch out for,
It does always puzzle me why overtly shy people want to swing - it just doesn’t seem an advantageous characteristic - but I guess it is just another one of those mysteries of life.
mary hopkins ? those were the days ? was no1 when i was born,have to say never heard of her or the song :!: