How can people look at a very sexy lady having fun in pictures and only mention the guys white socks .
Well I noticed ya posh couldn't take my eyes off , youve got that certain something .
I'm still smilling lol
:smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2:
cant answer that question far too difficult theres so many very lovely ladies on this site plus ive not got the bottle lol
though kit and ripley deffo got my attention
Well sappho food would be the last thing on my mind , but I would certainly like to try a few of your delicacies though .
If you short of a tester I'm free for you.
But leave the glasses on .
well I've cast my vote not a hard decision really out of that list would have to be fffffffm ,not that I've been so lucky yet but you never know round these parts , and what a way to die .
can i have my photo taken too lol
So true bluexxx , its also a personal thing some people may realy light each other up because they are alike were as others will just be ok , its a matter of chemistry.
But I have to say any time I have spent on replies that did not amount to anything , was not time wasted as I have meet some quite wonderful people through these efforts.
but if this is wasting time then I'm off to waste some more 8)
Thanks ginger jo and bluexxxx
I was very pleased and still am , love having my piccy taken too
Just thought I would add a few words to this jubject .
Redvelvet , although I don't have the same thoughts as uk fisher I feel I need to point out to you that he is not the only person who makes this type of comment , theres girl out there asking for black guys because its something different they want to experence , and black guys advertising them self like wise .
But what some people do not seem to relalise is that no two people are the same regaurdless of apperance , which is the spice of life .
The mind boggles
What reason could the jammy ba@#$rd have for letting you down.
would now be too late to send my offering for you perusal , if not and you not a zillion miles from sheffield , i shall .
I hate to see a lady distress!!!!!
Thank you for the constrctive replies.
And twisted sister I think you made a good point and i think i shall change my user name to avoid any upset.
Its not about seeing it from the other side I mearly want to assertain what was causing this confusion
Thanks all
oh and to anyone who asked was I in fact Bi , well put it this way It would need to be a very attractive transexual , how that for honesty?
Why is it that people don't read whats in your advert.
I keeping getting replies from guys and people wanting to know if im bi,
I have thought about bi and gay gents in my ad and I've said I'm str8
how can there be confusion.
Also why do some men go into the chat room under the guise of a couple then want me to send them pictures and tell them what i like to do with their no exisitant parnter,it really is sad.