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Over 90 days ago


biggrin Hi asked a while back can I get on the list confused: as I would love to come and meet you all:D
:cry: let me start by saying SORRY :!: My first social and chance to meet you all and my ex is droping the ankle biters round a day early. still glass half full more time with the kids. Hope you all have a good time tonight and please if you have time drink a few for me and maybe the next time I will be there to show myself up in person. lol wink
biggrin Hi I'm still farly new to posts but having read some I know I may be letting myself in for some stick but here goes.
I'm a BI guy in the Leicester area and due to work mad can at the moment normaly only meet daytimes. Is there any couples out there who would like to meet up and if everyone is happy have some good hump fun togerther. Still not up to linking the add but my add numer is 392498 wink So please PM me if you have the time and pleace to meet
Ps spelling not my best point :wink:
lol the landlord will think its a bloody big book club :!: :lol:
biggrin Hi I PM you last week to confirm about Friday and am looking forward to meeting some new people 69position wink
biggrin Hi could you be a bit more specific IE do you want BI male or couples???are you BI or St8???? wink
biggrin not frightened of floggers but I'm only a bi-male so dont fit your wants which is a shame :!: hope you find what you want wink
:doh: guys just looked at the post again it was plased Monday mist out again well maybe another time redface
biggrin Hello there always happy to help with peoplea needs there are a few pleases you could go to meet guys but with the bad weather and dark nights drawing in some are not to good. If you fancy a meet PM me and I will send you some contact details wink
Quote by Clare and Steve
wink Sounds good hope I'm not to new to get an invite confused: :?: I have PM you biggrin

No probs,looks like thisll be a newbie meet :D
:D Good hope to get PM with more details soon lol :wink:
wink Sounds good hope I'm not to new to get an invite confused: :?: I have PM you biggrin
biggrin That is good advice I will PM you and you can check me out
biggrin does not seem that desperate as he or she as not answered still I'm happy either way hope you find what your looking for and if you need help with it when you do then PM me
redface Lissa please stop all this talk abut handcuffs is driving a busy man mad. There is a PM comeing your way about the times of your get togethers.... wink
well I go away for a few days and miss all the fun, it was not my intension to start any trouble with my remarks I was just adding my opinion about someone giving others a hard time (and not the one they wanted) and when i check my own inbox gess what he did send another email. s a farly new member and not one for reading to meny rules is their anyone i can complain to confused:
mad ha blackbone idiot if you send another email like that to me you are going to be in trouble
smile Ha steph im new any chance of a pic and some details of some good pleases to meet like minded people in leicester confused:
And a big welcome to another new guy
You tell him lissa if you want to be a pain go to swinging central they advertise that the site is free and as soon as you try to contact anyone they want you to pay to sign up!! So lets keep this site free and time wasters and go and *********!mad
biggrin Hi I've still not had any luck in finding any good sites around leicestershire anyone got any info (PM me). I 39 clean and eager for fun and would like to meet up daytime Friday I can travel looking for couples or single ladys or gents into out door fun hump
Being a BI male smile I can see things from both sides. sometimes when out having fun with a guy it can be more of a problem getting court in the act as when you are out with a lady or a couple so you tend to be more watchful and flighty.
I know a site in leicester that gay guys use a lot but lately a goup (possbale Doggers not sure) have been turning up four guys one woman standing around not rearly getting up to anything but the guys look rearly intimedating and you would not want to approch if you were streight, BI or gay. I think most streight guys have a problem thinking you are going to jump on them as soon as they drop there pants shows his rear.. but trust me not all your arses are that good. :!:
sorry about ropey spelling redface
wink well can anyone come and play confused: need some fun been a very bad week
confused been looking myself im a bi male and most pleases i know about are full of gay guys. which is ok but i like to watch or have fun with couples. I am from leicestershire are and still looking for a first proper meet. please PM me if anyone wants to meet next week???? wink
biggrin Hi 39 year old genuine Bi/male looking for fun with couples tomorrow or next thursday friday daytime only im sorry to say to much work makeing me sad :cry: . Outside fun or at yours need to get some real sexy fun :D . Leicester area but will travel Notts Derby areas.
Any good dogging sites as well confused:
Hi im paul genuine B/I male and Im looking for a meet with a couple anytime during the day on friday in the leicester area anyone intersted
Hi new to the sine and looking for any dogging sites near leicester I have been to Groby pool but there seem to be only gay guys there. nothing wrong with that but it would be nice to see some pussy. So does anyone konw of a good site to have some fun confused: :?: