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2 days ago
Straight Male, 62
0 miles · Chelmsford


I can remember him on that rocking chair surrounded by all those women doing those sickly smiles at the camera. :shock:
Why the surprise?
A manager who still thinks tactics are those little mints in a plastic container. A manger who takes about 5 players who aren't fit along with a 17 year old who hasn't even played a first team game for his club. Things will not be any different under the just as awful Mclaren.
That is a shame as it was good to get feedback,but I can understand this facility was stopped if people abused it.
Thanks for quick reply and keep up the good work.
Hello everyone,
Up until recently you used to be able to reply to people who submitted stories(those who gave their enail acounts)so you could tell them that you enjoyed their story,but now that is no longer available or is it avaialable to only those who have Heaven Extras?
Not a major problem as I have had a good time using this site. wink
Think even if you opened a Surrey room you will end up with people from all around the british isles as happens in Essex rooms where people see the sex bit and think it is a sex room. lol
I take it you can only see who the winkers are by getting extras then? wink
I remember woolworths selling spangles about 4 or 5 years back as part of a revamp but don't think they were very popular witht the kids of today so they withdrew them after a few weeks,but they do remind me of my childhood along with the chopper bike and girls/women wearing hot pants/mini skirts. Happy days those were. wink
Quote by debsndave
sorry but we're at a loss to know why people waste their own time to waste ours. Twice we have had solid offers in a month and guess what? mad nothing. Any genuine women on here? Sorry for the rant but ..................................

Maybe they get off on it,but like in life there are people who like to spoil things for the large with it and you will find there are many non timewasters who frequent this site and I hope you find what you are seeking.
Quote by anais
Its meant to be pineapple that makes it taste nicer.......
They also say none smokers can tell if you your a smoker by the taste.

I would of thought those who swallow sperm would be able to tell a smoker from a non-smoker long before they got down to that side of things? lol
That dubbed Robinson Crusoe series the BBC would churn out every summer holiday
Hector's House
H R Puff n Stuff with Jack Wild
Topogigio (Was an Italian Mouse who would usually be sat in his red car)which most people never seem to remember redface
Tales from the Riverbank
The Woodentops
And talking of years way back does anyone else remember the saturday morning pictures where you would become an ABC minor collect all the badges go up on stage then sit down and watch things like Champion the Wonder Horse and The 3 Stooges.
I guess not,maybe I am the oldest one on here at 43.
Taxi...................................................... :shock:
Well a proper football supporter picks a team when they are old enough to be interested in the game and sticks with them for life through the good times and the bad,but I can remember at school their used to be kids changing their teams weekly and usually they would say they supported the team at the top of the First Division as it was back in the 70's.
Quote by duncanlondon
you have to lose your 'virginity'

Virginity,wasn't that an old western series that used to be on BBC2? lol
Not my cup of tea,but if it is what you want to try then good luck to you should/could pop down to your local sexshop and pick up a video of such an event so you will both see what happens then you will be more pepared and know what to expect.
Quote by timeforaction
what's yours? lol
am assuming your post is sommat to do with football, which i know absolutely nothing about -
regardless of the fact we just dont 'do' football threads, you have asked a question without providing your own answer . You wanna know what others think? then give some information first and it'll snowball from there.
yours is just a random question that means very little to most of us.......
and its a football thread, so I dont have a point! its straight over my head! :lol:

Some people think watching folltball is better than sex!! or at least scoring a goal is.
Anyone who thinks football is better than sex is mad.
Just had a quick go at the second one and it did seem to be a lot faster. Keep up the good work it is appreciated by many.
Quote by easyease
maybe im just paranoid but on the net a lot of people are not what they seem.

Yes they are the silly buggers who spoil things for the genuine ones.
All this Egg chasing talk has got me thinking of Easter Eggs now. lol
Quote by elnickouk
If we're all really bored, go here and make a little paper dragon, freakiest thing I've seen for ages.

Ok which of you oragami experts has made one? lol
It was above you when I replied to is titled 'Is the chatroom down' down by it explains they have problems trying to sort so best to go back once in a while and see when it returns.
If it wasn't for the cafe forum I would keep thinking it was my computer that was playing up. Hope you get the problems sorted real soon. biggrin
Not bothered about the size really just prefer natural ones. biggrin
Is that 8 hours all at once or with a few stops along the way?
Either way good luck.
p.s. Nice boots wink
I think I am already one as I am only 5' 9".
Poor little me. :cry:
p.s. Anyone seen snow white? She popped out to get some fire wood 5 years ago and still no sign.
That is the big problem with life, there are good & bad people all over esepcially on the net. I personally have a gut instinct on people and know when I can trust them,although I did get stitched up by a couple(yes couples can be bad too not just single men)but it was sorted out and they seem to of vanished off the face of the it hasn't stopped you enjoying the compay of all the good people out there and happy swinging in heaven. biggrin
Quote by BazzaNW
Just get some Lynx, have you not seen the adverts biggrin

Don't need Lynx,and it was nearly 30 years ago when I knew sod all. lol
Anyone know if there is a site that lists where all these kind of places are in the uk?