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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


Thinks this lovely lady needs a massive bump
Come on all get this night going I have met Morgs an she one lovely girl
tc "Q"
fair comment guys, just annoying but word gets round within the circle ! so hope they read this
If mods want to close this thread then please ??
Theres not a problem with missing a munch when problems arise, but when people create a pattern of them missing them, when people put so much time, effort and commitment along with personal expense into them !!
Maybe it about time people can be put onto a list and when that list includes them x3 times over a 12 MONTH PERIOD, people can beware of them becoming timewasters
All names for none attendees to munches can be placed here:- mad
hi lemon I am in chat at mo on server 4 if want to ask anything?? "Q"
Isis is a small club with a great bunch of peeps who make you feel at home, just talk to most peeps in there an they will be friendly i am sure as also the owners Dave & Jo are superb hosts
I have been on mainly afternoons but bing a single male and reading your profile on here it rules me out !! lol
Re: Friday it best to get there about 9-9:30 as most peeps attending then
But it is also open Fri afternoons should u both be feeling extra naughty !? lol from 1pm onwards (see ) for times
Have fun and I hope this was of use!
Hi Jules
Jus back from hols !1 Could i be considered for munch ?? an tell me wat I have to do to be considered !! lol
Well if I was to be invited I wunt say no !! xxx lol
Be on best behaviour !! an not dance wi no one !1 lol
Kat an Jaffa ment talkin of goin in chat t day
av fun xxx
Just go along mate and see only £20
Cheap nite out ! nothing ventured nothing gained !!
Have fun K !! xxxxx
hi waky
Put me down please if u can, but i there late on xxxx
Nice nite hun sorry to leave early !!
Thanks for organizing hey hun and glad every had fun barin the rugby result ! lol
Plus u not a bad kisser too !1 lol xxxx
I'd luv to come if I still can
The 1st date couldnt make but this one i can
Isis is open in Leeds on Wed and Friday afternoons
Smallish club but nice people with no pressure
Have fun
Just getting the map out an working out pubs with hotels next door within a 5mins drive ! lol
would like to come if i around at that date xx
nice arse feebee, wats the jewels u r wearing?? any chance of a close up for that vote (wink) xx
Hi All
Looks like Pontefract park was raided big time tonight !!
About 6 Police cars along with dogs etc
Sad arnt they !!
I'm one of those single Men ,
and I can not stress enough that Isis is well balanced, a good place to visit for all, if like you say are new on the scene there is a private room at Isis where you can play on your own or if you wish pick any males you fancy to go in with you and lock the door after you !
The owners don't encourage a cattle market atmosphere and as such say its too busy when there is enough singles in etc
There is normally a few couples on afternoons
Hope this helps and have fun guys !!
wouldn't it be easier for peeps in the chatroom to have symbols or numbers or letters that say wat they are into ie SF1/D (SF=single fem 1=UK area /D=doggin etc)
Q xx
Thanks for that !!
I might try iy next time I'm over there
Shame its not open any afternoons like isis is I guess !
U should put a review in the clubs section on here, for other peeps to let them know about it hun
Take care and when i go I'll buy u a drink hun !!
I was with another Stag do
It was some Goedies who'ed done it to their mate !!
Theyed dressed him in all gimp gear too with zipped mask !
Another one is to bolt his hands to a Metal bar and force feed him laxatives, ie cant wipe his arse
Seen this done to a guy in blackpool !
Funny as fuck!
Hi Horny
Was it busy saturday then hun ??
Can guage a little from that as it is a very new club etc
I did that to my mate
Made him wear some big granny knickers with the arse bit cut out of them
and gave his best man some Lippy to lipstick him in every pub
he had a grin like a clown at the end of the day Goodstyle !! lol
Whats it like on Fridays - Mixed night etc ??
Many their? etc
I'm Straight male 30's
I've been to Isis on mainly Wedns afternoons for Singles and couples
very relaxed, nice friendly people, hit and miss on wedns afternoon but still had good times !! also no joining fee only entrance fee of £15-20 depending when u go for singles
Only been the once on a Friday, club was half full but I had to leave early at
but all peeps very nice !
Hope this is of use