Quote by naughtynymphos1
no sorry i think its crap![]()
you gotta look at it for what it is naughty....a very good documentry of a yorkshire town

Quote by BiWelshMinx
There is a very special lady within these towers.......... I have long long chased her now, sometimes I forget why I chase her, then I see her smile at a munch, look down and her chest, hear her accent and WHAM I am addicted again. Been going like that for about 4 years now ( on this site and others... still never happened, don't know if it ever will.......but by god its been fun trying lol
Quote by markz
If the country have a "feel good factor" then they tend to stick with what they have. As I can't see any drastic changes in the economy over the next few years the tories will not be winning. Only if things go sour will they have a shot. So not matter how good the next tory leader is his chances of leading the country depend on the Labour party.
bloody hell did I say that. :shock:
Quote by Sexysteph
Personally I would have complained and sent the food back. This is something I have done countless times and even gone to the point of tipping a full plate onto a waitresses serving tray and saying now go and get me a hot meal exactly as I have ordered it.
I had ordered a meal minus peas (which I cannot stand- the smell of them alone makes me feel very sick) they sent it out with peas - so it got sent back. They removed the peas rearranged the food on the plate thinking they could get away with that. They ahd missed half a dozen which they had moved some brocolli onto.
I asked for the manager, pulled a waitress to the table. Told her to lift her tray and then proceded to tip the contents of my plate over the tray and said "now you cant really give me back the same crap for a third time - either do the food as asked for or I don't pay the bill"
10 minutes later all the food was replaced cooked from fresh just as requested - when I went to pay - my payment was refused and a £10 gift voucher for my local Morrisons was presented to me as way of an apology.
It's always well worth standing up for yourself
Quote by M&P cpl
I would say - from experience- one of the most omportant things for a girl in anal sex is (except positions which you can find in others posts) .... delicate foreplay concentrated on her annus. More the better
Quote by Colts23
Well, being a Euro boy myself now..........I find myself missing more and more things from back home everyday![]()
Now, I know when we are surrounded by things everyday, we tend to take them for granted, but was wondering, what does everyone back home think they would miss if they emigrated ? :shock:
As silly as mine sound, it's the basic's I miss :(
British bread :upset:
Jelly tots :giggle:
Curly Wurlies
Occasional pot noodle when drunk :cheers:
Proper fresh milk to my house everday :fuckinghell:
Proper beer![]()
Bacon!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
and most importantly...........roast dinner's :upset: :doh: Would move back just for that :P
So what would you kiddy winks miss ?
Quote by Tra-n-Leehow come i missed out, id have loved to get my ass out for the cam, someone give us a shout when your hain the next contest
Mens Final Results.
1st: Mal (40 Votes)
2nd: Jonathan (24)
3rd: Mr. 3someinpreston (10)
In what was for a long time a tightly ran contest, Mal pushed away from the popular Jonathan to earn a clear win!
Ladies Semi-Final 1.
1st: Miss FeeBee (43)
2nd: NW-Rose (22)
3rd: Angel Chat (20)
MissFeeBee continues to dominate the opposition with an emphatic win over strong opposition.
Ladies Semi-Final 2.
1st: Sarah (77)
2nd: PoohBear (60)
3rd: Mrs. 3someinpreston (18)
Sarah held off the worth competition of PoohBear to win a 2-horse race.
Congratulations to Mal!
He wins the coveted "Swinging Heaven Male Rear of the Year 2005" title!!!
He can proudly declare himself to be the greatest ass in the forum... i think!
Runner-up Jonathan also gets a reward!
The final of the long-awaited ladies competition will be fought between the lovely behinds of LadyFeeBee and Sarah!
Poll will be posted at 8pm and will last till 8pm Monday evening.
:D :D :D
Quote by Manolishi
the actual answer to the topic tho , hackers and peeps who create viruses tend to be the ultra intellegent computer whizzes, and i believe the main reason for them creating such pain in the ass`s is a kind of protest, because they hate microsoft, bill gates and windows, you have to remember that bil gates has kind of forced everyone to adopt windows interface (by giving it away free), and of course every thing has been designed to run on windows as a result, which just strengthens his grip, he`s monopolised this particular area of the computer world, and that would make you mad ........wouldnt it! (if you were a geek wanting to release a new operating interface like say "doors") you`d have no chance against a foe intent on releasing his for free,
or i mabey wrong
Quote by seagull69
I have always wondered whether the companies that sell anti viruse products also create the viruses
Quote by LilMissGullable
Well I'm gobsmacked........
I open my outlook express this afternoon.... to find a guy had sent me an email... Not only had he totally ignored what i had written on my profile (no cock pics, and if no face pic u dont get a reply)but i think his attitude stinks!!!!!!!
Is it really any wonder SOME guys get :censored: ignored?????
Email as follows.............
My name is XXXXXXXXX,
Please see my attcahed a cock pic you have received one already one already, then another is not attached.
1. I expect a pussy pic in return
2.I live in East London and and can travel
3. Once you have emailed me with you number I will send you my face pic
4. I dont do emails as they are a waste of time
5. I only respond to sms after you respond with your interest from this email and a mobile contact number
4 I DONT do teasing and a million questions
5.I just want to fuck and walk away
6. If you are the husband of couple making arrangements, I would a pic of the lady and achance to speak to her before I say yes and I will only do day time or week end visits
this is not you then please DONT respond
9. As a rule , I ONLY fuck ass and pussy,with absolute pleasure"!!!!!
Is there really any need for it????? Maybe it "did" it for you lot... LOL If u want his addy, pm me LOL
Quote by Dawn_Mids
be carefull mate, if dawn asks you to put a picture of your ass on , she`s likley to spank it with gusto, i`m still reeling from my whipping, i think she`s just after a slave to abuse pesronally, ah yes a dream worth dreamng :twisted:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I'm not a mentor but if there is a burning question that you need a hand with, if you've still not had a reply from Mal then drop me a pm
Quote by Calista
how wonderfully considerate of you to complain!
Get well soon Mrs Ninja, I know only too well the pain of a kidney infection!
C x
Quote by Phire
You have left it a bit late but find a salsa class, go along, see if you like it and if you do book a few private lessons with the teacher, you'll knock em dead if you can do it.
And salsa is suprisingly easy.
And dead sexy!!!
Quote by angelnn66
thanx everyone for the advice .....and not a piss take in sight, y are you lot on your best behaviour....is it a conspiricy?! im all paranoid now lol, seriously tho, thanx alot, we wanted to do more than the "turning in circles dance". but from what you lot said, i rekon we should turn in circles like weve never turned b4.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Just hold each other close and move round slowly. You don't need to move much at all. People won't be looking to see how well you dance, they will just want to see how happy and in love you are. A slow dance is just a snog to music really - don't let "performance anxiety" spoil your day.