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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


Question, Are you a sexy fella?
Answer, Yes
That was too easy PoloLady
OK, OK my turn, now let me think of a hard one
Question, In which year was the empire state building completed?
I'm on the list...............ain't i :shock: ,,,, I hope so especially as its a CAMP fire party the CAMPER the better :happy:
Question, has daytime TV gone downhill?
Well it has at the moment especialy with all the skiing that’s on, that’s all downhill
:happy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :happy:
In a little over a fortnight I make it two years on here, all be it that I disappeared for a year of that time. In fact I'm supposed to be away from the scene for a while so as I’ve said in another thread.
“You ain’t seen me, right!”
Ooh, my head still hurts, Sunday was not good OK Seattle messed up a lot of chances but the officiating was diabolical with some outrageous calls going against the Seahawks and most of the American media agrees, I knew Seattle were in trouble when 80 percent of the stadium went to Pittsburgh fans, but what the hey we’ll just have to win it next year.
I'm off to eat some more sour grapes lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Time to pull this thread out off the graveyard as Seattle yes Seattle has made the super bowl, and to think there were so many non believers :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Good point PJ.
If they’re from the news lol papers, surely they must know that the boats already sailed on this whole swinging story.
Yesterdays News Tomorrow rolleyes
As a cross-dressing defiant I’ve been featured in The Shropshire Star and The Seattle Times I’ll have erm know. :P wave smile
CHEERS Sgt and Rob :cheers: .
I’ll metaphorically take a moment to raise my glass (and my skirt) to you later. :beer: :thrilled: :evil2:
It’s the shortest day of the year.
In the calendar of the transvestite sisterhood a truly great day, It’s dark by 4 PM so we can all come out without to much fear of being recognized. So guys if you’re out tonight and you meet the women of your dreams, beware she may not be all that she seems.
lol :twisted: :P
610, the vampire question stopped me getting higher, Vampires whats up with that blink evil
As PoloLady says some not that kinky
2 Do you masturbate?
A All the time
B Sometimes
C I've done it, but it's not my thing
D No
Well what do you think :doh: :wanker:
Do bears sh1t in the woods ?
a All the time
b Sometimes
c I've done it, but it's not my thing
d No
now thats a kinky question lol :twisted:
Quote by Cheshire_Couple
Do you like to be watched ??

That would be a yes, in fact it would be a "HELL YEAH" :twisted:
Yes my thanks go to
Mistress Sassy
Little Gem
And any others involved in the organization of this great night :happy: .
Hope I didn’t get to drunk :beer: and embarrass myself to much :embarrased2: .
Special thanks to JuicyLucy kiss for helping me totter back to my hotel at the end of the night (tottering due to dancing in new shoes not the alcohol, honest).
Great to meet you all and hopefully we’ll do it again sometime
And if I didn’t say it last night,.MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.
Also edited my ad 30 minutes ago, and have just edited it again and its gone back to the top of the page, so i don't see what the problem is. Anyway i'm off now got to edit my ad it's been about 5 minutes :lol:
I happen to like it, but the question was Ladies is this a pleasure, as a tranny i get a real trill out of a guy "dumping there load over my face" as you put it. redface
OK have to admit that i kind of like doing it to ladies as well :shock: :twisted:
Hi, if you don’t already know me I’m a 38 single sub bi/gay trannie cool and I'm going to be in Manchester Friday evening/night. Would like to meet up with a genuine bi-guy, girl or couple, for a few drinks :cheers: a chat and maybe some fun back at my hotelroom later, If your interested PM or email me (via my ad number 456602),. A photo would be nice and something more than a one liner please I’ve had enough "your nice I wanna shag ya" :doh: messages. Also if you’re a regular on the forum that would help.
Although I wasn’t that young (teens) at the time, When eastenders stated I had a thing for Sharon and Angie (Letitia Dean, Anita Dobson), I guess it was the mother daughter combo that got me going :shock: .
Strangely the first women I can remember having the hot for was Barbara Windsor in the carry ons sillyhwoar: .
But I guess the real crush in my life was a boy I was at school with, if only I knew back then what I know now. :smitten: passionkiss
Hey all you groovy guys ‘n’ dolls this funky chick wants to know what you’re getting down too on you’re transistor radios, so lay these heavy grooves on you momma, and hit me with them in stereo, you dig.
Currently I’m listening to Locked again by Sgt Bilko.
Sorry, I’ll get my coat.
I'm travelling up on Friday afternoon and intend to go out for a few drinks (but not too many, save that for Saturday) in the village later on Friday evening. Anyone else out and about Friday fancy meeting for drinks, chat and maybe some fun wink later.
Hello Karen :welcome: on board.
So is there a dress code on the night. I had planned to wear something black and short, very short if I wish, but I could wear a long elegant purple number or i could wear what I was wearing last Saturday night which is this.

TeeHee :P :twisted:
Quote by little gem
Judy, I would, but I've hung up my crop in favour of a twenty metre horse whip...... Giddyup! ;)
Good, grief, she bucks a bit! ;)
Gem. x

20 metres I’m no expert but that’s gonna hurt in the morning.
smackbottom surpriseduch: :smile2:
I think we've all been there with timewasters. I've driven 40 miles to meet up with someone only to find a note pinned to the door saying, sorry somethings come up can't answer the door confused: blink :uhoh: mad
Also was booked into a hotel once, phoned the guy I had arranged to meet on his mobile (expecting him to be near by or in the car park) to let him know I was ready and the room number, only to be told “OHH, yeah sorry mate clean forgot got play on the play station and lost track of time, I need to grab sommot to eat have a shower and drive there it will take me 2 hours” I put the phone down, FFS "got playing video games and forgot" PI55 OFF flipa he knew the hotel but not room or my really name. Don’t know if he bothered turning up but I never meet him, thankfully the room was a special offer and only cost £20. And I know how to have a goodtime on my own. :wanker: :twisted:
Quote by berksbex
They can go back to advertising amongst the 3zillion single men on here and I will go back to advertising amongst the 150 single women. cool

Yes, i shouldn't worry to much as the odds are stacked in your favour Bex.
I should say the two events above didn't involve anyone from SH.
Quote by Katieftv
Hey lady .. ain't you heard of eBay rolleyes

eBAY is OK, but i love wondering around shops and the thrill of walking back to the car carrying armfulls of bags all full of stuff, just for me. biggrin :evil2:
Quote by little gem
Rebecca! evil
Get your backside over here right now you lady!

My backside is ready and waiting lol
Quote by little gem
people who like nutroast mustnt have tastebuds at all

I like nuts and i like a good roasting, so maybe i'll give the nutroast a try wink :lol:
Quote by Mal
Sorry, guys
I'm going to have to cry off of this one.

Yes, Sorry People I’m going to have give the 17th a miss as well. Kind of taken a heavy hit in the wallet department, I made the big mistake of going out shopping with a real women over the weekend, ended up buying 3 wigs, 2 dresses, a nurses uniform confused :twisted: , loads of make up and lingerie, plus lots of other frilly stuff. So I’m going to have to be a good girl and stay in at least until the New Year, but I’m sure you’re all going to have a great time.
rotflmao loon What are you mad of cause I’ll be there, I can’t wait. :thrilled:
Hotel booked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check
Train tickets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check
Deposit paid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check
Extra large tube of lube packed,,,,,,,,,,, check biggrin
Quote by da69ve
Like the is this a new era for we have a reason to be afraid of her anymore?

ERMM... If you knew what she got up to shortly after the photo was taken,,, Then Yes i think you still need to be a little afraid :twisted:
Quote by mistress_sassy
Rebecca don't forget to leave 17th free for our Manc meal, well I suppose you can always slot some in for afterwards! lol

I'm sure something will be slotted in afterwards :lol:
Quote by Robin Prince of Thieves
[Ofcourse - and if you play your cards right I might get some of my merry men to join us as well :lol:
Errr, not sure if that came out right but hey im sure you get the idea. biggrin

Will these merry men be wearing tights wink :lol:
It is indeed a nice photo but to me when I think of Blue I think dog.
NO NO let me finish, I think dog after the little blue dog she used as an avatar when I first joined.
By the way Judy was that photograph taken over the weekend. I know Blue and you had a session together (photo session that is) I was kinda tied up with other things at the time, if you remember :twisted:
I've got NASN it's great 10 pound a month, but i'm into Nfl, college football and NASCAR if only they covered cricket and speedway as well, then i'd dump skysports.
Quote by berksbex
Hmmm, I'm free tomorrow morning berksbex ... wink

Hey!!! interesting. I could be free as well :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
LOL (and sorry to hijack your thread Rebecca) I WAS meant to be meeting up with someone tomorrow and have had to change that due to domestic boring stuff grrrr mad
But, another Tuesday maybe.........
Or maybe us two Rebeccas should get together and take you up on that lol :lol:
Though Rebecca will be too busy :twisted: (and knackered!) after going through the 30,000+ members of this forum :shock:
Sorry you can’t make it this Tuesday, Bex I had allocated you a 2 minute slot between me doing berks29 and berksboy3, I’ve decided to go though you all alphabetical. :rascal: . Oh well, maybe sometime in the future the Rebecca’s will get together.
Wonder what the collective for a group of Rebecca’s is?
A Rummage of Rebecca’s, maybe
Thanks to everyone who’s PM’ed say they don’t want a shag, a little late but I have accepted them. As for the rest of you I’m coming to get you :lol: .