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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


Well 20 minutes is up, no PM’s and no replies, so I guess you all want a shag rolleyes . E-mails with times, date and venue are on the way to you all lol :P .
I’m knackered after a busy weekend so I don’t won’t a shag at the moment, So SH members please only PM if you don’t won’t to shag me at the moment. Any SH members failing to PM me or post a reply here asking not to shag me with in the next 20 minutes, will lead me to believe that you want to do a wild thing with my sweet cute ass lol hump :eeek: which can be arranged in the near future. (I think you will find that legally binding, I think :silly: )
OMG what a game, I’m on the floor here Seattle 24-21 New York G
The sign of a good team, winning a game you should have lost 3 times.
By the way anyone up for a meet at the Wembley game should it happen?
Quote by bluexxx
Anyway..... last of the big spenders >>> me <<< , bought a black and pink lacy undies thingy size 10... last of line for a tenner.... the idea is that any tranny who can fit in it gets a shag...... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe --- value for money hehehehehehehehehe
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Now there’s a challenge but you can’t expect me to go on a diet just before Christmas. :P
Derby erm, let me think....... ohh, Yes there’s a club I regularly go to in Derby. biggrin smile :shock: sad mad :fuckinghell: redface :doh: blink dunno :haha: :smoke: :thrilled: :D drinkies
If needed to can I delete all my posts on SH in one, or do I have to edit every post. I’ve change my profile to the basic info, but should I wish to delete all my posts can it be done in one action? Just asking.
Quote by HarryJones
, and wasn't Lynda Bellingham always rather sexy and naughty in the oxo ads (or was that just me confused: )

Got to agree, i was still at school then but i remember thinking she could teach me a thing or to and not about cooking, Hats off to the youth of today for coming up with the word MILF biggrin .
I have to say I enjoy being on the receiving end of a shower. First tried it several years ago with an RG Friend (RG=real girl, tranny talk) she was keen to try it, but both of us found it real difficult to get peeing it just seem so wrong (I guess that’s part of the thrill), but once wee got going I found it very stimulating, even spiritual but most of all delightfully filthy and horny. As the years have past and I’ve become much more of a submissive, watersports tend to be used as a form of humiliation, As if my master/mistress are marking out there territory and telling all around that I’m now owned by them. :twisted:
If both parties have agreed to give it a try then it can fun and certainly a different experience, maybe have a few beers to relax but I’d recommend drinking lots of water as well, I’ve never been a fan of sex or fetish fun where one or all parties involved are off there head on whatever they’ve taken (sorry getting all preachy), Also drinking water lessens the smell unless you like the idea of getting all smelly, each to there own I guess.
Quote by teppic
. some of us already use our tattoo's as avatars, or part of anyway.

I'm thinking of having my avatar done as a tattoo, anyone recomend a good tattoo artist in the west mids let me know?
:welcome: Have fun and "GO SEAHAWKS" as for a team calling themselves Vikings always makes me think of Hull.
Quote by Katieftv
will reply (with pics :twisted: ) when I get home kiss

Woooo picys to come as well, my my someones a lucky girl then :bounce:
Heres hoping your lucky doesn't run out, if it does you might end up get picys from that old tart beckytv, a shameless hussey whos often on the cooking sherry, so i'm told lol
Mad things I’ve done as an away fan I once went in the home end at Wigan athletic’s Springfield park, “As ‘Ard as nails me”. :sparring: lol
Chewits were my favourite sweets as a kid although I guessing “chew it” is something different.
Quote by rebecca_uk_tv
I've left my deposit with JTV, which is kind of strange as she usually deposits over me. :eeek: redface

Oh my, have I made a dreadful error, have I written something that may have been miss construed causing a mixture of merriment and sexual revulsion, I do hope so because that would "Get me off".
Bless my stars; I haven’t been so excited since the time I heard that due to cut backs at my local football club “several of the youth team players had suddenly come on the market”. :sticky: :wanker: Phwoar “Silly old Jarvis”
Rob Newman legend
All of this has nothing to do with the price of eggs or plans for December 17th.
Moving on up.
Radio Two has changed listen to the Mark Radcliff show yesterday and the word fuXking was said 4 times in one hour of the show. :shock:
I then had one of those perfect moments at midnight he played “One of these days” by Pink Floyd at the time I was alone in an secluded car park stareing up at the full moon on a crystal clear night with the music blasting out, Truly spiritual. biggrin
And before you ask no I wasn’t in the car park dogging, I was working. confused:
7 and 2, and a 5 and 0 winning streak only bettered once in the Franchise history. worship :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I've left my deposit with JTV, which is kind of strange as she usually deposits over me. :eeek: redface
Lipup biggrin
Hey Lep did you go to the same school disco’s as me? cool
Quote by hornytaff68
Men who pretend to be women on adult sites surprised

I'm sure this never goes on here bolt
Quote by Calista
Male drivers
Twatty male drivers
Bovril just to add to the marmite list
Tea that isn't made properly
Bad manners
Chavs & Neds
best stop there!

Bad manners But what about, "The can can" and "Lipupfatty". Guaranteed to get a party going back when I was a kid.biggrin
Google shows there is a place called Toad in stourbridge.
Apparently, toad is wicked, funky house and some classic tunes (and a bit of cheese as the night draws on)
Can’t say I’ve ever been, but you can’t have cheese without crackers… they’ve got no crackers, Gromit. :twisted:
Quote by phil_osopher
Bonkers, the lot of 'em - and don't even get me started on psychiatrists! loon

At work i sometimes have to deal with psychiatrists, by the end of it your left wondering who's the patient and who's the psychiatrists :confused2:
The lunatics have taken over the asylum. :crazy:
Quote by JudyTV
The above is a debatable point. Senior psychologists think that the figure for dedicated TVs is around one 1 in 200 of the adult male

Senior psychologists is that phil_osopher Dad lol
Quote by phil_osopher

Well you wont believe it but in real life its a toss up who is the most scarey bluexxx or rebecca_uk_tv ......both scare the crap out of me but then I love living on the edge.

Well, I've not had any of my comments replied to by Rebecca_uk_tv yet, so until that time comes, I'm not scared! :
Me scarey NO WAY!, I'm just a pussycat.
Strangely given my lifestyle you’d expect me to one of those lefty/liberal PC mad people walking around saying how ashamed Britain and other countries should be of there military past. Well those people can rot in hell if they think that they are talking for me.
I’m proud of the British history and will be forever grateful to everyone who has served and given so much to keep this country (and others) free. And regardless of what certain communities may think this will always be a free country.
Britain will never forget.