Hi we are going to bro...n in cheshire monday evening about 9ish looking for another couple to play with...hope you can make it.R and J
Thinking of trying the chase one afternoon this week,know its been dead for a while but can we let it lie down and die....
Yes and the press didnt help,dont know what they were trying to proove,at the end of the day publicity good or bad can actually promote what they are frowning on,problem is it promotes it to the wrong people,lets face it the Chase is one we should have a dedicated government approved dogging sites......strictly members only...ah dreams
Went to a well known Cheshire Dogging site last night,the one where the toilets got burnt down,and was amazed at the idiots that seem to be multiplying all the drive up and down all night long,shine headlamps into parked cars,worse still sit with all lamps full on,and then they wonder why the couples dont bother to use the place much any more..Last night they were on the go till into the early hours,and the couples that did turn up soon using common sense guys and make it a lot better forall those genuine doggers that do abide by yhre rules,unwritten as they may be......
send you one of my dog,thats a nice photo
depends what you are looking very open at the moment during the day,and is always busy due to the mobile cafe,lots of HGV the toilets burnt down the field at the bottom is the meet place for gays and bis,but a fair police presence lately,due no doubt to all the adverse publicity,pm me for more details.....rjay
as you say lots of nice weather does seem a shame,maybe just watch me cum can pm me and let me know those quite places,in the meantime just be very careful at the moment..
recently visited and were lots of visits by both rangers and the the recent publicity alarmed some dog walkers who did not fully realise why many of the cars were there...it seems it may be a good idea to change venues for a while,what with the police becoming involved some one will no doubt be made an example of...maybe I am over reacting but an early warning......
I would also love to meet you,how about fixing a meet for this weekend,very genuine considerate bi-male ....see you soon maybe....rjay.
any couples thinking of celebrating in style in the cheshire area would love to be invited in any way whatsoever.....dedicated dogger
so the local dickheads are still active it seems....one day soon.......
I have found the site very good,also had no trouble with my pms but reading down the line its obvious that that all pms are not answered and that was where I was coming from re new members getting a meet,anyway best of luck maybe we'll meet one day,somewhere over the rainbow.....as it where.....rjay
dont suppose anyone is out in staffs tonight are they,its a cracking day and next week we could be deep in snow,give it a thought and let me know,heres hoping rjay
they had a large penis on top of their heads.
if a new member does want to meet can anyone explain to them how he,she or they can contact people,not everyone has the decency to reply to pms even if you know them,so it is difficult and it seems that the well known trouble spot in staffs is the cause of much trouble,it does not seem so bad anywhere else,I have heard a rumour that the boy racers may get an unpleasant visit shortly,say no
you need a capture card and then the images can be compressed and put onto vcd or similar,its easy really...
about time we put this one to bed
i will be there wed see what transpires,tried to contact one or two no reply as yet rjay
ok so if it was not bad tonight,although you did not say at what time,assume about 9ish how about a meet on the chase sometime, anyone up for a genuine
further to all that has been written lately,and some of the so called meets that some of us think were put on to cause trouble,has anyone any ideas to get a new venue that we can pm each other on and cut out the like to meet wed,rjay
we all have a right to our opinions blade,you are right I should have been a little clearer in my want,ie on the type of people to meet,anyway thanks for the opinion and once again no offence taken....rjay
I certainly am not taking offence,I would add that I am only a watcher,having no female to accompany me,however I do abide by all the rules written or otherwise.I have been invited to join in and participate at times,but this is not expected,it is treated as a sound very nice and sensible,but if you are a new 'dogger' be wary and always play it safe,my best wishes rjay
seems a shame,but we need a new place,i'm out midweek,anyone with any ideas can contact heard much from jack and vera on the subject...
anyone out for a genuine meet in staffs or cheshie mid do not give specific locations.
Any genuine meets Wednesday or Thursday,staffs or Cheshire area.
ansons is poor now,we travelled 20 miles to a meet last week,and guess what,the dickheads were out and all the gen guys and gals vanished,went to aspen but it was more like a lake than a car to many are too specific,why cant we just talk to each other about the meet place and time and not make it so public,maybe then one or two more will be prepared to wasted night sat will 2nite be the same,I shant bother
have only ever seen the police arrive in marked cars,and unfortunatly some do expect to join in as a divine to talk to people on here and you should meet the right ones,learn who knows who and what cars and couples to expect,if a single lady lock your doors and dont open windows unless you invite participation.
agee with what you to ansons wed night dickheads were driving round shining headlamps into every car,is it any wonder its getting they would come to our local,they would be going home in the dark....prats.
there are rules that should be should not expect to join in,some locations are good,some are full of dickheads who drive round and will sit with there headlights on those will only learn by experience you do not say if you are male or can email me for any info you