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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49
0 miles · Oxfordshire


brian and jill if you out again soon and fancy linking up let me know im west oxon based happy 2007 xxx
well you can look at this in a negative way or you could look at it in a more positive way it may open up the daytime dogging scene as ...they say as one door closes another opens after all there is safety eliment in a dark carpark would you agree?it might brighten things up a bit and bring out the fun sunday afternoon dwellers hopefully fingers crossed happy swinging in 2007 lets make it a good one for dogging folks biggrin
i love watching i have done your area on the look out but never got chance to see much
well there are several factors which go against you as asingle guy which ive learned you have to remeber the numbers of guys on here plently to choose from plus you have to have right attitude and your location helps
so does your age your if your over 35 thats abonus in north east more couples want guys in the north east and west than than anywheere else so you just have to put in the time and go to some of the parties etc get to know people i think is the best way
ive been using this site since it started and only met a hand full of poeple
from this site but then ive not attended the parties so unless you go to the parties etc you not giving yourself a chance
goodluck in your search biggrin
well yes there is but its very hit and miss and thats in the summer time
my advise is head further to the west midlands biggrin goodluck
well ive been in search of a mature lady or ladies for a while there doesnt seem to be that many in the age group over 55 which i prefer but i live in hope biggrin you cant give up looking can you
this is one of the reasons i stopped going dogging being a single guy on my own i felt
rather uncomfortable about getting out of my car specially when there are guys lerking about and just when you found a nice cpl quiet end of the car park you park up a little distance away
then some guys come along a spoil it on the other hand if i see guys around a car i tend i keep my distance and see what unfolds or just drive away guy do seem to not be subtle i think thats what killed dogging off for cpls but im sure some would disagree including the boyracers flashing there spotlights at the cars to see whats going on inside rolleyes
ive not spoken to you before but i have seen your names in the room sorry to here about your loss my deepest sythpathy to you and your family i wish you all the best for the future i hope its a good one takecare
rob xxx
hello mikeann nice to see another local cpl out and abot dont supoosed i could interest you in a single chap me surprised keep your bits covered jack frost is about takecare happy swinging
sorry to here to having probs bex hun i would love to be your loveslave but you not dom i guess shame never mind if you fancy another sub let me know lol takecare merry xmas
hi there tra lee very warm welcome to swinginging heaven where in uk you based?
im 30 and 5ft8 but i dont think 5ft8 is tall rather on the shortarse side of things thought you ladies prefered men over 6ft lol times must be changing for the good better for me thats for sure biggrin
i certainly am into the older lady but one finding one is rather more of a challenge than i thought doesnt seem to be many in that age bracket thou i know they do excist lol well see what xmas and the newyear brings fingers crossed
all this single girl in car stuff got me horny lol must say it donmt sound to safe think you need to be in a big car then u can run over them if things get out of handstill dogging in the daytime sounds a great idea thoui ive yet to find any any advice ...
i think it a combination of 3 things really one is the weather 2 is far to many idiots and carparks being closed at night police patrols but then again it dont seem you bother you lot up in the far regions of the north maybe its just us southernersl being wimps thing the idea of steamie windows great but must get better csr heater system if i venture up there happy swinging drive carefully and of course merry crimbo to you xxxxx
emma what does the T stand for in your name is it an aspect of your gender?