wasnt the banquet the medievil one where most went in period dress?
Has anyone ever thought of organising a black tie dress code and sitdown meal kind of munch?
Reason i ask is that i for one love getting dressed up in black tie attire and enjoying a night out, it makes the whole night seem more special somehow.
Just a thought as to see whether it may be worth taking this theme further?
I appreciate it may add a little more cost to the night it if you need to hire a tux / ballgown but i feel it is well worth the extra cost when it comes down to the night.
there are many tux's available in charity shops would you beleive and often a profit can be obtained once your done with it by seling it on fleabay too :shock:
For my last milestone birthday i had a blacktie doo at a fairly local hotel and they did not charge room hire and the drinks were fairly priced and for about £40 per head we all got as pissed as we wanted to and had a good laugh to boot.
Only downside is that you needed to pre-order the food 2-3 days in advance so number swould need to be finalised before the munch actually happened.
Just testing the water............
Fair play, it seems she may have aleg to stand on after all.
You seem to have quoted me before i said anything :shock:
Best off posting thiat in the 'lets meet up' section i would have thought?
Where you from would be a good start!
you sure it wasn't a tiger avon!
The first step to overcoming anything YOU wish to is realising that YOU dont want to be how YOU are.
If you are a gambler, dieter, spendaholic, or even a compulsive wanker, the first step to stopping what you feel is a problem is realising that very fact that you DO have a problem.
I have the same problem although im not running firefox.
Im running a slightly older version of internet Explorer called
kronenberg 1664
Sorry i cant be of any help xx
Thanks Neil,
Might give it atry once im sober!
Is it easy peasy to remove if i dont like it and return to bogy standard IE?
Never used firefox,
Is it worth a try?
Where can i get it from?
Ta x
You cant 'police' couples legitimacy all you can do is sign in a male and female at the same time.
I agree that club owers are businessmen and unless the single me stop turning up, the prices will stay the same, its a fact of business life
There is a prescription medicne that will make you physically sick should you consume alcohol.
A family friend of mine died last year having begun a recovery from alcoholism.
He has been 'dry' for 2 months and had a massive heart attack whilst in the van with his workmate at the wheel.
no one knew he had died until the driver pulled up at his house and he never woke up to get out.
his wife came out to see what was going on and was greeted with her husband falling out the passengers door onto the road.
A truely horrible situation to be part of.
It was alcohol that took his life........ I now unerstand what alcoholism is about about and i will never call anyone a pisshead again.
Any help your friend can get is well worth it. My family friend was fortunate enough to have enough money to go private and visit a hospital that he paid £500 to have an implant that would make him sick if he consumed over a certain amount of alcohol.
I only recently got to know the 'real him' and now he has gone :cry:
Im liking it too,
new is good in my book when its been uunchanged for so long
Im straight but again would not be put off playing when there is a Bi male involved so long as it was not with me.
therefor im also bi...friendly.
There seems to be 3 camps (excuse the punn!)
Bi friendly
and no way hosay