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1 month ago
Straight Male, 67
0 miles · Sheffield


Any couples or females out and about Friday or Saturday who would like to meet up with an old fashioned, polite dogger for a bit of fun?
Divorced male has house with no children Friday night. Any couple (or single female, oh yeah very likely) fancy meeting up for a bottle of wine, beer and a laugh. Very easygoing; happy to watch or join in, you call the tune.
Hi everyone. An interesting thread. Just thought I'd add my two penneth since, although you couples are always in charge, fair enough, there are different points of view and it might be enlightening to understand a bloke perspective. The problem is that not all couples have a uniform approach, after all there are no "rules".
If a single bloke goes somewhere and its busy, its easy, or is it. Some couples like a free for all, others only like one bloke at once.
If theres only a couple there, are they dogging, or wanting somewhere private to themselves. Some couples respond to a signal, interior light etc, others dont.
If a couple start making out in a car parkwith a bloke there who is not dogging,its unlikely a bloke will complain, even if he's not interested. A couple who feel they are being spied on when they went to be alone are likely to get upset, so a single bloke has to be careful
Some couples like you to go straight over and are critical if you dont show you are keen and drive off promptly. Others regard it as rude to bound out of the car before its stopped.
I dont like chatting much. Half the fun is being impersonal and I can chat in the pub, but others again think its rude to wander over and expect instant action.
These are not grouses but genuine dilemmas that a single bloke has!!
Anyway take care everyone and have fun
Well done Mods. Within 30 seconds of my previous post you cleaned up the earlier post. 8 minutes. Not bad, but 16 times longer than I take to do some things!!!
There go two more locations, soon to be overun by boy racers, chavs and the local constabulary, unless a moderator comes along soon and cleans up. Why not pm rather than broadcast to all and sundry?
Sorry I am too far away, but good luck and hope you have a great time . Happy New Year!!
Has to be said it wasn't a particularly helpful response Northeast couple...... but it made me laugh, so you achieved your objective. Lighten up everyone, we all set ourselves up occasionally. I referred to a lady in a chat room the other night as an english rose and someone responded "you should know, you must be a little prick"." Bugger, let myself in for that one" I thought. Then 2nd thought was "How does he know, I haven't left my cam on have I?" Then I remembered I dont own a cam so, hats off to the guy, he's obviously got esp ...not!
Just a warning for shffield folk. Monday saw me heading along the long road that leads nowhere in S Sheff. I hope those who know it will recognise where I mean without broadcasting it to those who do not. Ignored car in car park in the dip, thinking I'd check the end and the other car park first. Going up, passed marked car coming down. Oops bugger that my number going through PNC I thought. Went to car park and, having decided not to stay, waited a few mins to allow police car to clear the area. Set off back down only to pass police car coming back up. Passed car park in the dip, same car still there, was it a police car as it didnt seem to have be "bothered". Turned off main road and went up hill. Police car must have spun round because, as I went up, it shot passed the junction where I had just turned off. It must have spun around again as the next minute it had come behind me and it then followed me about 3 miles into suburbs before I turned off again and it didnt follow me. I thought they were going to follow me home and was just debating whether to invite them in for a cuppa since they seemed to have no inclination to do any proper policing. As everyone who knows the place knows, you pass about three houses in the last mile and the nearest is 1/2 mile from the car park.
The Sheffield Star headline that day was about a shooting in the same police district, and another area where the Chavs have taken over a suburb so no one can go out at night and 30 cars got damaged in one night. The police will certainly get that lot sorted out by patrolling deserted picnic spots, trying desperately to find behaviour that they can then claim caused them harassment alarm or distress. Is it me or has the world gone f.....g mad!!!!??
Anyway, rant over, but take car people. Mr easily offended of HQ is about!
I'm not sure the idea of complaining to the police is a good one, although we all know what the situation is. Strictly, if you are driving or in charge of a car, they have the right to stop you to check your docoments or issue a "producer". I know someone who was given a ticket for having a faulty light. When he pointed out that the police car also had a light out, and suggested they call it quits, the ticket was not withdrawn. He wrote a letter of complaint and subsequently got stopped about 6 times further by different PCs over the next few weeks. He complained about this but was told it was just coincidence and his bad luck that different officers had stopped him and that it would only be harassment if the same Pc had stopped him repeatedly!
I think the better approach, if asked what you are doing at a certain place is to politely avoid answering by asking if the Pcs suspect you to be committing an offence and, if so, what. Then take the producer politely on the chin.
Ther overall moral here is that which has been said many times before. We must ensure that our activities do not give any cause for complaint, even by Mr Sad Sexstarved of Surrey (sorry no insult to you good Surrey people, just finishing off the alliteration!).
With ASBOs being issued for all manner of behaviour that "the authorities" disapprove of, and more than 2 kids being unable to meet on the streets because Plod has decreed a dispersal order in the area, I do worry that ABOS could be viewed as a way of getting at us if we are too "in your face", noisy, littering etc. And Plod would love it. Hours spent in warm cars followed by interviews with nice people and hours more preparing reports, statements etc. Think how many muggers you could avoid having to tackle whilst talking to a civilised dogger instead.
So, take care, be sensible and think about those who may follow where you have been.
Cautionary tale well told Harry! Glad you're okay and that the beer calmed you down sufficiently to write about it.
Actually I had a not disimilar experience a few weeks ago. Popped into a car park in the countryside a few miles from town. Not been there before but it looked a likely sort of spot. No one they but thought I'd wait a while. 5 minutes later, joy oh joy, car with couple pulled in. They could not have failed to see my car and they parked 30 yards away. I flashed my interior light. No response, but then I spoke to an experienced couple recently who said they don't bother with signals, so I think "I'll wait and see what happens". They light up, so I do too. After all anyone who knows what its like to drop lit fag whilst driving will know you wouldn't want to drop one on your exposed bitsso they obviously not geting straight down to it. The interior light then comes on as they are smoking. Oh good. They finish their fags and I finish mine. I then get out of my car (the courtesy light on the drivers door does not work). I'm halfway towards them as the car guns to life and leaves, catching me in its lights doing a commando crawl across the car park (well it might have looked like that as I'm only 5'6" tall). "Bugger" I think and return to my car to debate plan B, scaring the wits out of someone else, or plan c, another night of self-dating! About 2 minutes later, the same car returns and stops in the entrance to the car park, effectively blocking it for about half a minute before entering again. As it traverses the car park towards me I'm thinking, is this the "Sorry mate, didnt realise you were one of us, here's my partner, help yourself" scenario or the "Have this spanner in your head you dirty perv" scenario. Given my limited stature (not reflected anywhere else you understand although, by now it was imitating a slug hibernating in the furthest recesses of my boxers) and the fact that the only black belt I have ever possessed went missing from my wardrobe yonks ago, I drove off. I was then followed back into town and down quite a few sidestreets before a series of crafty stunts threw them off (I always knew watching James Bond chases would pay dividends one day). I did actually think of parking up on a mates drive, ringing the doorbell and then diving over his back fence as he is a big bugger!.
Anyway it just goes to show, its not just the streets that are mean, the car parks can be somewhat unpredictable too!
And finally, with the optimism only shown by single male doggers, I still reflect "What if they only wanted some fun. She looked georgeous, and how much can a spanner really hurt".
Hi folks. Thanks for the responses and kind comments regarding my earlier humble contribution. I thought I was simply talking common sense but, then again, it seems that some, principally male, doggers lack a certain amount of that. It was not my intention to usurp Uncle Dirty (respect to someone who obviously commands respect from people who have been around a lot longer than me). Happy to give him a run for his money on occasions!! Finally, apologies to Chaotic Spirit, for the fact that her request for a meet got hijacked. It was the sensible comments of Stuartrossy that caused me to post, so blame him! Would have loved to see Chaotic entertain if I had been free. Perhaps another time ???!!!
Quite agree. Us single males have to understand that what the ladies want to do, and how much, is a matter for them. Its not for us to try to impose, let alone intimidate. Most of us are grateful that there are still some good sports around, who are prepared to share the fun. Turning up alone in a remote spot is quite intimidating for a single bloke. A single lady, or even one with her partner, has to have guts to take part in a pastime that, by definition, occurs in remote spots. The few who are badly behaved and inconsiderate are, as always, risking the fun of the majority by spooking the ladies and upsetting local residents with noise and debris left behind. If you're in that category, put up, shut up and clear up or stay outside the local offy!
Not sure whether this is the right place to post this or whether there is really any point. Nevertheless thanks to the couple at a well known site last night near Worksop. If you read this you will know who you are, even if I dont!
For more public consumption and to explain, I am a relative newbie at this dogging business. Have been to popular site near Nottingham a couple of times and enjoyed it although its a bit like Hyde Park corner at rush hour. Been trying to branch out more locally but without any success in S Yorks area; not sure if been doing anything wrong as several times pulled into car parks in N Derbys, seen a car, parked a discreet distance away, and flashed interior light, only for car to drive away (possibly just courting couples?). Anyway last night happened to be passing Worksop so called at site. A car parked up. Another point, do you lot eat loads of carrots? When I was at Nottingham, people seemed able to discern the identity of occupants of cars as soon as they appeared whereas I, trying to be considerate where I aim car lights, have difficulty working out how many people are in any car and what sex. Anyway pulled up a little way from car last night, flashed with the interior light and, bingo, flash back. Got out and approached with some trepidation. Very friendly couple, take pity on obvious novice, chat briefly. Georgeous blonde, slim, boots and leather skirt (mmm). Put on a bit of a show whilst inviting me to wank, in which she lent a hand and finished the job off and, after wiping down the outside of their passenger door, thanked them, bade them goodnight and left. Just as I always hoped the experience would be. Needless to say, went to work with a rare smile on my face for a Monday!!!
Hope you guys don't mind me sharing the experience. Probably pretty mundane for most of you!!
PS if anyone prepared to help with sites around Sheffield, would be grateful. Pm me. Thanks.