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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 58


Quote by thornback
Big Thank You Try for a fantastic night xxx would also like to give a Big Thank You to P Winks for coming back and picking us up xxxxx bless you father lol xxxx

mrs thorn you made my night :mrgreen: and yes thank you Paul xxx
Thank you Try and mrs Try for another great evening, it's always good to have a giggle and a boogie with friends
Sandy xx
your beauty is a colour surround
miss jiggle tits certified @ tyracer
Sorry to hear you have gone Jack, it was always nice to have a chat at the socials with you, good luck and be well if you decide to stay away :cry:
Quote by limousinguy2012
Today i shall be enjoying the last day of a well deserved break and as its a bank holiday weekend, no work till Monday:bounce:

hello you, i miss you wave
ohhh just turned the race on and there was a terrible crash, I can imagine a few might be pulling out after that

Quote by _loz_
Think this could do with a bump :bounce:
Last one was brill fun smile shame on you if you miss out.

I have already sorted my costume :bounce:
Can I be added too Try please, someone has to keep an eye on Warks now i have unleashed him on the dancefloor :grin:
Quote by nyslupabrick
Any time big lad. Them moves were worth a hangover all day long ?

You two had quite a bromance going on
Thank you mr and mrs Try for a great evening, like Mav said there may not have been many but us die hards know how to dance the night away in the best possible taste
Quote by SinSi
Only if they swallow! If you end up shooting over their chin, up their nose, in their eyes and hair then drip down over their breasticles it doesn't count apparently!

Not the hair Si, never the hair :eeek:
I don't really do social meets, I suppose its because it takes me ages and lots of chatting to make sure I want to meet that person, I do have a safe person I can contact if it is a new meet
Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all and lots of Christmas snogs to all you lovely people I know and maybe some I have yet to meet wink
Kashmir - Led Zeppelin is the top if my list and don't we know it wink
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin comes a close second
Everlong - Foo Fighters is more of a make love to me song but its a win/win :twisted:
Hi Gorgeously, unfortunately myself and Chish cannot attend so can you please take us off the list, hope you all have a great time wink
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Blimey gagmaster, you have moved on a bit, I wink remember the days you just wanted them to drink cooking oil or a nice bit of Castrol GTX lol

them was the days when Brucie liked to haunt the forums also :doh:
Dear old Brucie, I wondered what happened to him :wink:
Blimey gagmaster, you have moved on a bit, I wink remember the days you just wanted them to drink cooking oil or a nice bit of Castrol GTX lol
Quote by bandido63
I often wonder how shocked/surprised/embarrassed we all might be if we could see our own face when in the throes of ecstacy. lol

I have been described as a "porn star face x 10" not sure if that's good or bad :twisted:
I have them, sometimes with a certain well endowed friend the feeling never goes an they just roll from one to another, most enjoyable wink
I don't have a "type" so I find all sorts of people attractive for different reasons, some its body shape, tattoos, personality, great sense of humour, naughty twinkle in the eye, lips you just want to kiss over and over wink
I suppose some of my greatest turn offs have been unkempt body hair, no sense of humour, and ultimately just no spark of interest to meet them :sad:
There was a lady called Sandy, she was always rather randy, she found a man to do what he can and boy it came in handy :twisted: wink
Quote by the_magik_s
I also rubbed my willy on my bosses mouse once when he wasn't at his desk. innocent

What flavour was it wink
Sorry all but I have to cancel as my sons gf is now having a BBQ for her bday, I was looking forward to dancing all night too
Quote by limousinguy2012
I cant wait, I am so so sooooooooo excited that it starts tomorrow, really wish I could get to watch a stage live I the flesh but the next best thing is getting full coverage on the tv, not to mention Carlton and Shaun blubbering on and to each other for hours lol

I'll send you some pics Sandy, i'm off to watch the penultimate stage, the time trial from Bergerac to Perigeux. wink
Well that's very kind of you lim, just get a good one of Chris Froome and Mr Cavendish for me :wink:
I'll do me best Sandy, might be a bit crowded though :lol:
Atleast with time trials the riders are strung out so you can get a good view of them, I am well jell :sad:
Forget about he Cav pics limo, he`s only gone and ruined it for himself :sad:
Ermmm forget about Froomey too, he broke everything he has I think :sad:
Not sure its worth going now lol ....i'll see how things develop.
I think its best if I don't mention anymore riders just for their safety :sad:
Quote by sandybeach1
I cant wait, I am so so sooooooooo excited that it starts tomorrow, really wish I could get to watch a stage live I the flesh but the next best thing is getting full coverage on the tv, not to mention Carlton and Shaun blubbering on and to each other for hours lol

I'll send you some pics Sandy, i'm off to watch the penultimate stage, the time trial from Bergerac to Perigeux. wink
Well that's very kind of you lim, just get a good one of Chris Froome and Mr Cavendish for me :wink:
I'll do me best Sandy, might be a bit crowded though :lol:
Atleast with time trials the riders are strung out so you can get a good view of them, I am well jell :sad:
Forget about he Cav pics limo, he`s only gone and ruined it for himself :sad:
Ermmm forget about Froomey too, he broke everything he has I think :sad:
Quote by tyracer
get that shoulder taped up and get back in the race cavendish you pussy!!!

He wanted to but they wouldn't let him :sad:
did le mans with dislocated shoulder and broken ankle.
if he wants to ride let him!!!
Ohhh you are a beast :twisted: